Thursday, 29 July 2010


Tangled up, confused.
Photography by Yours Truly
Sometimes I just want to straighten everything

Today was... Alright I think. Heh, guess you can tell I'm sort of moody from the first sentence. Leave alone, the tittle. Well yeah I'm baffled. Shall talk about that later on.

Today was alright I guess. Had my VIVA test for Bimmun. Not sure if I do well or not but I do know I left out some few points and missed out some stuff. Played the game ABC (?) with Rebekah, Candy and Lizzie. Bleah I suck at shooting balls. Been stuck all my life at the 3rd - 7th position all the time :/

Stopped playing for a while and get a drink. Some of the CLS people came and they started playing as well. I decided to head to the library instead. Cause I didn't bring an extra shirt and I don't wanna be sticky and sweaty. Haha sorry, and so please understand.

Anyway in the library, played some games with Syazwani, Nivedha, Ying Ting and Shahnaz. Ying ying joined us later. Was sort of reading my Biochem notes as well. Had a lot of fun with them haha. Been such a long time I played those boardgames.

Headed for Dr E lesson (which is more of a consultation though). This is when I have this "ting" feeling about something. It just happened so suddenly. Like somehow somewhat all that come into sense. I just can't help but to stop and think. It really sucks. It bothers me till anatomy lesson. Oh well. I just have to go on, and move on I guess.

And I'm a bit unhappy right now. Cause suddenly, there's band tomorrow. Like what? And worst part I was informed in like 10 PM. It's at night, I already planned my plans for tomorrow since Monday when I know that there is no band tomorrow and now? There's band. Sigh.

I guess this is what we have to live alongside with. This always happens when I was in Tanglin too. The sudden pop outs that something's gonna take place, and somehow somewhat everything is ruined. I hate it, like really. Why does this always happen?

Anyway I'm going to get a good break tonight. Thanks a lot, my plan tomorrow has been re-shifted totally. So I have my new plans now so I'm going to get a great break tonight. Don't think I'm such a complaining ass. I'm sure you know how I feel too.

We are all selfish in our own different ways. There is not way we can deny, it's life.

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