Monday, 19 October 2020

What The Health

Right, I have finished worked earlier today so it's time to do another Docussion! This time round, lets talk about the famous vegan documentary - What The Health. Lets shorten it to WTH okay.

So WTH is a documentary about the role of food in the cause of chronic diseases - and also how plant-based food may play a role in treating them, or even reversing them! It's a follow up documentary from the same film maker as the documentary Cowspiracy. Which is one of the documentaries that made me go vegetarian 5 years ago. Ironically I actually followed WTH social media pages a few years ago even though I have not watched it, cause Netflix wasn't here yet back then heh.

I would say it's a great, shocking and jaw-dropping documentary. And after watching it I just told myself thank goodness you're vegan Adhi haha. I find it kind of disturbing that the major "disease societies" in the documentary refused to talk about the role of diet in causing diseases. And of course the major shock that we discovered behind why. I will not spoil the story for you, please go and watch it alright!

Although well I was a bit unsure of the claims made by the doctors and experts in the documentary. And after doing some research about the flaws and myths in the movies, I kinda agreed to them to a certain extent too. Claims like eating eggs is almost as bad as smoking, or eating processed meats. Even though yes the WHO has classified processed meats as group 1 carcinogens. But I think that statement about smoking and processed meats maaaaaybe a bit too exaggerated.

That being said, they are still unhealthy. 

Some people have criticised the documentary as being too biased towards veganism. Even though in my opinion, there are many studies that have proven the health benefits of a plant-based diet. And you can just read through them. But yes I think we still need to do more studies. The more studies done, the more people will be convinced that we can and we should thrive on a plant-based diet.

Personally, I'm vegan for the animals. AKA I'm an ethical vegan. But I do share with people the benefits of a vegan diet too, in terms of health and environmental impact. One of the most common rebuttal I get from non-vegans is the idea that many people live to old age even though they're not following a vegan diet. Or like some vegans still get cancer and so on and forth.

Yes, there are people who don't follow a vegan diet and live a long life. Just like how there are people who smoke all their lives but don't ended up getting lung cancer. I think the biggest misconception about the vegan diet is that people think we all become some immortal and superhuman when we follow the vegan diet. And we will all be immune to chronic diseases. That's now exactly how it works.

And personally I don't tell other people things like "With a vegan diet you'll live forever" or "you won't get chronic diseases" or "you will live a long healthy life" etc. I just tell them it's good for your guts, there are studies that it may reverse diabetes, it helps regulate blood sugar, it brings down cholesterol (thus reducing your risk of cardiovascular diseases) and so on and forth. 

Also to be honest the studies done on plant-based food never really conclude with such bombastic claims. But there are hundreds if not thousands of studies that show the benefits of a plant-based diet (reduced HbA1c level for diabetic patients, controlling blood pressure, improved gut health, potential of reversal of heart diseases and so on). Which, in turn, may provide you with a long healthy life heh.

All in all, the WTH documentary didn't give me a shock as I've been reading a lot on this topic the past few years. But I also believe we should continue to do more studies on the benefits of a plant-based diet. And thus more people will be convinced to make the switch!

Alright that's all from me today. I will talk with you again tomorrow, still something about veganism too. So yes see you tomorrow. Eat more plant based food guys!

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