Tuesday, 28 February 2012

30 day challenge

Okay I'm just looking for ways to colour up my holiday life, and to basically add more spice to my blog! So I've just remembered these blog challenges thingy haha. I was researching on some just now and came up with a few. Anyway I don't plan to just do one. There is some music challenges thing which is really fun also. I think I should mix and match both! :)

But I don't know how to choose the questions. I want to do all of them! Heh. Hmm... Okay I'll start with listing them first! I took some from this wordpress http://pebblesy.wordpress.com/2010/09/07/30-days-of-me-challenge/ And also from http://missycreative.wordpress.com/2011/09/21/30-day-blog-challenge-plus-all-30-questions/ which I'm just going to select from a few!

And for the music challenge I'm going to slot in a few randomly inside the 30 days hehe. It's taken from an FB page! :D

So... Here goes my finalised list:

Day 01 - The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 02 - a song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 03 - Something that you miss
Day 04 - a song that you wish you could play
Day 05 - a song from your childhood
Day 06 - One of your favourite TV shows
Day 07- A picture of you and your friends
Day 08- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 09- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 10 - a song that reminds you of somewhere
Day 11 - Your favourite comfort food and why
Day 12 - a song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 13 - If you had $1 000 000 to spend how would you spend it?
Day 14 - How have you changed for the past 2 years
Day 15- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 16 - a song that no one would expect you to love
Day 17 - Somewhere you'd like to move or visit
Day 18 - Your highs and lows this past year
Day 19 - a song that you can play on an instrument
Day 20 - a song during this time of the year
Day 21 - a song you want to play in your funeral
Day 22 - Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad 
Day 23- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one
Day 24 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality
Day 25- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 26 - Your earliest memory
Day 27 - Your favourite movie and what is it about
Day 28 - a song from your favorite band
Day 29 - a song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 30 - A picture of somewhere you’ve been to

Very long right! Haha. But with the fact that one, I won't be blogging everyday, two I'm in a long holiday and three, this is a very long list but here we go! Hehe. Anyway... So let's start from day one. A perfect way to start this challenge!

Day 01 -  The meaning behind your blog name

Hmm alright if you look on your right --> under the description box, you'll see my writing of : Life is a symphony we all compose. Of a thousand different movements, a line of a beautiful prose. It's actually an excerpt of a poem that I wrote and yeah. That's why I decided to use this name for my blog!

Well many people put life as different things. Some say is a flowing river, is a journey, is a race, is an adventure, is a bitch (haha) and more. But well I put it that life is a symphony! Like a symphony that's playing and playing till it reaches the end, or as we musicians call it, the double line. 

And like a symphony with different movements, so do our lives too right? Our lives consist of chapters. We start a new one, then close another, and it continues and so on and so forth. Like a movement of a song, we play a movement and then moves on to the next and so on as well. So life can be equated as a symphony right? There's logic in it eh hehe.

This blog had went through a movement of my life - my secondary school chapter. And it's now currently going through another movement that's ending soon - my polytechnic chapter. And then after my polytechnic movement, what else is coming in, I don't know. But as for sure - the symphony is still playing till I heaved my last breath on my death bed mwahaha.

And who wants an unfinished symphony right? So I know this sounds crazy and seemingly impossible but... My aim in life is to continue blogging till I die. I can't blog daily, make it at least once every three days or even once a week. I just want to continue and continue till this symphony ends. And of course, it'll be a passage where I can turn back and so on.

Right! That's my first day challenge. I hope it answers the question. Really excited about this blog challenge! Can't wait to answer and do all the 30 challenges hehe. Alright see ya then! Ciao! :)

Monday, 27 February 2012


 To think that Mt Kinabalu is twice the size of the volcano in my hometown
Makes me feel amazed, happy and weird at the same time

I can't say today was a good day. But I can say tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow's tomorrow will be a better day. And so on. Well... Yeah. Something happened today and well. That's why it wasn't a good day. But it's 15 minutes to the end of today and so, time flew and well. Goodbye bad day I guess. And hello to good day.

Whatever it is, today was awesome in the evening! Went to my dad's garden again and OMG can't believe it but I witness in my eyes that we were being surrounded by clouds! Or mists, or whatever you call it. But yeah it's just cool. And we were shrouded for like a few long minutes! And then in the blink of an eye, the mists were gone wow. Yes, they're gone!

And well near the garden, we have this roadside stall selling "ketan". Which in my lingo means glutinous rice. And it's served with this stir fried coconut with spices sugar salt and everything nice. The rice is grilled nicely and then we eat it with the coconut. With a banana leaf! Here' a photo :D

Looks yummy right! And it's served with banana leaf. Sometimes they're true when simple is delicious. Simple is nice. Yummy right?

Alright I have nothing much to say for today. Looking forward to better days, and I know they will! And here's to my holiday write-up #2


Holiday write-up #2 - Today I Say Goodbye To Happiness

Today I say goodbye to happiness
As I hope it'll find me tomorrow
Although my heart is filled with sorrow
It's also filled with hope that happiness will find me.

The next day happiness came to me
For a short while, and leave me again
My mind is filled with curiosity, my heart in pain
I don't understand why, it leaves me alone to be

The day after tomorrow, I sat alone
Looked up and see the eternal blue sky
Letting my mind wander to the unknown
But I never fail to wonder why

Why does happiness leave me again?

As I was alone, with only the wind with me
Happiness came and sit beside me, smiling
I looked at him, thinking how cunning he can be
Then he put his hand over my shoulder whispering

"You can't find me, and I won't come to you"
"But you create me, out of you"
And he left me once more, joining the wind
Perhaps someone else, has created him somewhere

Then I stood up and gave a big smile
One smile I've never made in a long while
The sun was shining, and the wind was blowing
The grass was dancing, and insects singing

And I walked home feeling happy
For I realised a great lesson sadness has taught me
And a great gift happiness has given me
For we don't find happiness, nor they find us

For we create happiness, for ourselves and others

Sunday, 26 February 2012


 Sunset at West Coast Park. Gotta love the colour

Hello! Sorry for not blogging the past two days. Anyway here I am back in my hometown for my holiday :D Currently writing this inside my room, on my bed again. I lied. It's not 1145 PM now but 1:12 AM. But nevertheless I wanna write this post as of Sunday so... Too bad! :P

Anyway today was alright I guess. Went to my dad's garden in the afternoon. It was damn misty! Like seriously, you can see the mists moving in, and then disappearing. And then moving in again. It was slightly drizzling and it was quite cold I suppose. But bearable. Somehow seeing and witnessing all these reminds me of my Kinabalu days... When mists would just come and shroud us, and then clearing, and then coming.

