Saturday, 9 November 2019

Spinning // Slowing

Perhaps this world has enough people that keep it spinning. 
Perhaps it needs more people that slow it down.

I came across with this thought a while back. When I saw this photo that I shoot when I was in Singapore, after it got developed. It's just a random thought after seeing these skyscrappers that are constantly built everywhere. Not just Singapore but around the world. And this is our world.

We often hear the saying "money makes the world go round" and well it's kinda accurate. Some days it feels like we're just caught in this money chase. And it is in these chase that the world keeps "spinning". Sometimes it goes too fast that we don't even know what we passed through.

So perhaps yes, we have enough people that keep this world spinning. And we need more people that slow it down. People who have seen through this "chase". People who live not for this "chase". These are the people that can slow down the spinning of this world. People who create arts and make people stop and ponder. People who write stories that make people sit and read and contemplate. People who make music that make the world slow down. And make people be at peace.

But at the end of the day I often feel that... We're all sucked into this vortex of the chase. Some days I feel that we're made to be part of the chase. I'm not sure by what and by who. But... It's there.

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