Photography by Yours Truly
Taken by my new 18-200mm Tamron lens! :D
Right, let me make a quick bloggy before I head off to continue with my studying!
Anyway I just had this weird bt nice supper I made. Strawberries with ham (rolled)! I know it sounds really weird but trust me, the taste is amazing. I feel that the sweetness and a little of its tartness compliment the ham really well. Lovely. Should try this more often.
And yesterday, I cooked this veal steak marinated with cherry! Eew? It's yum! Okay honestly I couldn't taste the cherry at all, so I decided to make this reduction of the marinade which is the juice of the cherry. Cook it with garlic and salt pepper. Not bad.
Haha alright enough of food.
Today was alright. Went to run again with Vic, Jesher and Nigel. Ran the same 5.5 km but this time round, we ran the 4 km non stop, round after round. Took 34 minutes. I wanna improve my timing :)
I headed home first cause I wanna prepare my CRS test so I walked back while the rest headed to get some drinks. I was walking the entire 1.5 km back. I feel it was great. It gave me the time to destress and relax, and to think about so many stuff. Should do this walking more often.
Got my new Tamron 18-200mm lens too! Well I was so happy to get it... BUT! I think something went inside my sensor in my camera! There's this black thing in my pictures and it's so irritating. I'm going to send it for repair :/ really can't believe this happens.
Anyway that's all for today I suppose. Going back to finish up my CRS stuff. Test tomorrow! All the best to me and the rest of DBS 1A02! See ya :D
Impossibility, is just a state of the mind - Taken from RD. I forgot who
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