Saturday, 1 November 2008

I simply hate bitches

Yo~ today was fun I guess? Ok can you believe it? I actually went to watch HSM3 even though I don't like HSM?!?!? Haha Yep, I watched HSM3 and please don't get the wrong idea, I watched cause' I went out with sis and cousin and we had no movie to watch so decided to watch HSM3 haha. Anyway I rate 5.5/10 for the movie... I guess it's kinda over-rated and there's some funny, illogical parts of the movie but overall was fair... And I like one song? Haha the dancing song I call it. After that we went hme but... The bus broke down in the MIDDLE of the road. I feel very dumb cause the bus' fuel was actually EMPTY. My cousin, one westerner and I pointed out to the driver that the fuel was empty and he kept turning the steering wheel like as if the bus will still move? I mean, we common people can see that the fuel is empty but... Ok pardon me if there's some kind of liek hidden emergency fuel in case of a breakdown but... Ok whatever alright haha. My mood isn't good right now. I watched Mean Girls just now and reminded me of something IRRITATING about SOMEONE yesterday. That girl simply doesn't know how to respect older people does she? And respecting BOOKS. I'm sorry guys I'm telling you this, DO NOT ever THROW my books esepcially my TEXTBOOKS. Cause I hate people who do that. It not only disrepects the book, but it disrepects ME, cause I LOVE my books alright. Ok whatever ciao.

If you think books are dead things, then I feel your brain is dead too.

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