Wednesday, 23 June 2010


Well I'm just back from the little reunion I had with my primary school friends! Well not just back, been back quite a while ago. Well it was fun I suppose, seeing them again. And they are all so different from what they used to be like eight years ago.

Some grow taller and thinner. Some grow big size haha. Some changed only a little, others a lot. Nevertheless I really love to see them again. Been such a long time isn't it? Eight years is freaking long I know haha.

Anyway we met at the McDonald in my town. Walked to another mall, then to a hangout place but since it was full so we decided to go to one of my friend's house. Well I kind of love the fact that we walked along roads and stuff. It was pretty fun and thrilling.

Did lots of catching up too. Talked to most of them and they are all now going to university. How nice, I'm stuck in poly haha. But they are amazed with the fact that in Singapore, once can go to poly after secondary school cause here, we gotta go to "JC" first to go either uni or poly.

And well yeah that's all for the outing. After that we went off to our homes.

Anyway I kind of felt. Somehow. Awkward during the outing. I guess it must have been the fact that it's been a long long long time since we met. So I go my own ways, they go their own ways. So we are somehow "different". But anyway who cares. I just love the fact that we met up today :)

Righty, that's all for today. Really love today despite that tinge of awkwardness. I hope we can meet up more often. See ya all peeps

And also the fact that we're of different cultures

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