Those were the good old days we had! :)

I guess memories are well, just another place for us to escape from this reality. At least I have the memories with me. And whenever I need to go, I'll just visit them again.

What am I talking about?

Nevertheless... I think I should start on my holiday write-ups once again. I think it's a great way to fill my holiday up. I'm not sure what else to write. Maybe random short stories, or things about me, or my thoughts on things. I don't know. But well here goes my first write up!


Holiday write-up #1 - 10 things you may not know about me

#1 I collect post cards
Yes I collect post cards - from other countries and also from locals such as those you get in Frolick shops (Zo cards) and magazines, and airplanes, and art exhibitions and museums. But I'm a collector of postcards from overseas. That's -the- thing right haha.

#2 I listen to "weird" songs
As much as I love classical music, I'm an avid fan of post-rock songs too. And chilout songs. I listen to artists you've never heard before. And I'm really proud of that.

#3 I keep a diary
As much as I love blogging, I do keep a diary too. It's a platform where I have a conversation with only myself. Which is good. And I start writing one from 2010!

#4 I don't like to watch soccer
I love to play soccer, I enjoy watching people playing soccer, but I know nuts about the soccer from TV. So.. Please don't ask me that haha. I watch world cup though, somehow.

#5 I collect notebooks
I love notebooks. Really love them. I have this fetish for them which I'm trying to control. Like really not sure why but take me to a notebook shop and I might end up buying one. Just cause I love it. I love simple notebooks. The simpler the better!

#6 I have fetishes for weird things like:
I have fetishes for: Notebooks, paper bags, cups, mugs, kitchen accessories, photo prints, typographs, music CDs. When it comes to photography, I love taking photos of: Road signs, random markings on walls, basically, RANDOM things.

#7 I prefer tea than coffee
I don't mind yin-yang iced. But if you gave me teh-o and kopi-o I'll go for teh. And I don't mind Starbucks. Yes yes I'm so choosy :P

#8 I love to write and to cook
Yup, I fell in love with writing from English. And I like to cook. And warning: I cook weird stuff too. But edible trust me.

#9 I dream of going to countries you'll go "what?!"
I want to go to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iceland, Morocco, Mongolia and many more.

#10 Trust me, my thoughts and views can be really weird
But that's who I am :)

Yup! There are more things but well let's just keep it to 10 I guess. More write ups coming! See ya :D May my days here be better and better!

Friday, 24 February 2012

Hello holiday

Hi everyone! Currently at gate A17 once more, waiting for my flight to take off. Apparently there's a delay so well nevermind! Got chance to blog then I suppose~ Anyway yup I'm going back tonight, for a very long time! About 1.5 months, it's the semestral holiday after all. Hopefully throughout these 1.5 months I'll get the chance to rejuvenate and enjoy myself. This year 2 has been one hell of a ride! Haha.

But anyway today was ooh quite a tiring day. I travelled a lot from here and there. And well to put it in one way is... I feel very psychologically tired, if there's such a term. Not really physically tired. But nevertheless well it's over! And I'm on my way home so no harm :)

Anyway just to put a list of things I hope to do this holiday:

- Decorate my room (all photos printed etc!)
- Take more photos (praying for good weather)
- Do a timelapse (tripod checked!)
- EXERCISE (I've always failed in this one but lets see...)
- Eat and enjoy! (Miss my hometown food :/)
- Do my "projects" which consist of both videos and photography
- Write more poems (target: 2 per week?)
- Write more
- Compose more songs
- Play a new piece perhaps
- Relax and rejuvenate myself
- HAVE FUN! :)

Yup I guess this is the rough list of the things I want to do. Hopefully can do everything, or even more :D

But anyway. This is the last holiday of my year 2. I'll be starting year 3 really soon. And year 3 - ITP for 7 months. Hmm interesting. Time really flies huh. Somehow I sort of remember the past holidays I've been going to. Not vividly but patches of its memories are there with me. Then when I tracked back the time of that holiday, I realised it's been a very long time! Like in year 1 or so.

Just take my Inner Mongolia OCIP as an example. It's been about 5 months since the trip. And yet I feel like it's just... 3 months ago? I realised that poly50 took place in October and somehow I feel it happened in December or something like that :O My KK trip is too recent, so I can still "keep track" of the time heh.

But well yeah, these journeys have been really awesome. As I said in my last 2 posts, year 2 was tough in terms of academic journeys. But at the same time it's the year I learnt the most. And well year 2 was also the "best" aesthetically. I did lots of things, I ventured to many different journeys which I truly loved. And I realise it's really the right move for me to do all these (KK, Inner Mongolia, Korea etc) because honestly speaking now, it's kinda too late.

Imagine if I were not to have gone for this trip. I'll start my 7 months ITP in April which will end in November. And it'll just be too late for me to accomplish these trips in year 3 alone! Well hopefully I can go for one or two more last trips before I graduate. I'm eyeing on KK Advance trip to Nepal. And perhaps just one more OCIP trip. Because I really enjoyed my previous one (Green Desert 2011 September).

But well, the journey will only be as fun with the people I went with right :P But anyway new people, new friends, new exposure, new friendships! :)

All in all, year 3 is our last year in poly. So to those year 3s out there, now it's the only chance for us to do the things "we could have done in the last 2 years". It will be harder to accomplish with FYP, exams, ITPs and etc. But if you got the chance, do seize it. Don't graduate and regret for not doing the things you could have done. We only have one life! :)

As for me... Well those are my plans for my 3rd year. Others include having an awesome ITP, maybe taking up a class or something like that, and there are more which well I shall not list here cause it's quite long.

It's my decision to enter the polytechnic route, so I'll make sure it ends well! :)

Alright I guess that's all for now. My flight should be flying off real soon so yup, see ya back in my hometown! Really hope I can have an awesome and rejuvenating holiday back in my hometown. Praying for fine weather so that I can take awesome photos (sunsets!!!) and take a timelapse hopefully. Alright see ya! And Have an awesome holiday too :)

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Six years

Six years is the length of our friendship. Of the length of how Jeslyn, Ade, Neal and I met back in secondary one. Yup, it's 2006 when I first entered Tanglin. And for 6 years, they're the closest friends I still hang out with. We would meet for at least in once every three or at least 6 months. Well I still do meet up with others but well, they're the real close friends I still keep in touch in the past 6 years even though we've graduated.

Then Weiqi and Meng Fung joined along. And we're good friends since.

Six years ago, we're still in short pants. We're still kids who just left our primary schools. We were still deemed as strangers. We don't know each other well etc. That was six years ago.

