Was such a wonderful day.
Photography by Yours Truly.
I love Starbucks! I miss Starbucks! Taken at Starbucks!
Whew, just got my results... And...
I am really happy with it! Pretty much satisfied!
Yes! I scored a 9 for my L1R5, and a 7 for my L1R4. I get 6 distinctions and oh God I am really really happy! Somehow my dreams turn into a reality! And what I am really happy about is my grade for English, I scored an A1! It was my first A1 that I ever have, and I got it in Os. Oh wow, how could I be not happy? I'm delirious!
Congratulations to Cheryl, Sam Tan and Jie Long for topping the school with their 9 and 10 distinctions! Happy for you guys! Congratulations to those who scored distinctions as well! And basically congratulations to EVERYONE! Remember it's not the marks that matter it's the effort. I firmly believe that everyone has done well, so long they gave their best!
Sigh, time is really flying quickly, now that our secondary school life is officially over, everyone will go to their separate ways. But do keep in touch aye people! And now I'm waiting for my life in SP to start. I can't wait for it to start, and I'm eager on how it will go. Hopefully it will be as great or even better as my life in Tanglin.
Whew, alright I guess that's all for this wonderful day. I am really happy with my results and I am also in complete shock with my result. I did not expect myself to get such results. It's incredible. I regret getting some of the grades like Bio and Lit, both a B3... Sigh. But it's okay, no point regretting cause it's all over and done with. Alright see ya people!
Remember, you are who you are.
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