Beautiful sunset, on my birthday. What else can I ask for? :)
Hello! Oh well I was so busy last night (yes I know on my birthday) that I forgot to blog. Stupid me, for forgetting to do so many things last night and so I burnt the midnight oil, and I didn't blog. You know what's the worst thing? To know that your teacher said the next day that the submission date is postponed. RAWRRR but look on the bright side, I'm done! :D
Anyway so yeah, happy birthday to me! Belated it is. 19 years have passed so quickly, sometimes I feel that it's... Pretty short heh. Even though 19 years is pretty long. Funny how we feel one week is so long, yet 19 years so fast. Human nature at its best. Anyway I had a blast! From the pre-birthday celebrations, to the wishes, to everything. Thank you so much people, love you all :)
My birthday itself was alright. I had lunch together with Nivedha at Holland V. We wanted to print and develop our photos but... Poor her, for discovering that.... HAHAHA okay I'm so bad but on the bright side, she learnt something new! Right? Hehehe. Anyway thanks for your present! Love it hehe.
Even though I'm spending my birthday alone, without my friends or family here. I'm pretty thankful that the beautiful sky is accompanying me throughout the day. The sky on Sunday was just so gorgeous and beautiful. It feels like... I don't know. As if the sky is wishing me a happy birthday too :) So thank you, sky.
On Saturday I went with Ahpa and her friends, Huiting, Bao yu and Skai on a trekk on the KTM railway! It was my first, and probably last time there, since they're taking them out. I had a great fun trekking 6 KM long of distance. And I felt so happy to have celebrated my birthday with them, given the fact that we only met for the first time on that day! I'm really touched by that, thank you people! You're all so awesome :)
Photos up on Facebook by the way :)
As for today.... Nothing much, it was an ordinary Monday I guess. And thank you DBS 1.5 for the birthday present! Seriously, how did you guys know I need that kind of pouch! :P It'll come really handy for me, you know how freaking sentimental I am right :P And today we also had out first clarinet tutor session. Whew, tough but worth it heh, I guess that's how I call it.
Alright I think that's all for today. Once again, thank you all people for your birthday wishes, the presents, the surprises, the celebrations and everything. I really appreciate each and every gesture, in any way that you've given to me. Love you all! (Y)
19 years, many more to go. Wishing for a better 19 than 18! (Even though 18 was really awesome) :)
47 more days to Inner Mongolia OCIP!
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