And thankfully, the sky was blue today!
Photography by Yours Truly
Love blue sky! As always!
Hello people! I'm just back from the 4E1'09 BBQ. Well I'm really happy because lots of us could make it for the BBQ! 32 people went for the BBQ which is great yes. I'm really sad that the 5 people and Mrs Lee couldn't make it but well, we'll have another outing yes.
Let me just talk about the BBQ. Reached WCP at around 4.50, while waiting for the delivery man we talked, wrapped the potatoes and as for me, cut them. And we also waited for people to come here as the BBQ pit was kind of difficult to be found. Seriously, the place was kind of secluded. I suggest to NParks to shift the location haha.
Took an hour (I don't know why) to start the fire and we started cooking! We cooked, laughed, sang, danced, did silliy things, took pictures and more! It was really fun when I'm around my friends, so fun and exciting yes. And I'm so so glad that we managed to -almost- finished the entire food I bought. We threw away like 4 chicken wings because we were really really stuffed. And I salute the boys who finished the 9? chicken wings!
Some of the boys, I forgot who stayed back to clear the place. Thanks a lot guys! And it was left with me, Federick, Neal and Wei Lun who cleaned up the last bit of the place. Then we headed home. Thankfully we didn't miss our last buses/train. And well here am I, home sweet home.
Tomorrow I'll be having my SP DPA orientation day. Really looking forward to this day cause it kind of marks the beginning of my preparatory programme which means, no more boring days! Hopefully will have lots of fun tomorrow, and I hope I'll get to meet nice people who I can talk to yeah. Ot else I'll be so bored there.
Alright, would like to say a huge thank you for my wonderful 4E1'09 people who attended the BBQ! You guys made it a successful one okay. And to the boys who stayed and cleaned up the place as well. Alrighty people, see you and good night!
I hope we'll have more gatherings in the future :D
PS: Good luck to those knowing their JAE results tomorrow! Hope you'll get into the course/JC that you want :D
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