Saturday, 15 November 2008


Yo~ today I was busy buying stuff to bring back to Indo tomorrow. Yup, it's like 18 hours and 30 minutes till my flight time, again, time flies. Well today I was AWFULLY SHOCKED by the amount of $$ I had left in my account. I just realised that it's soooo OMG, I'm totally speechless. Time to save up from now on. Anyway, I bought something that I loved today, you can guess it cause' that object is now missing form my cravings list. I guess laivishing ourself is perfectly sometime, but OVERLY lavishing is very very bad for our health. COme to think of it, yes, I've spent much thing since the past few weeks that I spent a huge sum of money. But some of it I used for the class so I kinda sacrificed that amount for the class, I love you 3E1'08. Anyway, since I'm going back home, and you should know how lagging my internet is back there. So I won't be blogging as I oftenly do in Singapore, neither will I be online as often in MSN. Anyway, I'm going to miss you guys =( Miss mee too alright? Hahahaha. I'll be back next year. Ok Ciao then!

Let time enjoy me, and let me enjoy time.

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