Wee, Lomo at SP
Lomography by Yours Truly
Oh yeah finally done with ICA too!
FISH! I think I just screwed my CRS test... Oh God, and worst thing is that it is my CA1! Hopefully I can manage to get a B/B+ at least, or better, an A and above! Whew, I'm just being hopeful. Hopefully Ms Au won't be thaaaaaaat strict.
Anyway why I screwed it? I feel that I kept on going aroudn in circels, AKA I didn't go straight to the point. Classic-freaked-out-me. And secondly I didn't say one major important point, oh shit. And I didn't show her another chart in which it is quite major as well. Flower!
Alright enough of my test. Let me talk about what happened yesterday and Saturday.
Oh yes I'm finally done with my student pass as well! It's quite irritating though, long story, and I got fined as well, how awesome. And it's freaking long! Raaarrr
On Saturday...
I went to Annabel's concert, Aurora Cantabile, with Brenda, Sharon and Cheryl. It was an awesome concert! Well it's a combined concert of the Guzheng, Chinese Orchestra and Choir.
The Guzheng performance gave me a better perspective to the instrument I feel. I realise how nice it can be heard in such a grandeur councert hall. Kudos to Annabel's duet with her friend, and a soloist. The choir performance, blew me away totally. I mean it's so nice... The harmony, the melody, dynamics and articulation was awesome. Totally impressed.
Last but not least was the CO. It's been like a long time since I watched a live CO performance, and yes I was blown away too. I love the song Qing Hua Ci, which is a song by Jay Chou but CO style, and memory of the youth. A very nice song! I wish I can get my hands on them.
And after the concert went out with Brenda and Cheryl. Sharon had to go for Mother's day dinner. So we went to Raffles City to have dinner, followed by doughnuts session at Jco. Very nice and fun, so many things we cathced up with. Ahhh those good old times.
And yesterday, I went to run with Victor Goh! It was a random event, I just asked him whether he wants to run with me and.. Tadah! And the funny thing is we met Jesher while we ran. So we ran together. Vic and me ran a total of 4 KM. Jesher ran extra I think. After running we went to Ghim Moh and we sat down and slack. Reminiscement, again.
We went to our own ways and I walked back home from the running track. Since it was getting dark, I was a little bit scared (cause the running track was quite secluded). So what did I do? I went to run the whole track again haha. Meaning I ran another 1km so... 5 Km total yesterday.
Alright that's all for these three days. Won't be blogging at night and that's why I blog now. Gonna be a long and tiring day, hopefully I have the stamina. Bonjournee!
Sigh, hope I can do well for the test.
PS: First time blogging in SP :)