Photography by Yours Truly
This is by film! :D
Okay let me rant a bit first...
So I really hate it when my mornings are ruined by little matters, made humongous by others! It's like rawr. Okay here goes. I was in the bus, and since it was packed, I shifted more inside by just shifting left. ACCIDENTALLY, my bag rubbed against the fingers of a woman which were holding onto a railing. So I said sorry.... And she...
Stared at me angrily like as if I touched her (no offence) boobs!
I mean this is just little things, I didn't even make her fingers bleed or something like that, the impact is small, I didn't even PUSH my bag onto the railing, it's just my bag rubbing against it. Like as if... It's such a huge matter. Plus I said sorry. I seriously feel Singaporeans should chill out more... Alright unless she just had a bad morning, then I'm find with her angry but still...
I think she shouldn't make it a "WOW" deal you know :/
Anyway today's microbio paper was alright, quite manageable except for some wrong parts here and there, oh well. And I was almost late, I woke up at 9.30, which I'm supposed to wake up at 9. But thankfully the busses came quite early so yeah. And something weird happened... While I fell asleep from 8.45 - 9.30.
I dreamt that I was somewhere in Clementi (huh) and Kai Xuan, Candy, Alexis came to me and told me we're late. So alright, I rushed to pack my stuff and we went to school. The weird thing is that we took a bus that is AWAY from school! And yeah we panicked and stuff. The weird thing is that in the dream, my body seems to tell me that "Hey you're late, wake up!"
And of course I woke up being shocked.
Wanted to stay back in school to study but turned out no one was staying back so well, I went home. Lunched with Syazwan, Liz and Niv first. I am happy hehe, cause I managed to finish doing two of my math papers, which I was feared of not even finishing one cause I'm rather tired and slacky. Oh well dan dan dan hehe.
Alrighty I guess that's all for today. What an interesting today is, anyway like even though my morning was sort of ruined, I'm quite happy with Microbio hehe. Right, Math and Chem tonight I suppose! :)
Argghh Sigur Ros songs are so.... Eternal
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