Tuesday, 24 December 2019


It's Christmas Eve and I'm finally blogging the 100th post of 2019 hahaha. Well this year is a total failure of blogging for me. Not exactly total but... Without Blogtober I wouldn't be able to blog 100 posts by the end of the year, truth be told! Anyway I stick to my plan and I manage to do it :P

Anyway since it's the 100th post of 2019, I wanna talk about the future of this blog and what will happen in 2020. Well... I'm going to quit blogging. Just kidding HAHAHA. Not exactly call it quit!

First of all I will definitely not set a target of number of blog posts. AKA I will blog as and when I want. I will blog about whatever I have in mind, or just a short update on life. Not necessarily for people to read but mostly for the future me to read. Like when I come back to read again in the future, I'll know what's happening in that particular time of the year, and what's going on in life. It's kinda fun looking back.

Secondly I will no longer blog about music of the month. But more of sharing favourite music that I discovered randomly. And also that means no music of the year (see how it goes).

Thirdly I think I want to write... Proper posts. Not saying that my posts aren't proper but at least I want to write about certain topics. And I want to write it well. With structure and so on. Which leads me to my next plan... I want to share my posts! I never share my posts except for really special ones. And I'm thinking of sharing almost every post for people to read. Thus, I want to write proper ones!

Yup so far these are my plans for 2020. For clouds of Sunday. But for sure, I will never stop blogging, until I cannot do so. In one way or another, I will continue!

Alright we're left with one more week till the end of the year. I will try to write everyday. But if not I will try to write a few more posts till the end of the year. I hope you're having a great Christmas eve. See ya :)

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