Photography by Yours Truly
The food for my soul.
Right.. It's been such a long time since I blogged. Well pretty "busy" these days haha. Or I'm just oo lazy or tired to blog. So anyway, I am having band camp for the next three days now! Umm next two I guess, since the first day is over. And my sis had just went back on Saturday. So she'll be back on Sunday, while I'm going back on Sunday! :)
And dang, she accidentally brought my headphone with her :O
You see... This goes how much music means to me in life. Last night I spent quite some time to search for an earpiece! Turned out most of the earpiece in my room are either spoiled, in horrible condition, or cannot be used at all. Thankfully I found one on my sis' table, and it's working fine :) Hmm I may be looking for a cheap ear piece in the coming days...
I can't imagine a music less plane ride on Sunday! :P
Anyway band was alright today. The morning is a bit harsh... Cause I thought band starts at 9, which it actually starts at 10. So I woke up at 7, and... Found out that band started at 10. So I fell asleep again haha, until about 8.45. Breakfast-ed and left for band! I think band is alright, managed to go through some tough parts, and yeah.
Reminded me of SYF days, tiringly-fun :)
I don't know why but there's this thing about Sunday nights. I just, can't, sleep. Sometimes now matter how tired I am, my eyes can't just seem to "poof" and sleep. That's why I ended up sleeping late. But well, I know I'm going to get a good night sleep :)
And I'll be missing band from 1 - 4 cause I have a Nikon Bioimaging Centre study trip! And I totally forgot that it actually clashed with band, until I saw Miss Joanne's email. Anyway I'm glad that I'm selected for it, it will be a good experience I suppose. And it will give me a good insight on a researcher's life. Yum.
Not sure what we'll be doing but... Imaging = microscopes I think. Weee I love microscopes haha, my tiny little cute bacteria! :)
Alrighty I wanna bathe, and... Not sure what I'll be doing tonight heh, start on some of my assignments I suppose? Anyway, see ya!
Cause it's music. It's pure pleasure.
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