Saturday, love it, hate it.
Lomography by Yours Truly
How can I not love the weekend?
Gosh yes it's not that it's hot nowadays (even though it's true) but more of that I'm feeling the heat of poly life! It's kicking in, sipping in like a poison slithering through your throat. Woooh, scary haha. But yeah,c an;t you guys feel the ehat of poly life now?
I personally feel that this week is the most toughest week so far in my poly life. It's only week three, and yeah. Pretty scary isn't it. Imagine if this is only the third week, imgine the fourth, and fifth, and sixth and more. Scary eh.
But as the saying goes, there's a will, there's a way :D
Today's Biochem practical was very nice. I love Dr Poi's way of teaching/explaining the practical cause somehow he made the class more "alive" and fun. Love it. Did chromatogram and Hydrolysis of caesin with sulphuric acid.
On the other hand,
Biochem lesson with Dr Elangovan was... Scary at first. Well we were late for 10 minutes because we were released late and we had to eat lunch. And then he didn't allow us to enter the classroom. I was a bit (??) cause he's such a nice person but somehow these two days he seemed "agitated". Well I don't know what happened and I don't wanna know why but in the end, the class was alright again.
Met Sharon at library to study first before meeting Jolene and Wei Lun. Yup today we had a 4E1 peeps @ SP gathering! But sadly Brenda couldn't come but no worries! We'll find a day to meet up again. After that headed to JP for dinner and movie.
We went to Old Town to eat, a nice place with nice food hehe. Jolene was very very spiced up with her nasi lemak's chilly, so funny haha. And we had a seriously bloody good time there! Laughed a lot, crapped a lot and talked a lot. Miss those days... :(
And we watched The Back Up Plan. I wouldn't say it's a ncie movie, pretty mundane in the beginning, I even fell asleep there. But as the movie goes on it is getting better and more funny. But overall it was just great. Not awesome.
Alright that's all for this nice ending to my pretty hectic week! Hope to have a good enjoyable weekend ahead, filled with more studying. Okay see ya people!
It's how you see it that matters. Not how is it.
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