Six years ago, we're still in short pants. And six years later, today, we sent Neal off to serve his National Service. We've all grown up and we're no longer the kids we used to be six years back. It's quite scary and amazing at the same time how fast time flew by right in front of our eyes. But well, if 6 years went by quickly, I'm sure two years will too. So hang in there my friend.

I wish you all the very best for your NS life. I'm sure you will tremendously gain something from it.

Memories are always funny. I could still vividly remember the first day of my sec one life. How I entered Tanglin, the first few people I talked to - LTY, Joel, Kris (who got transferred to 1E3 then haha) and Neal. The random days that would pop out by itself in my head. The first day of my 3E1 life. Where Ade, Jes, Neal and I sat at the same table and Mrs Lee found out we're from the same class.

Six years it has been since I entered Tanglin, and 2 years since I've graduated from that school. Many memories made, stories written, chapters sealed and journeys ventured. Amazingly in one way or another, I sometimes couldn't believe how fast these 6 years just flew by right in front of my eyes, beneath my breath. The real good friend I made since sec one is now serving his national service.

Today was well quite an emo day for me. I know this goodbye is just a temporary one. But just remembering the days we once had back in Tanglin, when I still remember we always talk about going NS. And now, he's really going there. It made me think again that well, life is indeed one beautiful journey. A wonderful one. You meet people along the way, and a bond is created. Some bonds last while others dissipates. But well, a bond is still made.

Today it made me think.

It dawned upon me when....

Wednesday, 22 February 2012


 And the sun sets over West Coast

Today was another great day I suppose! :) Well it's a normal day that ended nicely I suppose. Supposed to "wake up early" and catch the sunset but apparently it's not working, AGAIN, so I slept till (supposedly 9) 1045 and woke up! Need to head to school to pass Charmaine her nail clipper which I STUPIDLY FORGOT TO BRING!!! Damn pissed with myself. I'm so dumb urggghh.

Anyway I'll be meeting her again on Friday to pass it :)

So met Candy in Clementi first before we headed to WCP to print our photos! Actually I hadn't chosen my photos yet. But since I arrived in Clementi one hour earlier, I sat down in Starbucks and chose my photos ^^ so we headed to WCP and well... Waited for a really long time before we got the chance to tell the printing lady what we wanted. And she's... Really... In a bad mood.

Not sure if it's the Wednesday blues, the that-time-of-the-month, the busy hours, the fatigue perhaps. But well she was just... I don't know. Grumpy and seems like in a bad mood. But anyway, thanks the the patient us, we were just laughing it off. So Candy decided to be nice to her, we smiled, we laughed and when we came to the shop to find out that our prints were not done we just smile and say "no problem we'll walk around first".

So we went to: Gong Cha, Nike outlet, Cold Storage, Fish mart, walk the whole WCP and when we came back, she was still left with my print (which ended up failing so I cancelled) and we just joked around with her telling her that we walked finish the whole WCP and we have nowhere to go! With a smile and laughter of course. And well believe it or not, the grumpy and bad mood lady SMILED!

Well I guess yeah. People, start smiling and make this world a better place. As Buddha said, happiness never decreases by being shared, like how a candle could light up thousands of other candles without getting its life shortened. I guess by sharing our happiness to other people, and well just smile and yeah be happy. Others will be happy in one way or another too.

But I'm sure it'll all be a different story when we're pressed for time. Today we're really free so we didn't mind waiting. But well... Yeah. Anyway we got all the photos and we left WCP happy :)

I decided to go to West Coast Park to catch the sunset. Candy followed me to take her bus home from there but we ended up playing the flying fox! Hahaha. It was so funny we're all screaming here and there like little kids once more. We climbed the spider web, went down the slide. Play this turn turn thing which Candy fell down on her butt and we both got so dizzy. We're just like kids again!

Then we went to the beach to catch the sunset.... Which failed cause just as we reached there the sun was hiding behind this thick cloud -.- but nevertheless I got some awesome shots! thankfully I brought my ND filter. Somehow my photos look nicer there :P Well not like those super awesome ND where the sea looks like a mist, in fact mine failed (is it fake? :/) but well still nice.

And we headed for Mac for dinner. It was really fun spending the evening out at WCP, and we talked lots of crap haha. But well at the end of the day, it's just a reminder for me that no matter how much we've grown up, how much time had went by, how old we are, there's still a part of us that remains as a child. Be it our cheekiness. Or our jokes. Or well, this interesting thing about playgrounds that make us excited.

And we headed home, and that's all for today :)

Well... Tomorrow, a really good friend of mine for the past 6 years will be serving his country. 6 years ago we're still in short pants and well soon, he'll be in his army uniform. Time flies huh.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

When loneliness, gives me happiness

Whew today... Was kind of a failed day. But at the same time it's a really... Happy day for me! Anyway why failed - I'm supposed to go to Punggol Beach for a sunrise shot. Well I DID WAKE UP but... I looked at the window and it was damn cloudy. So I was thinking nahh not a nice day to take sunrise shot. So I went back to sleep! (Y). But anyway yeah I slept again and woke up at 12. Oh what a wonderful day.

Anyway I was really lazing around from 12 to 3. Then somehow somewhat... I have this weird, unexplainable and cool urge of going somewhere. Just go somewhere, anywhere. Just get out of my house. So with a steady gut and this unexplainable urge, I took my bag, took my water bottle, a notebook, a pen and my camera. And I headed to... Labrador Park!

Why Labrador Park? Cause I want to explore something new, somewhere I've never been before.

And here it is. I will explain to you my little adventure today. All of these words were written as accordingly during my small adventure. Lets go!

  4:00 PM - Urge to go somewhere

Currently at bus 7 on my way to Holland Village. I've decided to go to Labrador Park. Not sure why but I just have the urge to go somewhere than rotting at home. For a little taste of adventure, I've decided to go somewhere new, somewhere unexplored by me.

4:16 PM - Buona Vista Interchange

Will take me around 13 minutes to reach Labrador Park. I really don't know what to expect there but hopefully will take some nice shots. And hopefully my time will be enough. 1.5 hours should be ample huh?

4:23 PM - Haw Par Villa

I guess life can be depicted as a train ride. People come, people go. But the train journey still goes on. Some go to the same destination while others different. And at one point of you future train journeys, they will come into the same train you take again.

4:56 PM - Labrador Park

After walking for about 16 minutes from the MRT, I've finally reached the beack (or the park). They need more directions. I'm sorry. Was feeling quite lost but nevertheless I found it! So yup. It's a nice place for a walk and dating cause it's very tranquil. But less for group outings. Exploring new places is always fun. I better get going so see you!

