Tuesday, 3 December 2019


It's the beginning of December and... It's finally raining here! Although it doesn't rain for a long time, at least now it rains everyday so far. I wish we can have like a good one hour rain or something. Usually the rain only lasts for 10-30 minutes here, but at least they are heavy. However other parts of my hometown are raining really heavily, with some even experiencing strong winds that destroy houses :O

I have to say that 2019 has been a year with weird weather patterns. We have a long drought and it is a strong one too. Although it isn't as long as the drought in 2015. I remember in 2015 it didn't rain from May to November. There were rains here and there but I remember the dry season was really long. This year the last time we had "proper" rainy season was in July-ish I think. Cause I remember in the beginning of July, there were still rains here and there. And in September too.

But after that the drought came and it came strong. The temperatures hit 33 degrees in the afternoon. I don't remember the temperature hitting those levels... Even if it does, it won't last for weeks. It would be a one-off thing. And we have really humid nights to a point where it is so uncomfortable heh. I've been leaving my windows open at night for the past one month because it was that hot. Usually the weather will be cool and I have to close all my windows heh. Now it is the opposite!

Because of this our flowers bloom too quickly too. Like we harvested the flowers meant for Christmas in the beginning of November! And now we're harvesting flowers meant for end of December. And my worker just reported that the flowers for January are starting to bloom. Die!! Haha.

But what can we do really. We just harvest them I guess.

So yeah I'm just glad that we're finally entering the rainy season. The farmers can start planting again after a horrible drought season. And the earth can rejoice in the freshness of water. 

Alright that's all for now. More post to come soon! See ya.

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