The girls
And guys :D
Today was a fantastically tiring but awesomely wonderful day! Well but overall, it was a wonderful day. I love today totally, despite of the many (oops) workload I am having for next week, today was a bliss. I love it. Well nothing seriously beats the joy of going out with your friends, especially if you have not met them for a long time :)

Today was a fantastically tiring but awesomely wonderful day! Well but overall, it was a wonderful day. I love today totally, despite of the many (oops) workload I am having for next week, today was a bliss. I love it. Well nothing seriously beats the joy of going out with your friends, especially if you have not met them for a long time :)
Anyway so I met Cheryl at TSS first in the morning. So sorry for being late! I woke up late so yeah, wanted to leave my house at 7.30 but ended up waking at 7.30 so yeah. But anyway reached Tanglin, poor Cheryl for not being allowed to enter the school cause she's wearing slipper (I seriously feel it's such a ??? reason to not allow an alumni to enter).
Went up to meet the band peeps, it was really... Like re-living my memory of secondary school life. Walking through the canteen, waiting for the band to perform at the same spot in the hall (beside it). And more. Oh well. Wonderful times. Talked with Cheryl about lots of things while waiting. And then Chong Tuck, and the rest of the 4E1'09 (some) peeps came and we talked.
After the band performance, went up to band room to play the... Clarinet! Even though yes I played the flute back then but well I'm playing the clarinet now so yeah :P Helped out in the booth even though it was a while, and camwhore time! Hahaha. Plus I played the eupho with Cheryl! Haha it was so fun, pitching was hard though :P
To my dearest TSMB - I seriously feel all of you NEED to buck up. I am brutally honest here, 3 months to go for SYF and I don't think you are ready for it yet. A bronze is far from your grasp. And I tell you, this year's SYF gonna be tougher. If you want to get a bronze, you need to work harder. If you want a silver, you need more than hard work. It's possible, but it's gonna be tough.
Anyway some pictures...
2009 batch with Mrs Thia (those who went, Suyi left already :( gosh, it's been 2 years!)
Reunited with my Jacob de Haan - autographed La Storia score! :D
Ate lunch with Jolene, Kelvin, Wei Lun, Sharon and Federick at Ayer Rajah food market (Y). Fed and Kelvin went home to get changed, and we all headed to ECP with Nissa then. We went to cycle, while Ben went to skate (it was supposed to be Nissa but they swapped hehe). Went on the double bike with Jo then Sharon hehe.
After feeling "full" with cycling we went to Bugis for dinner and met Tacy there as well hehe. We ate at Victory restaurant. It's an Indian restaurant. I love the mutton briyani and murtabak as well hehe. Man, I had a mutton-licious day today! :P
And yeah that's all for the outing, we went back after that and yeah . It was a really fun and lovely day today. Thanks a lot guys! I hope you had as much joy as I had today as well :D
Hmm right I guess that's all for today. Sigh, how I wish everyday can be as wonderful as today. Alright see ya then! It's pretty sad that I'm going to send my girlfriend to hospital tomorrow T_T but nope. This, will never stop me in my photographic journey! I'll make sure she gets well, and we can make more love by shooting more pictures. :D
The moments in life, that are just too priceless to let go.
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