5:31 PM - The end of an adventure

Currently sitting on this walkway facing the beach. In front of me lies Sentosa and the slow, moving, crashing waves. The wind is blowing, cooling off my body. I guess this is the end of my little adventure at Labrador Park. a new place explored, a new bliss discovered and felt. I'm still not sure what made me go here, when it's just this urge that pushed me to do all of these. Walking and exploring this new place alone was really fin. I guess it's true that loneliness, gives me happiness.

Yup so I guess that's all for my "little adventure" at Labrador Park! I know it's quite weird and sudden. It's quite... "unusual" for someone to explore new places alone. It's weird for someone to have the urge to go somewhere. Just go somewhere. Well now I do have that urge, and it's really one of the best feelings ever! I'm serious. It feels weird and unexplainable but honestly speaking, it's an awesome feeling.

And the times I had exploring Labrador Park alone, walking along the beach, shooting the photos, enjoying the sea breeze. Everything. Was really awesome. It feels pretty surreal and just great to spend some times alone. It feels like you're coming back to yourself, it feels like the whole world belongs to you. There's an unexplainable sense of freedom you get. And most importantly, a sense of joy. Just pure joy.

Genuine happiness at its best.

We all tend to enjoy others' company with us. But most of the time we forget that we, too, need time to ourselves. Just spending time alone. I don't mean to things like eating dinner alone, or going to school alone. What I mean is - you, choosing yourself to be alone. Sometimes we have "no choice" to be alone. But sometimes when YOU choose to be alone. There's this joy that no one else but you can feel. Pretty lovely.

Not saying we should be alone all the time. Just saying it's important for us to spend some times alone. Not being "forced" to be alone. But your will.

But as the song goes, anyway, we're all alone in this world haha.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Year 2 in a glance

Helllooo alright I know this is quite late but...

My exams are over! Goodbye year 2!!

Um and sorry for anti-climax but damn I still got some work to do which I really hope to finish by tomorrow. I'm meeting up with my group to finish it! :O And sigh I already have a plan, actually about tomorrow but well c'est la vie. things happen at the wrong time, as usual, and so gotta change my plan. But no worries, I mean I'd rather finish this once and for all! Right?

Anyway yep my exams are over. Whew... The past three weeks were really scary but on Friday, everything seems to pass like a breeze. Woosh and everything was gone. All the rants and the worries and the stress. Everything seems like they never happened at all. But of course, they did happen. Just that it felt really weird that everything has ended haha.

And anyway this is my 700th post in my blog! Woohoo! Finally reaching the 700ths and more to come! So in order to celebrate this awesome 700th post, I'm going to blog about my year 2! In a glance~

---------------------------------------------Year 2 in a glance--------------------------------------------

So 2011 was the year I entered year 2. I was posted to Biomedical Research for my option together with Kai, Candy, Syazwani and Rebekah from my previous class (1B02!) and Vithya of course, who's like a member of DBS 1.5. The 6 of us are really great friends in my class. After all I'm the only guy from The B stage that goes into this option. And the 5 of them were my good friends from my year one. How can we not be close right!

Anyway we all got into a new class of 2A05 and our buddy class was the cardiac people. My class were a mix of course and I don't really know all of them except for some peeps from the 1B01 stage and my friends. And Ashley and Joanne and Jesslyn. We were quite of a strangers together and of course, having to spend a year with your friends, is no wonder that we naturally clique with our friends right?

 Taken during one of our Gem Bio prac. It was saline. Yucks!

So the first semester was alright. I would say the toughest semester in my poly life so far. Things happening at the wrong timing, tough modules, crazy schedules but at the end of the day, I pulled it off. My GPA dropped of course. But thanks to my year one my cumulative was maintained. If it were not to be cause of my year 1 I think my results would really plummet down. 

The awesome Biochem prac where Ashley and I had to collect 24h urine...

Then it was semester 2 and well this time round we are being taught in the new way of CBL - Case Based Learning. It was really... I feel an awesome way of learning. In a way it's kinda better from the traditional go-to-lecture-hall-and-learn way cause we're being directly involved in the learning process itself. Plus I like the feeling of being "small doctors" where we diagnose "patients" from their symptoms.

Even though at times... I feel a bit lost at our learning process. But all's good. Thankfully I kept a journal of the cases that we have been given. So I can refer back when I need them. But apparently, I've lost track from case 5 onwards or so :/ And oh yep we're also given our own classroom - the exchange! Really awesome to have our own class don't you think so? Where we have our seminars as well :)

 Our first seminar on kidney diseases! (Rebekah went off first :O)

6 seminars to be done by year 3, 4 completed! (Y). So yup semester 2 was I think better than semester 1. I really love my timetable, the new learning systems etc. I guess the most irritating part of this learning process is when you can't get what you want! Like when you're supposed to research about something but the net just doesn't have it. But with the help of your peers, you'll get it eventually.

Then in term 3 we had a group mix-up and I was grouped with Sam, Huiwen and Kai Xuan. I wasn't really that close to Sam (since she's from another stage in year 1) but at the end of the term, all of us cliqued pretty well! I like the synergy of my team :) Even though heh, we tend to do things at the 11th hour but somehow somewhat, we all pull through eventually! Yaayy. The Immuno project was definitely something really memorable about! :D

 Sam's cute characters for our Immuno project!

And yeah I guess those are the "academic" side of my year 2. Pretty much challenging but at the same time, enriching. It's a new way of learning after all right so it's pretty awesome. Really learn a lot in this year, especially about the medical field. Since we're all learning the foundation of the biomedical field, it's really awesome learning all these "deeper" side of the field! Like haematology, pathology, med micro and more. I would say med micro is my favourite haha. Cause I love bacteria and doing those identifications were really nice! :) 

The class (majority) @ the Exchange! Taken with my film (Y)

Moving on, let's talk about the "aesthetic" side of year 2. Let's start with band! So well yup I had our IBM29 in year 2 and it was held in SPCC. We also had our Ganbatte concert :D IBM29 was awesome! Even though oh gosh I was really struggling with studies cause it happened like 10 days before my exams. Then we also went to Korea for an exchange trip! :) One trip I'll never forget, great fun and great experience with the band :D First time to Korea and performing overseas as well!

El Camino Real in IBM29 - The song I once thought I can never play, played.

Performing at Insyeodon street in Korea! Woohoo! First overseas public performance :D

And moving on - my I would say, the highlight of my year 2! I guess you know it, yep it's my Inner Mongolia OCIP trip! Seriously the best 2 weeks of my life. My awesome GT team, the 2 weeks spent were really so memorable and sweet. It was definitely a trip of a lifetime and I've learnt so much not only about the environment but also about life itself. And yes I will definitely miss the Duolun and Inner Mongolia itself so so much. I will definitely return there one day. Definitely!

