Right, I'm blogging while waiting for my pepes ayam to finish steaming in the rice cooker. What's pepes ayam? Chicken + herbs + coconut milk --> Steamed tadah. My sis brought it for me last Saturday so gotta finish em before it turned bad. Plus I'm alone at home now with my sis out with her friends.
Anyway today is Vesak day so Happy Vesak day! May all living things on earth be blessed and happy :) Share the love always people!
Today was a holiday so nothing much to do, except that my sister is flying back to Jakarta today. So we went for a dim sum lunch just now, plus buying things to bring back for her. After that I sent her off to the airport and my sis and her bf went with me to Plaza Singapura. And yay! I finally bought it heehee.
No, it's nothing related to camera heh.
Anyway I promise myself I have to get started on my studies tonight, and tomorrow. Whew, weekend was burnt by band camp, and the next weekend, sailing camp. Oh my, and exams are coming, works are piling, and so much more. I have to get things done! But I tell myself I can do this, I can manage my time well and take things at a time each.
I guess personally speaking, I'm someone who can't handle stress especially when lots of things are "running" towards me. Well I have to go and handle them one by one, but at times I just go kaboom and urgh I hate that feeling. But I won't do to an extent where I'll go and like breakdown and cry heh. Just that I'll be physically, mentally and emotionally tired.
The only thing I can do is to plan my things more (which is what I'm doing actually). I've kept this small agenda, apart from my black one, to jot down whatever things I need to do, or I will have in a particular day. This includes outing, dinners, camps, activities and whatsoever. So I can keep track of what I'm doing, and not just go boom boom.
I really believe in the 7 effective habits taught in the FLP camp. #2 begin with the end in mind, and #3 put first things first. When we can plan things carefully, and prioritise things more, I guess things will be done smoothly yeah?
Alright I guess my chicken is ready now. Time for dinner, bathe, then study! Ouyeah. I'll pull this through. I'll remind myself always :)
I wonder.
Thanks for posting, definitely going to subscribe! See you on my reader. Woosh
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