Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Veggie Burger Ban

So I recently read the news about this whole veggie burger ban fiasco and I seriously thought it was a joke. But nope. It's real. Turns out that this week, the EU parliament will go into a vote on whether food labels such as "veggie burger", "vegan sausage", "vegan yoghourt" and etc should be banned. And I seriously think it's such a ridiculous idea to even go for a vote. Like what?!

Quoting from a Politico article; the meat and dairy industry argue that "using such terms is misleading to customers". MISLEADING?! HAHAHA. I thought this is hilarious.

Okay look, if we vegans and vegetarians can spend extra seconds-minutes reading through the ingredients' list to look for animal products, I think non-vegans can just easily avoid the vegan section if they don't wanna consume the plant-based products?! Like okay you don't want to eat the vegan sausage, then go to the meat section or the butcher. You don't want to drink plant mylks, then go to the dairy section. You want "real yoghourt" then just go to the chiller section.

I mean come on, we are not living in a vegan world (yet) so why are you so scared of these plant based products? That you want it banned on food labels. Are they that pathetically desperate -.-

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