Photography by Yours Truly
In negative :P
Wee, I'm currently blogging outside my room now. It's rather awesome doing this cause the wind is breezy and it's pretty cooling out here. Perfect condition to cool my body down, after running! Yep I just had a run after a long time. Not sure why, but I just feel like running so yeah. Plus I bought a new pair of shoes as well heehee.
Anyway started running from my house there, I ran towards the back of Pandan Valley, went straight ahead and... Lost my way. I thought "the way" would lead to the "way" which I know. But turned out it was in some weird place haha. But I continued running down and found myself in Ghim Moh area. Ran some more and I found Buona Vista MRT!
So I knew I was heading for the right way cause I remember that I once ran with Victor and Jesher in that area. And I knew that the path would lead to this running track which I usually run with the two of them. So I continued running and found the track. And I ran the whole track (2 km). So a total of 4 km plus today! Sweet...
But my speed sort of deteriorates. Umm took myself about 18 minutes to run 2km. That's slow compared to last time, where I once ran like 14 minutes haha. Pardon me, I didn't exercise for a long time, and plus I had ran another 2 km earlier so yeah. But nevertheless, I'm not running for the sake of being the fastest. I run for the sake of exercising (and improving time of course).
Came up with a quote today, while running.
"Don't run for the sake of overtaking others. Run for the sake of overtaking yourself"
Cause while running I had this urge to like "I should overtake this guy/girl". But then I find it pointless to overtake them, get tired, and then they will overtake you again hahaha. So yeah why not just run to constantly overtake yourself?
Righty, it's been the 2nd week of 2011, and my resolution of exercising at least once a week is still going on. Yep, I'm telling myself to exercise at least once a week to keep myself fit. I wanna lose weight! Hehe. So yep... Lets hope this resolution will still continue till the end of 2011.
And as for today, it was just an ordinary Sunday I guess. Had lunch at Holland and went to Lim's Arts. It's a cool place there - pretty inspiring cause the things there are nice and cool. Did the usual grocery shopping and I bought myself a new pair of shoes! It's a Nike shoe and it costed $119. Ouch. I saw an Adidas shoe at the cost of $89 but the design is not to my liking.
Alright! That's all for today, it's an awesome day, cause I ran haha. What a weird reason. But I love the run today, cause the weather was awesome. So I'm loving it! See ya!
One more week to MD XXXIV!
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