Hey hey hey! I'm back from the chalet and oh oh oh it's sooo wonderful (except for one thing). And I wanna thank all the chaletians who went for making it such a wonderful one hee hee. Well the chalet goes like... Check in, settling down and playing games! The games were wonderful and somehow, me, the game master became the target of water bombs! Lol. And to those who got me (x-2) equation I'm very very sorry... I made this question in a RUSH haha. Then we proceeded to the BBQ cause' Mrs Lee gotta go quickly and.. It kinda took like around 30 mins for us to finally start the BBQ. And thanks to Mr Rain, or maybe Storm, we had to move the BBQ pit into the corridor of our chalet and there was this HUGE storm that hit us. It kinda made our mood to tiiiiaooo hahaha. After much of the BBQ'ing, we decided to make time to flow slower by either... Playing cards or talking. For me, we went outside to talk, and honestly I really enjoyed the chat I had with Sherman, Cheryl, Annabel, Sam sim and Ah Huan jie in the late nights. Oh not forgetting the xiao jiangs or AKA cockroaches. Haha they told me that I make a good story teller, aww thanks a lot haha. Then I played badminton at 5 AM! And then it started to rain again.... Drizzle actually. Then for the rest of the second day, I went to take naps in between and finally we checked out. Ok enough of the talking, let pictures speak louder than words shall we?

Fill the bombs... Err... Hit the mascot! Not me
I don't really have much pics, it's with other people. I'm going to try to grab AMAP. Alright, ciao!
I'm going to pursue my dreams, no matter what stops me.
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