Heya peeps, another exciting day for me I suppose. Today I woke up early to prepare for the hiking trip but the weather disagrees with us, so we postponed it to tomorrow's evening, yes I feel it will be nicer. So we don't want to waste another morning right? And so we decided to go out to have breakfast together, in this cool porridge restaurant called Bubur Bunut, or Bunut Porridge haha. And then we headed to my cousin's house and we wanted to upgrade my PSP's software and so we did. In the afternoon it was... SWIMMING TIME! Woots! We went to swim and I swam about.... 22 laps and whew, I'm so loving it but I'm so freaking tired now. Tomorrow, will be a busy day for me, and also and exciting one cause' it's the last day of2008 right? Hell I'm loving it, not really kind hate it but love it and hate it kind if feeling. Okay I guess that's all for the day, see ya all!
We flow in time, just like how a leaf flows on a river.
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Monday, 29 December 2008
Cousins for life
Hello... Today was a fun day I suppose, went to cut my hair again (cause' it's cheaper here and I love the my hair style that the hair dresser cut for me) and then looked around for my printer's ink. Well somehow the global crisis has also become the global ink crisis, why? Cause' I went to this shop and looked for the ink, that was 2 weeks ago and the guy told me that due to the crisis, we don't dare to stock the ink so we don't have the stock. Two days ago I came to the store againa dn the same thing happened. Today I went to another shop and the same thing happened. So money has lots of things to do with inks huh? Hahaha. After that we went to eat at this roadside stall, they sell noodle and meatballs. Well it makes me reminiscing about my childhood. The stall is situated in front of my primary school here in Sukabumi. When I was still in primary school, the stall was still on a pushcart and we had to sit on this wooden bench to eat with the bowl on our hands. Now the stall is still on a pushcart, but they provide us with benches and tables now, for us to savour our food. And surprisingly the seller still remembers me! And even knows my name. But uhh he kinda looks older now (duh?) it's been six years since I left the school. And as we drove out, we passed my school and it brings back lots and lots of memories. In my heart I kept on saying "Oh that was my class, oh I was taught there before oh.... oh...." and so on. After that we went home and... My cousins arrived! Woots, we then chatted for a while and man, we enjoyed it a lot. Like finally, our house is filled with noise again. And the good news is they'll be staying until 1st of January which means.... COUNTDOWN! Okay yups. Tomorrow we'll be going on a hiking trip in the morning so please please please I beg to the sky, don't cry tomorrow, just for once? You can cry tonight, please.... And we'll be going to swim too! So I really really hope that tomorrow's weather will be perfect. Alrighty then, see ya all! Gotta sleep early tonight.
Once a cousin, always a cousin. Cousins for life, Baros United :)
Once a cousin, always a cousin. Cousins for life, Baros United :)
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Hello, yes I'm back from Bandung it's soooooo damn tiring haha. I went there from my house at 7.30 A.M. took a break for around 30 minutes and then hit the road again and I reached Bandung at around 12.30 P.M. What welcomed us? A beautiful long line of cars stucked in a jam.... How cool right? Well nevertheless, we went to this mall called IP or Istana Plaza. Searched for my shoes and result: 0.... Then we met my dad's colleague and told us that if you want to look for converse shoes you can go try to go to PVJ or also known as Paris Van Java (I love how it sounds ya know, in Indo it sounds like P[Like pe in pedal]-V[Like ve in very]-J[Like Ja in Jarret]). So we decided to hit there and... Same long line of cars AGAIN but it's better than the previous one at least. So as we reached PVJ we went around looking for Converse store and... OMG OMG it's there! So we decided to enter and look around.... Result: 1! But it's not the shoes that I wanted, I want this shoe called predator, like my previous shoe but I bought this thin-layered shoes that I don't really like but well, I HAVE to buy it because I don't have any shoe for my first day in school! My sis told me that there's one shop in my town that sells my kind of shoes but I took my mum's advice of buying the pair first in case there's no shop that sells it at all right? So yeah. After Converse we went to Nike and Planet Surf which sells lots of Billabong stuff. I went to buy a new sling bag (smaller than my Crumpler bag, much smaller) I bought it so that I can carry a simple bag for going out. It feels weird when I go out with my friends with my huge Crumpler bag. After PVJ we went to this Korean Buffet restaurant called Hanamasa, it's an all-you-can-eat buffet so.... Wow we're so goddamn full. After that we decided to go to this cake shop which sells real nice cakes and then hit the road home. We reached home at 7 P.M. and I took a nap from 8.30 - 9.30 cause I can't stand the fatigue that I had. And now here I am, blogging. My mood isn't very nice right now, don't ask me why. And my cousin postponed his arrival from today to tomorrow again hahaha. Alright I guess that's all for today's post, don't really have much mood to blog. Yup okay see you soon!
Can't you give me the freedom to do what I want? And some personal place, please?
Can't you give me the freedom to do what I want? And some personal place, please?
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Bandung here I come!
Yo, today is a Hitler day! Because I went to do my history homework and it's all about him. Wel yes I once told you that Hitler is a @#!#%#$^%$ but now he's a @#$%^&(*&^%$#$%^&*&^%$#$%^&^%$#@ ok whew. Why is he so greedy? And he didn't keep his promise of giving land to Russia? Okay, see I don't wish to have another war, let history be history eh? Well tomorrow my mum, sis, her bf and me is going to Bandung! Err to my fellow Singaporean friends, Bandung is a place in west Java and not the usual drink we have in Kopitiam or school hahaha. But yes in Singapore it is a drink, and I love to drink it too but that was last time. I'm going to look for:
1) New Converse shoe!
