Hello hello hello I'm here to blog again. Oh well can't believe it's July now! It's 4 hours past 39 minutes into July as I'm writing this. Wow haha. It's the first of July which means it's the 182nd day of the year. We're exactly halfway across the year. Time FLIES. Flies is an understatement. Ah well, as always. Time moves that's for sure. And we have no control over it either.
Life's been alright I suppose. Coping here better and better. I really hope that July will be a great month ahead because I have some plans and ideas in mind that I would love to implement. I need to add spice and colours into my life here. Working life is definitely not as colourful as student's life I guess? I mean it's pretty much a routine. So I need to spice things up.
And I've been failing because... Sadly speaking I really lack of discipline. And I got easily distracted. When I say I wanna do A tomorrow it may begin the day after tomorrow. When I say I want to make B a habit it becomes a habit maybe a week later and so on. It sucks and I feel helpless at the same time because there's nothing much I can do.
But anyway yeah, I hope July will be a great month ahead! Somehow I know it will. I don't know the past two days I've been getting this weird fuzzy feeling about the next month (AKA July) to be exciting. But oh well which reminds me also that I will turn 21 this month. Meh, I don't feel excited about it haha. I guess there's nothing special about being 21.
Though I wish I'm like Adele producing an awesome album at such age.
Well it's been a month plus since I'm back here embarking on a new journey and writing the new chapter in my life. I have no words, or perhaps it's not the time for me to write how I feel about this new chapter. It's been 36 days since I'm back and that's too early to say I suppose. I'm definitely taking slow steps. I don't like to jump into things.
Like one of my favourite songs from Sigur Ros "Agaetis byrjun" I guess this is an alright beginning. And like all beginning, it can get difficult but I'm sure it's just a sign that something greater is coming towards me.
I know it sounds weird but. There are times where I feel like I don't wanna grow up. I wanna remain as a youth all my life. Then there are times where I wish I can just get over and done with this phase of life and skip to where I retire. Then there are times where I really feel excited to know what's there to come and how will life be when I grow up. Mixed feeling, but it's kind of exciting to think of the future and how it's gonna be like.
Ah well, life is life.
On the other hand check this awesome video I found on Youtube!
It's an awesome video about doing good, and how it can make a difference to someone else's life! And nice song too by Noah and The Whale :)
Alright here's to an awesome week ahead. And a great month of July ahead!
Ah, writing this reminds me of my ITP days.
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