Hello there :D Right right right! I got myself a new phone! It's a HTC desire HD :D :D :D Oh finally, letting go of my Nokia N82, after three long years. Both sad and happy to let go of it. Sad for I have shared many memorable moments with it, like my Swden trip, my secondary school days, and many more. Happy... Cause it's a better phone heh. And loooove the camera. And data plan! :P
So meaning I can Facebook more now, in class (oops), in bus, walking home, in the toilet (are you kidding me, yes) and more. And follow my tweet @adhiantos! Don't ask the cheesy name, it stands for adhianto suherli but I shortened the second name. And I want Adhi92 but taken, Adhianto92, taken. Rawr, Adhiantos it is then!
Anyway today was alright I guess. School was normal. I've learnt something: Eat at 11AM every Monday after the Gem bio lesson and not at 12. Then I won't feel sleepy for the rest of the afternoon! And if possible, try to walk about here and there after that. The rest of the day proceeds alright I guess. Hmm, thinking of getting the Gembio book though...
After school went to Macdonald cause there's this Mcflurre 2-for-1 promotion there and it's awesome. So Candy, Syazwani, Rebekah and I went there. 2 each, and 2 free. Yums. Rebekah thought it's the worst ice cream she had though. I think it's a biiiiiit weird too. Heh. And we went home after that, Candy left for phlebotomy.
Had dinner at this place called Spize at River Valley there with my sis and my dad's colleague. She's in Singapore now too! And we had a fulfilling dinner I suppose. Whew. But nice and delicious. Even though I feel my briyani wasn't that awesome but oh well, it's good enough to satisfy me! :D
Right that's all for the update I suppose. It's Vesak day tomorrow so it's holiday! And my sis is going back tomorrow too. So will be going to the airport with her as well. Okay ciao!
I came up with a new quote today:
Criticising people without giving them the reasons why is like coming up with a formula without elaborations. Not only you will make the problem worst, you won't find solutions to the problem at all.
PS: I've just received two very important and sweet things, which is very very important for my memory. Thanks to a nice Youtube user :)
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