 The shot we took on the last day of digging - The sunset of the
(sad I'm not inside this scene! Heh, but glad to take this shot :D)

 My awesome GT team! Under the blue sky of Inner Mongolia

Aww man will definitely miss scenes like this. The colours of the autumn!

And in December, the (so far) highest achievement in my life... Yes! Climbing Mount Kinabalu with my awesome LEAP KK Intermediate December team! Climbing a mountain wasn't in my agenda (of my age). But it was the decision and the thought of proving myself wrong that made me go for this trip! Definitely something I'll never forget about. Seriously people, climb a mountain. You'll never know what lessons it can teach you. And to my awesome team mates - thank you so much for the help you've given to all of us (Y)

At Low's Peak! One of the best feelings in my life ever!

Via Ferrata baby~ Woo woo woo!

And many more, of course. Which I think I will just let the next few photos do the talking :)

 Helping out at POL-ITE canoe sprint event at Macritchie

 Welcome YP and Weiqi to the 4E109 @ SP family! :D

 Winning (consolation prize) my first ever "large scale" photography competition

 Taking part in my first ever Poly50 with my GT!

 Covering MDXXXV with Jasmine
Year 2 has been one epic journey. A tough one I must say but at the same time, an awesome one. It's the year I suffered the most in terms of "stress" and at the same time it's the year I learnt the most. Be it both academically and aesthetically. And also about life itself. I've always reminded myself that in life, result isn't everything. Studies would always come first to me. But I will never forget to add spice into my life.

I guess people might think "Wow you really have the time to do all those huh" and well I would answer them, without all these events that happened throughout my year 2, I will not be who I am today :)

One more year left to my poly education. It's now or never. I have to life this year to the fullest before it comes to an end. I've been accomplishing my goals throughout my 2 years. Now is the time to do EVERYTHING I've been wanting to complete. One academic year. Here we go.

But ultimately, a journey never truly ends.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Today was indeed a better day

Happy Valentines Day!
Hello! First of all wishing you a Happy Valentines Day! :D Nothing much, nothing lovey dovey happened today (duh) but of course I was having a great time with my bacteria samples woo la la~ Yup today was the 2nd day of my Med Micro practical test... Pretty scary I know but I felt so glad to have growth on all of my agars! And best is - single colonies! No different colonies growing. And my streaks are beautiful heh (sorry no photo).

Suspecting Psudomonas for my catheter sample. I really hope so. And E.coli for my suprapubic one. There were proteus swarming (I think) cause my agar looks fuzzy but maybe not either so yeah. Let's see tomorrow! I know I'm relatively scared of the results but bring it on. Today I trusted my gut feeling and I'm confident that I will arrive to my answer safely and smoothly :)

Just finished studying haematology just now. Well not really studying but more of reading the notes. At least now I don't feel so lost and urgh about leukemia and haemolytic anemia. Better understanding! And well yup they're quite manageable honestly speaking. If time permits and that my planning all goes well. I should be able to finish everything by tomorrow (Y).

Wouldn't say haemotology is easy. Wouldn't say it's hyper difficult either so yup. I can do this! :)

Well yesterday wasn't a good day for me. Somehow things were not going smooth, we all got so scared of our agars etc. But well at times also I always hope that the next day will be better, will get better. And it does become better! :) Today was definitely a better day than yesterday. So will tomorrow be a better day than today. Always look for the better things in life.

Tough times don't last so do not-so-tough times. Well there are times for everything right!

Well this exam is coming to an end soon, so will my year 2. I wanna end it beautifully. Like a day would end with a beautiful sunset. Yesterday's sunset made my day. I mean really made my day. After such a long and bad day seeing the sunset, the beautiful sunset, made me smile. I was telling myself well at least, at the end of the day, I have something to smile about.

I guess... Okay I know I've been telling things about this many times but.... No matter how bad your day was. Or in fact everyday, make sure you have something to smile to, to feel happy about, to feel great about. Because in every bad thing that happened, I'm sure we can find something good behind it no matter what! :)

Alright I'm heading home soon. It's been quite a long day but a great one as well. Crossing my finger to have fabulous result for tomorrow's last day of prac test! I hope I get the bacteria that I suspected heh :P

Sometimes friendship lasts longer than a relationship. And if that's the case, then we should just be friends shouldn't we? :)

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Hell's gone, and coming

This too shall pass
Things will get better
When you think and hope they'll get better 
Well yeah. Somehow, I just realised that I've survived the 2 so-called hell week that I mentioned 2 weeks ago. How I ranted and fear that I might not pull through, how stressful I was and so on. But hey they're over now and but... We still have one more week of "hell". Yes, the TESTS and presentation and this and that. Pretty scary? Nope. If I've braced two weeks of hell. What can one week of hell do to me really?

But oh well yes I'm freaking about the tests. I'm sure everyone will.

But anyway this weekend was really productive I guess. It's the weekend I get so busy with stuff. But all for good things. Sacrifices made for better cause. So on Saturday I went to lunch with my sis in the afternoon and I headed to SP after that to study! Yes, SP on a Saturday to study (S cube). Anyway, I studied from 330 - 6.30 and then I went to watch Guang Yang Sec band concert to support Kayheng, Huiting, Edwin and Xingxia for their alumni band part. So yup!

The concert was alright I guess. Bits of intonation problems but nevertheless I enjoyed it pretty much. Cause they play the songs that I played in last 5 or 6 years ago! Yes can you believe it. I feel old at times -.- but well definitely good memories, and waves of awesome images played in my head last night. Pretty good feeling, after 3 hours of studying!

Co incidentally with the concert's title "Journey", I think my band journey has been really a good and long one. I've never regretted joining band and continuing band in poly, even though there are well some times when I told myself "I could have joined this and that". But joining band is my decision. So I won't regret it. Music has always been one of my passions. And well band is just a platform where I can share and enjoy this passion of mine, right? :)

And well in a sense, I may regret a choice. But I will never regret a decision.

Yup. And today was alright I guess. Normal Sunday. Spent the afternoon doing some work and now I'm just doing more research for tomorrow practical's test. Oh gosh why must she make our lives difficult by making it a closed book heh. But nevermind, challenge accepted~

Alas as I once told myself 2 weeks ago, this too shall pass. Well, this, too, shall pass. Tough times don't last. So do happy times. But so do they come back and go at times of our lives. It's just part and parcels of life. When things are tough, we'll hope that things will be better. And trust me, they will.

Life is never a smooth road. It may be a bumpy one, but have we forgotten the wonderful sights beside us? And the long great journey ahead of us.

