Saturday, 30 November 2019

Thirty One

It's the last day of November now which means that... We're left with 31 more fucking days to 2020! Okay sorry for the swearing, I'm just utterly shocked at the rate time is flying. I swear it feels like November just started yesterday. This month flew by rather quickly. Perhaps because too many things happened in this month. Mind's preoccupied and so on. Time flies when you and your mind is busy!

I don't want to start my yearly reflection early heh, I think there's still time to think and talk about it. But whew, it's been quite a year. Though it's kinda difficult to put it into words heh.

Anyway, I want to start writing more here. I think I'm pretty pressed for time to hit my goal. But I'll do it!

Here's to a Dauntless and Driven December, let's end 2019 beautifully!

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