Today is the 300th day of the year. Three hundred days of 2015 just went by like that! And also, co-incidentally, I was sitting for my O Levels six years ago. Sometimes it is terrifying to realise how fast time is flying. At the same time, I feel it is fascinating. What is time really?
To be honest, 2015 is the fastest year that I've experienced so far in my life. The record holder was 2011. I think a lot of (great) things happened in 2011 and life felt very awesome. And just like the golden rule of life, time flies when you're having fun. The slowest year for me was 2012. Because it was the year in which I had to be really really patient with everything I do, and things that happened to me.
Isn't it funny how sometimes a year feels faster or slower than the years that we went through before, although we went through the same number of days in a year (except for leap years of course). Sometimes I feel that we have all fallen into time's oblivion, walking aimlessly through the sea of time.
And we are accompanied by the events that happened to us. And the people who walked with us, whom we crossed paths with, and ultimately, who left us.
I suppose time is like a huge ocean which we dived into. When we swim against its waves, we feel like time is flowing slowly. When we harvest the wind and ride with its waves, time flies very quickly. Ultimately, I think we have to recognise and feel its rhythms and waves. When we do so, and ride along with it, that's when we are living our life to its fullest.
Well perhaps, I'm beginning to move along life's rhythms. Maybe. Just maybe.