Friday, 1 May 2015

Searching For Music

 I've been looking for this album for years

Okay so I was reading my old blog posts from March and I realised I didn't blog about one thing I was supposed to blog! Alright it's nothing much but it's a rather interesting story.

For as long as I can remember, while I was still in Singapore, I always went to bed with Channel News Asia turned on on my TV. After they go off-air, they would just air the news-reel with beautiful new age music in the background. I have always wanted to know the title of the songs they played. I used Soundhoud, Shazam etc and they didn't come with any result. I even emailed CNA and asked about the music used but they replied me with "It's for an in-house production, not for commercial use".

I was feeling really disappointed. So before I left Singapore for good, I actually recorded the song on my iPod just for memory keepsake. Until this year I stumbled upon that recording again, and I was just Googling "How to look for the title of unknown music". Most of the answers return with Shazam and Soundhound but I know they don't work. Then I read further and it says.... "Upload a video file of the music to Youtube and Youtube will tag the music used in the video". Voila, I found my answer.

I did that and... Yes! I got the title of the music used in the video. Turned out it is called Voice Ballet (A) by Kevin Malpass. I was pretty excited and went to iTunes store straightaway to look for it. I couldn't find it, and so I turned to Google. And... My hope was crushed once again. The CD was released in 2000. 15 years ago! It is not available digitally anywhere. But then I saw someone selling the album on eBay and I just went to get it right away, and I got the CD about a month later!

I was feeling so happy, to finally get the music I've been wanting to get so badly for years. I was listening to the album on my Discman and man, it felt like I was back in Singapore. Those late nights, falling asleep to these songs. The songs in the album is only some of the music used for their off-air news reel though. Some of the other songs come from another album, which I don't know what. I totally regretted not recording the other songs used. But anyway, Voice Ballet (A) is my favourite.

Okay here's the only video reference of the song that I found in Youtube:

Voice Ballet (A) by Kevin Malpass
Used in some winery (?) video 

Okay, some of you might freak out to know the distance I would go to get my favourite music. But yes, this is the distance I would go to. And don't even ask about owning a physical form of the music. I will fight for it even harder! :P This is by far the "furthest" I went to get my favourite music.

Can you believe it's May already! Time flies isn't it. It's the first of May and we do celebrate Labour Day too. So it was a "day off" for me but hey, like I said, there's no such things as a day off for me hah. In fact I was settling some delivery today. But nevertheless it is a pretty chill day for me. A gloomy one too because the hometown was just covered with thick grey clouds hmm.

We've been enjoying three days of blue skies and sunshine though.

Alright, here's wishing a Marvelous May ahead for everyone! Seriously can't believe we're almost halfway into 2015. It feels like it just started yesterday. Have a great weekend people.

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