I always tell myself when I run, that at the end of my run, the sun is waiting for me at the end of the track. And I'll walk home with the sun against my back. Under the blue sky, among the wind, with music blasting in my ear. And I'll tell myself, today is a beautiful day.

Friday, 10 February 2012

The end of a semester

Great sunset of this last lecture day 

So today... Sadly, happily, shockingly, was the last lecture of the semester! Next will it'll just be.. Exams. Or "tests" we called it. So well yup. Time flies huh! It feels like yesterday when Dr Tan asked us to gather at the exchange for our new system of learning briefing. Our ITP, our so many more things. And now we're all set for our ITPs and we just have to wait for the holiday to be over. And... Year 3 we go.

Today was alright I guess. I thought class started at 9! I woke up "in time" but well of course I was late. But apparently class started at 9 and it began with out Immuno surprise assignment. We gotta make a video! Sam and I got the concept already and this is so gonna be awesome (Y). Then it was Ms Kwek's lesson for Med micro, to wrap up everything we have done for this term.

Well alas it's been a journey this term. This semester. Awesome journey I suppose. Learnt the art of trading things off. How to get us immunised from presentations. Awesome yeah? Haha. Not in the right time to conclude the semester first. After all it's not over yet. It will though, VERY SOON.

So after class we lunched at usual and went to DSD first to take my journal. Yes finally got my journal haha. I didn't get my CLS FLP one :/ It must be somewhere in DSD but I doubt they still have it! It's one year ago heh. Journals are important to me. They're external memory cards I suppose. Whenever I need them I'll just read them.

And I studied with Candy till about 5. Actually... I didn't really study. And we ended up having "HTHT" (Heart-to-heart-talk) and well... It was really funny at times. But thank you for giving me some tips (Y). And we sssshhhh to one another ok!! :D

Ended the day by meeting Kayheng, Amanda, Mr Lawrence and 2 students from NP with Candy to discuss about YES! 2012. It's a forum about environmental problems that will be held. I feel sad for not being able to be present on the day itself as I'll be in Indo but I just went to chip in contributions and ideas to them :)

And yeah, that's all for the day! See you soon. Here's to a beautiful semester 2 of my year 2 :)

I just haven't met you yet

Thursday, 9 February 2012

The skies beside

Yesterday's sunset, pretty isn't it?

Hello! Currently at FC3's study area. I just finished studying! Okay not say studying but more of quizzing. Done with biostat quizzes, protein for biochem and yup! I wanna do my quizzes first cause I want to study with peace next week. It'll be a struggle, so clearing these things sure help a lot. Plus I still have many other things to settle. So yep. Less things to do sure is better.

Today was an great day I suppose. Even though I woke up late! Same thing happened. I fell asleep before I even set up my alarm etc. So what happened was I, as usual, was "taking a nap" FOR A WHILE. And my definition of a while changed to 6 hours. So yep. That's what happened. Nevertheless I made it in time for my group's debate.

The debate was pretty alright. Sorry for me getting pretty... Defensive when Joanne and Candy were speaking (I didn't know that we cannot rebut on the spot!) and alas I got banned :P Nevertheless I get to get my point across and somehow, both parties managed to get into sort of the same conclusion of the opposites. So I agree with Joanne and Joanne agrees with us. Something like that. Good I suppose?

I guess I am never good with debates. Why? Here are the reason:
- I tend to get "emotional
- I tend to be a bit hot tempered
- I tend to be stubborn
- It sucks when you get a topic you're against with, and you have to prove!

But nevertheless I think today's debate was a good one :) But urgh I hate debates.

So well after that we ended pretty early so we headed to laboratory with Ms Kwek for our last med micro practical which was on fungi! Very interesting hehe, first time seeing fungi being cultured on agar plates. They look disgustingly cute (Y). Some look like moss to me, some like cotton candy, some like shitake but I'm sure you don't want to eat them. And this was our last practical of the semester! (Before the test)

And since then after lunch, I stayed back in school to clear PBL, all the quizzes and so on. Pretty fulfilling day yes? It is indeed very fulfilling

The sky beside me looks very pretty now. Well it may not be a sort of like scenic piece of view. In fact it's kind of cloudy, just patch of yellowish golden clouds hovering over a row of block further in Clementi area there. Sometimes I truly enjoy looking at these scenes after such a long day. And if it's like fulfilling it'll even be better! Like well a mini present the sky gave me for my hardwork? :)

I guess we tend to miss out on the beautiful things in life when they're all out there. Sometimes the simple sunset sky, the floating clouds, the evening breeze. We tend to forget their existence. Or sometimes we do, but we forget to appreciate them. It's kind of a pity that we're missing them out. We all seek and search to different places to enjoy life's enjoyable things when well, they're there in front of us.

If we take love and pleasure in enjoying these "small" and seemingly insignificant things in life, life would be so much better. Because we will learn to be grateful and thankful of it. Honestly speaking, people, like me, would really love to go to different places around the world to enjoy beautiful sunsets. Places like Bali, Fiji, Maldives etc. But well, if I can enjoy the sunsets wherever I am everyday, I find it alright don't you think so?

But sure yes, hell yes, I would really love to go to those places :P Take home message is just - take the time to enjoy the beautiful things that surround you. They are there, we just don't realise them.

And what's with the seemingly weird post? Hahaha

Anyway I'll be heading home now. It's not early anymore. Gonna cook so yup! See ya all!

Those are some of the reasons why I don't want to be a doctor. And why a career is the scientific field questions me.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Sing it out, jam it out

And time will fly
This too shall pass

Anyway today was another awesome day! Minus the fact that I woke up late for Biostat omg. It's like I slept at  about 2 last night (considered early for me) and I overslept for one hour! Can you believe it :O Anyway I woke up at 9 and rushed to Biostat, was late for about 30 minutes I think. As I came she was finishing her lesson (N) but thankfully I could still ask her about our PBL so yeah.

Next we had our Med Micro poster presentation. Which is really awesome! I like our presentations, very... Fun and at the same time enjoyable. It's not like too formal, and it's pretty interactive. And I love Kai's design of our poster (Y). So colourful, simple yet sophisticated. Love it! Salute to her for doing it in such a really short time heh. Nevertheless a good job done to all of us :)

So we planned our jamming session like last week..? So we went jamming! Sadly when we reached Moberly the place was booked so we actually booked K1 to sing K first! Then we jammed from 4 - 5. OMG I love it! Damn singing is so therapeutic and just awesome. Kai's loving the drum now and I was singing "How Far We've Come" with Vithya on guitar. So lovely heh. Even though my voice is not as good but singing is just so good! The song may not be relaxing but I truly enjoy every second of it :D

As much of a science student I (or we) can be, music is one of the ways to de-stress ourselves really. In a way it's such a joyful thing to be able to enjoy music. It takes your mind off. Once we stopped playing, reality strikes  us again. Without fail.

