The celebration is at Vaxholm, 45~ mins bus drive
This is the view when I alight from the bus!

Took a walk, found the Vaxholm fortress

Had a DELICIOUS lunch of herring, salmon and shrimp

Summer wouldn't be complete without Ice Cream!
(Even though it was 14 degree Celsius then)

The town people preparing a pole thingy, you'll see.

The ladies are supposed to wear this. Made out of
twigs and flowers and leafs. Well I made it for fun
(I didn't wear it! :P)

After the pole is done, we went to a field and...

Lift it up and 1, 2, 3...

And it's up! The pole symbolises fertility and
we're supposed to dance around it. BUT...

Wonder what those white things are?
They are not flowers or mushrooms...

They are ICE! There was a hailstorm then
it rained ICE, not water but ICE!! Haha cool!

Took a boat back to Stockholm, and it was sunny..
DAMN IT haha, but it rained in Stockholm soon
Well yeah that's the mid-summer celebration. It was fun and cool, especially to see the town people's warmth and spirit of camaraderie. They are all so loving and they keep their tradition up! What's good? They allow tourists to join the fun. I saw two Japanese ladies helping to create the pole, and one Chinese guy carrying the pole. For me? I help them make the ring thingy hehe.
And hailstorm, that's a strange phenomenon in a summer day. And it's my first time seeing it too. It's kind of cool though hehe. But this celebration is like so awesome. People have holidays and they went out for outings, campings and picnics. I wonder if one day, we can do this in Singapore too? Wouldn't it be fun? It will, yes.
Alright I'm kind of sleepy now. Two more days, sigh, why does time fly so fast? But I will come back here and explore more of this country. One fine day, yes.
Happy mid-summer festival people!
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