Wee I'm in school right now, still, with Kai Xuan and Zaki. Did lots of things in the afternoon so I feel really accomplished haha. List of things which I did includes:
-Lab Bio tutorial
-Biochem notes
-Biorisk RA (my part)
-Re-typing my group's Biochem CBL
-Pharmacology tutorial
How can I not be happy! Hehe. I love the feeling I get when I accomplish to do lots of things, which I target down before doing. At least I manage to do them, ouyeah. But not gonna stop till here, shall continue with more things tonight.
There's a reason to why I did all of the above things in school instead of at home. All of the above things require my lappy to be done. Laptop = Facebook = Twitter = Tumblr = Youtube and more. So might as well do it in school and not do it at home. I realise at home, I'm more productive when it comes to non-computer based stuff (like studying). In school, more of my lappy stuff.
Today was alright I guess. Pharmacology is alright, almost late for class but thankfully Miss Joanne was late too hehe. Biochem was great fun. It was our first time doing Case Based Learning and I really enjoyed it. It's really like discussing with my group, and it gets really nice and conducive. I know now that I didn't make the wrong choice of going to research.
Oh well I'm just hoping next sem's CBL will be as fun as today's, always! :)
After school went to study. Accompanied Candy and Kai while they collect the idemnity form for their sailing camp. Then to lunch at Moberly for Kai and then FC3 study area. Kai and Candy went for their Mongolian OCIP interview today! I really hope all of us (and Saeyeoh) can make it for the trip. OCIP with friends will be like one of the most awesomest thing that can happen.
And then I did all of the above stuff, which I'm really happy hehe.
Oh well I wish I have the discipline like I'm having today, everyday, everytime. It's pretty nice and satisfying when you know that you've finished all of the list of things you want to do. It's like reaching a goal right hehe. And discipline as I once said is something hard to get and maintain, yet so easy to lose in a second. With different factors of course.
But oh well what can I do. I'm trying my best to organise my time more (mentioned in the previous post) and so I hope these little things I'm doing will take me closer and closer in achieving that discipline I wish to get and maintain.
Alright I guess that's all for today. Can't believe I stayed back till 8 now. To study. It's a very satisfying thing to know that you have done a lot of things though. But I enjoyed the company Kai and Zaki have shared. Making study not something lonely and sad. I enjoy studying with friends, alone at home, many in school I guess. Okay ciao for the day!
It dawned upon me... Of if the day arrive.
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