So well after jamming went to finish up our KK wall. I thought the "gaps" were filled already but we have another problem with the wall-gap below the velcro wall. So I went to fix them by replacing some of the photos. Oh gosh making the wall is like solving a puzzle! Thankfully the puzzle doesn't have boundaries, because we have... PEN KNIFE teehee. So cut here and there, we're good to go :)

Hopefully the visitors will love our wall tomorrow! (Y)

Oh well, time is running out. Both for the better and for the worst (I hope not). Worst because... TESTS are coming next week! Super scary but bring it on. And better because finally, all these "hells" are coming to an end. As I said, end of semester - when everything starts to falter and everything will get better. Alright (Y) Just can't wait for that day where I can take a breather. Phewwwww

And as the lyric of the song we jammed today goes...

Lets see how far we've come!

Monday, 6 February 2012

Today was beautiful

Monday Morning at T11A
Today is a beautiful day!

Cheesy title? Nope! I guess today was really beautiful haha. Firstly... I wasn't late! Believe it or not, for an 8 o' clock class! :D Even though well honestly speaking I was sleeping at 4 last night, I couldn't fall asleep that well I don't feel that 3 hours of sleep was really a "sleep". When the alarm rang at 7, I just woke up feeling energetic. Not it's taking the toll though, feeling really tired and sleepy.

The day started with Biochem prac. It was really smooth sailing until something happened which caused me, Vithya and Candy to freak out! So funny but at the same time panicky haha. Practicals are always made awesome by my friends (Y). Mdm Mah was looking for volunteers for blood donation to ask some high glucose diet (AKA pineapple tarts). And I directly told her "I don't like pineapple tarts!" Haha and she was laughing. But I was full so didn't have them either.

We had Ya Kun for "brunch" I guess but it wasn't filling for me. So ended up eating Rebekah's fish dish cause she couldn't finish it. Biochem lecture was alright, Mr Woo was so funny during lecture! He kept on making funny gestures and jokes heh. And finally it ended with Biochem practical where we had a test! Vithya was my partner and she's so awesome (Y). Thankfully everything went well, even though we re-do the 2nd part. But both results were positive eventually so it's awesome :)

Then Candy and I rushed down to DSD to start with our KK wall. Firman, Alvin, Warda, Candy and I were doing the wall and it looked pretty awesome! It's 98% done though cause I need to fill the empty gaps so yep. Making the wall was really great. Get to talk with them once again, and it just brought me so many memories. Plus, it was really great looking at the photos. Realising the journey we have all went thus far. And still going.

Here is a preview! :D

Thank you to Firman, Alvin, Warda and Candy for helping out! And to Afiq, Hadi for helping me take the photo on Friday as well. Without all of you guys the wall wouldn't be there :)

Well it was kind of weird. When I woke up this morning, I just had this good feeling about today. I woke up just simple telling myself "Today will be beautiful!" somehow, somewhat. The sky outside wasn't that fantastic either, that's why I come up the that conclusion. I don't know. It's just myself, telling myself that today will be a great day.

The thing is, we can live our lives, telling ourselves everyday that today will be a good day. We can also live our lives thinking not everyday is a good day. But as I once said, how good your day is truly depends on yourself. You make how beautiful your day is, not your day make how beautiful your day was. It's pretty hard to convince yourself that today will be a good day. I guess it's in our human nature to somehow believe that in one way or another, things will screw up.

But it's also in us - faith and hope, that we believe things will change for the better.

We can make things screw up. I don't see the reason why we can't make things better :)

This too shall pass.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Sweet Lullaby

"A quiet Friday afternoon in Clementi"
Solitary joy, simple indulgence

Don't mind the title, it's a new awesome song I found by Deep Forest! It's quite an old song, published in the 90s. Stumbled upon it while watching a video. I was reading more info about the song. Apparently it's a lullaby from the Solomon Islands. Oh gosh I don't even know where the Solomon Islands is but well now I know. I thought it's somewhere near Africa but I was totally wrong - it's behind Papua New Guinea!

Anyway the translation of the lyric goes like:

Young brother, young brother, be quiet You are crying, but our father has left us He has gone to the place of the dead To protect the living, to protect the orphan child

Such a sad song right? How can it be a sweet lullaby. But nevertheless, I think it's one great song. Very soothing, the melody of the lullaby reminds me of... I don't know. A scene of a grassland under a blue sky with an orange hue. Something like that. And I am sitting down and feeling really mellow. Then the wind blows and I am pondering about life. A few deers jumping in the distance.

It's quite amazing how music can create all these imageries in my mind. In a sense it's pretty true that each music creates a mood for all of us. Creates and evokes a feeling about something. Like for example Sigur Ros' Inni Mer Singur Vitleysingur reminds me of some kind of run. A marathon, or just running in the field for fun. Amazing isn't it?

Today was an ordinary Saturday I guess. I had a great like 9 hours of sleep (Y). I slept at 4 last night, doing stuff first, I decided to do my work till the late hours and sleep as much as I want on Saturday. So I did. And I woke up at 1 PM! How shiok isn't it? 9 hours of sleep, when I only had like 3-4 hours of sleep on the weekdays. I don't know why but yeah, I get insomnia since I came back from CNY.

Some is due to the fact of "sudden" assignments. Like thanks to my forgetful nature, I tend to forget that I have to do one thing for tomorrow and well have to stay up and do. Or some are just unforeseen circumstances that oh well, I don't know but yeah. Can't wait for holidays, I get to sleep as much as I want. Lovely. Tomorrow I'll wake up early to do work, promise again hehe.

I went to Orchard with my sis for lunch. We suddenly had cravings for steak and waffles -.- so we went to Marche to get them! Oh so yummy, I didn't have any of those though, rosti is like a must for me in Marche. And she also got herself salmon instead. The irony!! Haha but well we had waffles, while I had bread pudding. Yum yum.

Ordinary Saturday but I feel good. Must be the hectic week - doing these feel so enjoyable.

Hmm after exams, I'm thinking of going for a solo trip around Singapore. Just me, my camera, a notebook, a pen and yeah a great walk around Singapore. Thinking of just visiting the beaches as well. I think it'll be awesome. Planning in progress! One step closer to a solo trip overseas, perhaps after I graduate.

Alright off to do something. Something, which I promised to do last year. Yes. 2011

And not done yet!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Calm down

Surely time can be your enemy
And hell yeah - it can be your best friend
You need, to, calm, down.

