I'm waiting for the day, where my despair will vanish into thin air
Lomography by Yours Truly
No, you don't understand me like how I understand myself. Sorry :)
Yawns. I'm really sleepy now. Looks like music is like a lullaby to me now. Which is both a good and bad thing. Good in a sense I can sleep earlier, bad in a sense I'll feel sleepy when studying, since I've been listening to music everytime I study.
Anyway today was an awesome day! We had our first basic immunology experiment and it was a memorable one. Why? Cause in my first Bimmun practica, I got my blood drawn! Haha, and I used it for the class to do experiment.
Syazwan, Alexis, Candy (times two!) and me were the volunteers for the blood. Bobby volunteered too but the needle hates him and somehow the blood can't just flow out. So yeah, sad case. But it's okay! We had fun. Pictures uploading in facebook soon.
We used the blood sample to basically see phagocytosis. Well we couldn't see it but we managed to see some cells like monocytes, lymphocytes and neuthrophylls. Really really an eye opener, since I've never done any of those things. And had a great time laughing with the people of my bench. Especially Syaz with his Hitler blood jokes haha.
The day went as per normal and yeah, I guess that's all. Let me talk about yesterday since I didnt blog last night. We had our first official-first-year band practice. It was nice, meeting with new people, with my fellow clarinettists. Made some friends like Syazwan (number two!), Jia Jun, Chris(?) and a few others. And Debra!! Hehe.
Played two new songs. One I was familiar but never play before, another I was familiar but never play before as well but... One of my favourite songs! Concert March Take Off. Whoa hehe. Really nice song there. Like finally, I'm playing those songs.
Anyway, I can't believe but... I just cried. Well not JUST cried. But I cried suddenly just now. Well perhaps it was the song that I'm listening to. And a few other reasons which I've been thinking since -that- moment. Long story, which I prefer to keep it shut :)
Alright then, wanna eat my cake! And talking about cake... Today, I stepped into Cedele, bought a slice of cake, paid the cashier, put my wallet inside, and walked away! I forgot the cake, totally. But the kind owner shouted and asked me to take the cake. Thanks owner haha.
A plus people! (It's an informal goodbye in French :P)
I'm looking for the things, that never change. Will I find it?
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