Sunday, 14 July 2013


I'm really slow but I realised how convenient Youtube is now (or more like ages ago) that  we can make playlists of videos. To be exact playlist of music videos. I recently found lots of great new songs. Indie songs awwyyeeaahhh. And I really can't wait to get the chance to get their physical album. Or probably just get them from iTunes store haha. Indie songs are hard to get here or yet alone in Singapore. So yup. Waiting till I get the chance to do so.

Seems like Sunday dawns are the best or probably my favourite time to blog. It's good to know that today is Sunday and that Sundays are lovely days where I can do nothing (much). So life's good. I feel more relaxed on these times. So yeah I really enjoyed blogging now. And I guess it's time for me to no longer blog about my daily life here since there's nothing much to blog about. But sure I'll keep an update of major things that have happened hehe.

And by the way the title refers to Real Estate's song Easy which I was listening to just now.

Well life is alright I guess. Nothing much happened except that I was down with a fever the whole of Saturday. I was having gastric on Thursday and Friday. It's a weird gastric that only acts up like once every 30 - 60 minutes. But the occurrences increased on Friday. Then on Saturday I woke up feeling very chilly and feverish. After breakfast the feeling worsen and yeah. So I just spent my Saturday sleeping and resting away. But I'm okay now so yay.

Talking about breakfast it's Ramadhan once again. The fasting month is here and so now every dawn and dusk the mosques around my house call for Sahur and Buka respectively. I miss these sounds haha. It's something I've never heard for like 11 years I think. It's good to hear them again even though I myself is not fasting. But to live in a Muslim country you will embrace and appreciate these things even though you're not a Muslim yourself.

And yes life is more beautiful if people embrace things hmm?

So I know I'm 4 days late but to all Muslims out there wishing you a happy and smooth sailing month of Puasa ahead :) Hope all goes well.

The fasting month has been an indication to me that time is flying. I know that the day to begin fasting will be pushed back for 11 days every year (I think it has something to do with the Arabic calendar) and of course naturally it will feel that time flies faster every year. But nevertheless yeah it's always becoming a reminder for me that time is flying. But well life is life and like I always believe time flies and life goes on. And actually time flies constantly.

I always look back on what happened during last year's fasting month, during the year's fasting month. So in 2012 I was still in Singapore cause I was having FYP and ITP. So it feels meh haha. Although last year I get to spend Hari Raya here in my homeland. Then in 2011 I still remember that after Hari Raya the GTs got invited to Syafiqah's house for her Hari Raya Open House and we had a great lunch at her house. It was delicious.

At times every night before I sleep I would tell myself that time really flies. I would reminisce of the past and smile upon the sweet memories that I have experienced and went through. How I wish I could rewind back time to a particular moment and so on. But of course memories will be memories and the past will never come back physically to the present.

It seems rather bizarre that as I grow older. I mean now that I have stopped school academically and that I have entered this next phase, I know that I have lesser time as I grow old. And yup I would want to squeeze as many opportunities to do the things that I want before I grow old and not being able to do them anymore. Not only I won't have the time, but I too won't have the energy.

I have some crazy plans I want to carry out next year. I hope I can do so. I think I can.

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