Rebirth. Time for a new term to start!
Photography by Yours Truly
Love this shot! Thus called it rebirth.
Well today was the first day of the new term! Um... Exciting maybe I'm not sure. But I sure hope I have a great, smooth and wonderful term ahead!
Anyway yesterday my flight was alright I suppose. It was kind of delaying though. I remember spending like about 20 - 30 minutes moving around the aiport before the plane touched off. Don't know what happened but yeah. The flight was okay though. The plane was really full though.
Today was alright I suppose. We have a new Math teacher that replaces Mrs Pearly. He's Mr Francis Cheng (correct spelling I suppose). He's what I called a "straightforward" teacher. I really miss Mrs Pearly's bubbliness in class.
Got our Immunology result. I got 36/45. Not what I expected but oh well, an A is good enough. Need to work harder next time! And Miss Joanne reminded us about having constant work throughout (that is not just excelling in tests and exams). So hopefully that will happen as well.
Went for the usual French Class. Got 73 or 74 for my test. Woohoo. And I'm sort of looking forward for the performance thingy. Got a nice French song to share with the class next week. It's Le Manege by Stanislas! Awesome song, awesome singer.
Wanted to skip band cause I was feeling tired. But halfway through the day I decided to go cause I felt alright and I think it's good to come and practise!!! Concert is about one month and a few days so time to buck up! I love the new song we played. Hitaka... By m favourite composer Satoshi Yagisawa :D
Alrighty that's all for today. Math Excel lab test tomorrow. Oh dear hopefully won't screw things up. See ya!
Cause we take a ride.
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