Monday, 23 December 2019


Cassettes cassettes cassettes!

Okay don't call me crazy but I just bought all these albums on cassettes! Hahaha. Well somehow somewhat, I actually came across an ad for the Enya album on cassette from Tokopedia (it was on Facebook) and I was like wow! Someone is actually selling cassettes still :O And the price is rather affordable (but not cheap). So I decided to get them just for keep-sake haha. Also it's cool to have these again! I actually owned them on cassettes back 16 years ago ish. Crazy eh.

"Pain The Sky With Stars" was actually the first Enya album that I ever bought for myself. I bought it back in 2003 from HMV. I can still remember haha. I brought it back home for my parents to listen and they love it! But because back then our car only has a cassette player, I went to look for the album on cassette. And I found it in Disctarra. I bought the cassette too for my parents.

I have listened to Enya albums for a long time. I remember listening to the CDs on my sister's discman haha. Back then my sister already bought an MP3 player. So she passed the discman to me. I've been listening CDs on discman till 2005. Until my sister bought an iPod and she passed her MP3 player to me :P So yeah this is why these albums hold a wonderful sentimental value to me.

Well I bought these cassettes mostly for the keep-sake purpose. Like I think it'll be really cool to still own a cassette of the album now. And imagine in the future! I might be one of the few last owners of the album on cassette mwahaha. I just love collecting physical formats of music.

And talking about music, I need to start finalising my great music of 2019 soon!

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