Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Monday, 27 December 2010
Positive thinking
Right, I'm in my room right now, comfy and nice hehe. With the fact that I just took a bath, so I'm feeling all comfy and set to blog! How lovely uh. My new room is like my new "crib" right now. You know like those MTV My Cribs thing haha, just minus the luxurious and rich and expensive stuff. Even though my room is small, I think it's comfy enough to make me feel homy.
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence Cover
Merry Christmas 2010! :)
Oh well well, it's another Christmas.... But still...
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Right, today I was so happy when I woke up! Cause it was sunny, and there are patches of blue skies here and there... So yep.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Clean up
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Tang Yuan
Monday, 20 December 2010
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Going home
So anyway, I'll be going back tomorrow~ Yay, gonna enjoy the year end+Christmas back in my hometown. I have never left my hometown during new year, cause I like it. It is one of the times when my family will come gather together (even though not everyone), and yeah like the mood there. Plus I'm sort of holiday-deprived. Whew!
Friday, 17 December 2010
Right, I just had an awesome dinner (or supper for me) with Jeslyn and Neal. Met Victor, Jeremy Yeo and Ang, Daniel and gang as well! Haha. What a co-incidence. Anyway yeah, sorry for not joining you guys, you could have asked me earlier :O Cause we planned to meet together long time ago (last week) so yeah, I hope you guys understand.
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
BAND-tastic! :)
Monday, 13 December 2010
Cause it's music

Right.. It's been such a long time since I blogged. Well pretty "busy" these days haha. Or I'm just oo lazy or tired to blog. So anyway, I am having band camp for the next three days now! Umm next two I guess, since the first day is over. And my sis had just went back on Saturday. So she'll be back on Sunday, while I'm going back on Sunday! :)
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Cause it's freedom
Right, today was an awesome day! Went to East Coast Park with Bobby, Syazwan, Michelle, Vivian, Hari and Zaki to cycle around. So well in the first place, I wanted to give this one a miss because there's quite a few people not going. But well still decide to go, and I know I'm not making a mistake. Today was such an awesomly beautiful day. Both for the weather, and what we did.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Over! Once more
So yay! Finally, the final MST of this year is over hehe. So done, no more studying etc! But oh well, I still have work to do during the holiday. I don't like short holidays, cause my holiday will be taken away by all the work I have to do, oh well, what else can I do, it's poly life I suppose. But nevertheless, holiday is still a holiday and not school! Hee.
Monday, 6 December 2010
Mountain out of a grain of sand

Okay let me rant a bit first...
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Firwork Cover :D
Friday, 3 December 2010
Sigh, today the morning was a bit "disappointing". Not for the things that happened, everything went fine, not when I received my Cell Bio MST results. So well I scored a 72. Alright some of you may feel it's fine to get that, but well, I was hunting for an 80 but oh well. What else can I do. I'll just accept what happened, and move on. No point just crying over a downfall.
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Whew, such a long time since I posted again! Well... Due to some unforeseen circumstances, I was, sadly, not able to blog. And if I were to explain them here, this post will be like super long. Cause quite a few things that happened this week hehe. Anyway lets just talk about today eh.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Enjoying a cup of Starbucks' peppermint coffee latte now~ As I'm writing this. Come to think of it, I can seriously be RANDOM when it comes to giving my post titles. Like oh well, I seriously have nothing to do, and no thing to write. Plus there's nothing special that happened today so yep.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Oh wow it's about one more week to MST! Time really flies quickly, like quickly. Oh well, I'm quite freaked out for it honestly. Plus there's just so many things to do! From reports to tutorials, from studying to revising. The list somehow never stops. Well well.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Oh well it's 12:07 now, I'm supposed to be blogging like 2 hours ago but oh well, I didn't. Cause I was playing Breath of Fire 4!!! It's such an old school game I know but I love it! Totally brings back memories of my childhood as I played it again. I played BOF 3 last time, and so far it's my favourite. I played BOF 4 too but I still prefer BOF 3 but oh well, I love BOF!
Monday, 22 November 2010
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Today was not an ordinary Saturday hehe, cause usually I'll spend my Saturday slacking around in my house doing nothing but well today I went back to school to practice my clarinet with Fabian, Chris and Syazwan. Thanks Fabian for coming down to teach us :)
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Hmm anyway the title? Well discipline is like one of the most valuable things we have in life. It's easy to lose, difficult to gain, and even more difficult to maintain. Discipline is sort of what drives you in life. Without discipline, you won't be able to guide yourself in life. Anyway, so much for discipline, which I (or we) learnt today.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
With Heart and Voice
With Heart and Voice, I play With Heart and Voice. Okay lame but that's the truth actually! That's how we're supposed to play that song (I feel). But yep, I know it's a hard song, but I really like it. There's this happy and spirited feeling about the song. Especially the bar with the flute solo, which the brasses then come together into one lovely harmony.
Saturday, 13 November 2010

Rawr, my throat is not fine yet. Hmm I really don't know what to do anymore. Anyway I bought myself lemon, to make honey lemon, and even bought a pack of Chinese herbal tea. I guess it's time to take the sort of "natural way" instead of the... I don't know way :P
Friday, 12 November 2010
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Letter To The Future Me
Hello there how are you doing?
I hope you’re fine, and still as kicking!
I know life is hard and tough
It isn’t smooth, it’s pretty much rough
But promise me, you won’t give up alright?
Anyway as I’m writing this, I’m still in poly
Caught in the world of cell biology
Which totally never fails to interest me!
Do you remember? The awesome golgy body?
And your favourite bacillus?
Life can be tough at times these days
With many things to juggle and hassle
An problems start coming from different ways
But I always tell myself not to give in
For I know life without problems ain’t challenging
I’m not sure what you are doing currently
Be it something you love, or you hate
Be sure to never give up and never surrender!
Never regret in the decisions you have made
And always hope that the sky will always be clearer
Remember you once told yourself?
To never regret the decisions you’ve made
Until you are gone, till you’re dead
For life is too short to be filled with regret
So why not fill it in with things you wish to get?
Remember the song Shining Light?
A song you love when you were in year one
When you are down, listen to it once more
And simply remind yourself that you’re a shining light
That shines brighter than the moonlit night
I really wonder what and where you are
as you’re reading this letter once more
Will you be somewhere near, or somewhere far?
But one thing that I am sure of
Is that you’ll cry as you read this simple letter
If there is a time machine in the future
Will you promise me to return here, to me?
As I am writing this letter, on my table
And answer the questions I asked, in this letter
So that you can give me my future’s picture?
That’s all for my letter now, I shall stop here
But be sure to remember to the promise you shall adhere
Remember what I’ve said in this letter about life
Never give up, strive harder!
Till we meet again, hopefully.
With Love
The old you