Music, is the best thing I can get.
Photography by Yours Truly.
Tomorrow! :D
Hello people! Today, somehow feels like a normal school day to me except for the studying! Cause I went to school to check the band and... I got asked to conduct them tomorrow... Whew, that will be my first time conducting the band in a performance. So all the best to me and everyone else performing tomorrow for the open house, especially TSMB-ians!
Today went to the MOE to pay my school fees or else I won't be able to get my results, scary eh. So then rushed to school to meet band members and to check when and where to meet for tomorrow and stuff.. And that's when they told me whether I could conduct them tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow will go smoothly yes!
After band went to help Mrs Lee with the decorations for the band room spot. And then went to eat dinner with LTY and Shafeeq, and we reminisced about lots of things that happened to us in Tanglin, ahh, the good old days. And on Monday I'll be getting my results. Holy smoke. Arrgh!
Alright I guess that's all for today, gotta sleep early tonight cause gotta wake up early tomorrow. Pray hard for me people! See ya soon! And good luck again to those performing tomorrow!
Another step closer to my dream.
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