Monday, 29 June 2009

What a great day to start the new term. By being sent back home! I'm not sent back cause of having fever flue or anything, but there was a mix-up between MOH and MOE guideline. I shall tell you the full story here.

Well there are two guidelines. So I came back on Monday (22nd June). If I were to follow MOH guideline, 22nd is my day 1. So if you count, Sunday was my day 7 and I'm fine to go to school. But MOE says 22nd is day 0. So which means Monday is day seven and I cannot go. So.... Yes.

Anyway I'm coming to school tomorrow as planned. But todays was just hillarious, it's like funny but at the same time uhh quite troublesome because I've made my way so far from my house and then "You must go home". Sweeeet.

Anyway there's nothing much to talk about. Today is kinda boring haha. I miss school :( CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? Haha okay see you tomorrow then.

La la la
PS: This is weird, my pic never appear

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