Thursday, is a Thursday I suppose. Quoted by Vithya, as much wrong things that happened today, a good laugh the 6 of us had at the end of the day, made our days. Well, true enough! Today was... Kind of a good day. A bit pissed throughout the day. Very rare that I rant about someone in my blog, but I guess I just have to. To let the steam out.

Anyway the morning started with Med Micro as we have no Haematology class. So it was practical and it was pretty good! This is our third prac and for the first time, I don't feel lost at all. Except... That I feel clueless about things at times. And I wasted an agar plate rawr! Ms Kwek is really critical about wastage. Which I truly agree with her. Wastage of agar plates = waste of time = waste of effort. Right?

I was having really really bad gastric this morning during the practical. Horrible. I couldn't even stand up cause when I stand up my stomach hurts. So I either bent down, squat, hunch myself forward. I guess it's the fact that I didn't take breakfast so I had empty stomach for like... 10 plus hours? Sweet. But it was all good, I gobbled down BK for lunch and it felt so good!

As the rest of the day, it just went by like that. What a rainy Thursday though.

Okay ranting time!

Personally speaking, I HATE to be rushed. Constantly, every time, especially when I'm doing work. If I'm late, if we're out of time, if we're really really like gonna die if we don't finish then fine, you have the right to rush me till I cry. The thing is, firstly, we have LOTS of time. Okay not say lots but AMPLE time. Secondly, there's no TIME LIMIT. Thirdly, this is a GROUP work. If you're rushing because of your personal reason. Do you think the group is obliged to rush with you as well? Hell no.

I'm really sorry if I sound rude to you. Our practical starts at about 9 plus. We have till about 12 (standard right? 3 hours) to do it. We have steps to follow, instructions to flow, methods to carry out. There is no point wanting to finish everything if you don't even know what is the FIRST STEP. Don't fly before you can walk. Don't even run. Relax, follow the steps as a flow. Would you really rather float safely into your destination or would you rather be gushed down by the raging river? You will suffer halfway.

And if you think you don't, we do.

Next, FYI, we stayed back till 1230 to finish up everything. Okay we end earlier than the others but we're just there with the class. Okay fine, you need to leave early. But let me ask you this, do you prioritise school or do you prioritise work? Can't you at least change your plans a bit to fix it with your school time? So when it clashes, it means NO I can't do it. Then make it don't clash.

And today is not the only day that this happened. There are other days too.

Okay Clinical Chem class. Fine we have really limited time to do the presentation. But that doesn't give you the right to rush everything to the two of us. WE CAN DO IT, CALM DOWN STOP RUSHING ME!!!! If you don't know, I was freaking annoyed when you constantly ask me to do this and that. I'm freaking doing it. RELAX. You're doing your job, fine, you finish, fine. We're given 15 minutes and not like a freaking 5 minutes to complete it! Stop rushing me! And us.

OMG so sorry but yeah I think this is my first time ranting so much in my blog. Sorry if I'm being such a bitch complaining about you but I really can't take it anymore. If I have to go against your way, I would really love to do so. This is about team. There are 4 of us in the team and 4 of us work as A TEAM. If you want to lead the team fine, but leading doesn't mean everything has to go your way.

Okay you can find me heartless, I don't know the reason why you're so hardworking that you sacrifice your break time with work etc. But in class, you're not working. In class, you're a student. You're part of us. I'm not trying to say you have to follow OUR way of doing things. But mutual respect, think win-win. Think of scenarios that we will all benefit from right?

Vithya always tell me "You need to calm your tits down". I think the world needs to do that.

I'm just letting some steam out. Don't misunderstand me. But if I have to really go against the wave. I would do it. I would seriously do it.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Slowly but surely

It's good that I have these two photos on my desk
When I'm stressed I'll tell myself
"If I can do that, I can do this"

Okay I'm cheating once more. It's currently 1:54 AM, 2nd of February, and... I know the date says 1st Feb but who cares. I just want to blog about today.

In the context of today.

Anyway... Today I didn't come to school cause I woke up late. This is what happened... Maybe it's my fault too. Last night while I was submitting my med micro assignment, I was shocked by the appearance of two more questions. So I rushed and do those two questions and well all in all I went to bed at 3 AM. And I fell asleep! How great. Yes I forgot to switch on my alarm. When I woke up it was 10 and I was already 2 hours late for Immunology. Alas, I got up quickly to prepare for med micro practical.


I was informed that the practical has been pushed to 1030, after immunology as it ended early. It was just after I left my door. So I would really find it meaningless to go to school, cause when I reach school, my friends would have been about 3/4 on the way of finishing the practical since the first day of a med micro practical is streaking of agar plates. So I decided not to come to school.

Honestly speaking I was really pissed. Pissed with myself. For well, not waking up early. For forgetting to switch on the alarm. And for the fact that my day was ruined. My morning was ruined. What an awesome way to start my February? Yes.

In the evening I went to meet Neal and Jeslyn to catch up on dinner. Wished I can stay longer, but homework is bugging me to be finished. Really enjoyed the dinner, I get to relax and just talk nothing about work. How great. But well time just goes and I have to leave already. He's going to enlist in NS soon. Time flies huh. We graduated two years ago, entered our respective school, he graduated from JC, now he's enlisting.

And I'm entering year 3 for goodness sake!

Sigh tonight was really... Stressful. I just feel that everything is happening at the wrong timing. I feel that everything is crashing down simultaneously. Why :( With so much work on my back, exams in 2 weeks time (now 1.5!) and then work, and then worries, they're all such an awesome recipe for tears. I just feel like breaking down. It feels so stressful, tiring, hurting, sulky to have all these happening at the wrong timing.

But whatever the case, I believe things will get better. They definitely will.

Well... Okay I know I think I've told you this before but I'm really someone who can't handle stress well. If I'm really reaching that maximum capacity, I would either - cry or stop whatever I'm doing, watch a TV, play piano or whatever thing even though work is piling on me. And I tend to panic, thinking of all the bizarre scenario that might happen. Paranoia. It's pretty irritating and in some way frustrating. I need to calm my tits down (thanks Vithya). I just need to calm down, but it's so hard.

I wish this sem were like last sem. Last sem I have my Inner Mongolia to look forward to but this time round, I don't have any I suppose. Except for going back home for my holiday. I'm not sure how, but I definitely will and deserve a good rest. This semester has been hell of a ride. And I will make sure it ends with a bang! I'm even planning of lone trips to somewhere. Like maybe beach visits heh.

Well whatever the case, I know I'm not alone in this hell I'm going through. We all are, it's the end of the semester where things start to falter. But also it's the end of the semester when things will get better. Slowly, but surely.