White flowers, how I wish I'm one of them
Photography by Yours Truly, taken in Sweden
Hello people! Another great day I suppose. Finished my MATH OMG YAY like finally lol. Finally I have reached that line, thaaat line. Well I'm as happy as a bee who just got like 100000000 giga litre of honey from 10000000 terra grams of flowers. Sorry too much Math lol.
Well by doing 4 papers. If you ask me, am I ready for full paper? Hmm answer is 80% ready. Some of the questions in the paper are really yricky. And they really squeeze your brain to get the answer. I'm done with a few of the EL focus homework too. I don't know which article to write about.
I cooked today! It's been ages since I cook and I cooked my usual pasta salad again, same old boring stuff maybe but I love it. Get the inspiration from Nigella Lawson's recipe. For those who don't know her, she's a kitchen goddess and she's good and pretty! Haha!
I love watching her shows, cause she shows how to cook like as if she were really cooking, and not in a cooking show. Just like she ask someone "Hey get that camera and shoot me while I'm cooking!". So everything is natural.
Right I'm still left with History and Prose. Should I slack? Or should I work. Answer is? Both! Alright whatever I'm rather nuts today. See ya then people!
Damn, why time in holiday flies so fast, but not in school time?
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