Okay so sorry for not blogging for a long time. Lots of things happened... Okay not exactly a lot of things, just one. My dad fell sick for the past week. It was quite serious that he had to be put on IV drips and administered with antibiotics for this whole week! Thankfully he's so much better on Saturday. Still weak but better than the whole of last week. And today he's off-IV and feeling much better.
Well basically he developed a secondary infection. I think it was a viral infection first (on last-last Saturday (16/11). He had a recurring fever and it was on and off. And he's like getting better, then the fever returns and so on. We ordered a blood test and his leucocytes level was normal. Suspected of dengue or typhoid fever but both went negative as well (twice). But for the whole of last week his fever didn't subside. So on Thursday he went for more blood test and his leucocytes and neutrophils increased! So doctor suspected a following bacterial infection and... Thus antibiotics.
And yup after finishing his dose of anticiotics, he's much better on Saturday. So I'm glad everything turned out fine! I was just really worried when his fever didn't go away. Cause my dad never has fever for more than 2 days-ish heh. He usually gets well after 1-3 days, and be normal again.
The human body is amazing but it can be scary too I guess. Take care of yourself folks.
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