2) New bag
3) New 3/4 pants and some shirts
4) Whatever I find interesting
Since my Jakarta trip failed, this is my ONLY chance provided that I only have uhh 5 more days here :( and in this small town of Sukabumi, finding these things that I want is not that easy so yup, my only chance. And oh my aunt's trip here yesterday was canceled and she will be going here tomorrow. Well I'll miss one day with them but nahh there's always Monday and Tuesday and.... I hope they stay till new year! So that we all can celebrate it together. Alright I guess that's all for today's post. Ciao!
As time goes by, everything changes.
PS: I finally finished my book!
1) New Converse shoe!
2) New bag
3) New 3/4 pants and some shirts
4) Whatever I find interesting
Since my Jakarta trip failed, this is my ONLY chance provided that I only have uhh 5 more days here :( and in this small town of Sukabumi, finding these things that I want is not that easy so yup, my only chance. And oh my aunt's trip here yesterday was canceled and she will be going here tomorrow. Well I'll miss one day with them but nahh there's always Monday and Tuesday and.... I hope they stay till new year! So that we all can celebrate it together. Alright I guess that's all for today's post. Ciao!
As time goes by, everything changes.
PS: I finally finished my book!
Friday, 26 December 2008
So yes, this is an alarming news for me, VERY alarming indeed. Yes I'm OBESE!!!! OMFG really, okay so I'm 89 kg now, and my height is around 1.79 so which means I'm overweight by 10 kg here... Screw everything, I'm going for a super-hardcore-crazy-heavy diet next year, And I so FCUKING swear I won't eat rice... For dinner, yeah. Depends actually whether I'm hungry or not (like if I never eat food for lunch, of course I'll eat rice for dinner). But this is super alarming for me, cause' oh man screw everything damn it, I can't go on a diet here, or my mum will scold me. And my mum still says it's okay? Oh no way man, I gotta lose weight! My mum is convinced that if I go for a diet I'll get anemia again and THAT IS NOT TRUE~ I told my mum as long as I take a stable diet, but less carbs I will never get anemia! Like I won't eat red-meat forever.... I still eat meat but LESS CARBS and my mum is never convinced by that. I know she cares for me but, I think I'm old enough to make decisions. I should blame that bloody sashimi I ate last year that caused me to have spleen infection which caused me to be anemic. Man.... gah, Singapore, IS THE ONLY place where I can go for a diet peacefully. Anyway I have an exercising plan for next year, I'll go to swim every weekend (anyway that's what I always do this year). And I'll go for a diet. No-rice-for-dinner diet and also to try and reduce alllllll the food I eat. Okay that's all for today, dieting in progress!
Sometimes, it's time for us to act ourselves, without any supervision of anyone.
Sometimes, it's time for us to act ourselves, without any supervision of anyone.
Merry Christmas :) Whateva I know I'm late XD
Ok so I guess I owe everyone an apology for not saying Merry Christmas! I mean LATE for saying Merry Christmas. I was busy watching TV and when I turned my head onto the clock... Oopsie it's 12 AM haha. It's well a rainy Christmas here, it's been raining since afternoon and just ended at around 11 P.M. here. Well to any Christian/Catholics out there, what does this implicate? Uhh good sign? Or bad? I hope it's good, cause' here rain always associate to something good ye'know. Christmas is always wonderful, and both fearful too, here. Why? Bombs, of course. But I'm thankful there's no bomb so far and thank to the police force here too, who have been helping the churches around Indonesia. See? If everyone worked together despite of religion differences, wouldn't this world be a MUCH BETTER place (Well cause many of the policemen here are Muslims, and they're helping the Christians too)? Ok anyway since today is a rainy Christmas, I did nothing much except going to my sister's friend's house. She has this cuttte dog and super hyperactive too. Then I went home cause' my cousin went to my house and we play what else? But Bball! I love Bballing, even though I'm not good at it. Well I prefer Bball then soccer, but afterall I prefer music than anything else hahahaha. Okay well my cousins from Bekasi and Bandung are going here tomorrow, can't wait to see them, well at least this place will not be that "dead" anymore eh, noise are good sometimes ya know. Alright then, see ya all! Ciao!
Merry Christmas! May the light of Christmas shine upon you all :)
Merry Christmas! May the light of Christmas shine upon you all :)
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Merry Christmas :)
Well so tonight, is the Christmas's eve of 2008 huh, time sure flies fast (I'm sorry, I know I have been saying this for God knows how many times) but Christmas always reminds me of how fast time flies. Today I revised a little history, about how WWII started and damn, Hitler is so !@@#$#$^%$^& I tell you haha. Then I decided to watch TV and I watched Good Luck Chuck on HBO and omg it's so damn hilarious! Haha and whoever in real life is "Chuck", good luck to you haha. Hmm so it's 8 more days till I'm going back to Singapore, somehow I kinda miss everyone, including the teachers! Don't ask me why... Anyway that's all for today I guess, these days I really have nothing to talk about ya know.. Ok see ya, ciao!
If there's a time machine, where will you go back/forth to?
If there's a time machine, where will you go back/forth to?
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Involuntary, voluntary, hormones and enzymes
Yo again, today uhh is kinda normal again? But well.... I finished my biology homework! Like finally.... Haha. And I'm going to start on my English soon, History and more... Well tomorrow my sis is coming back here too, on Christmas eve cool eh? But Christmas always tells me that my holiday is ending and the year is coming to an end. Well come to think of it, yup, it's 9 more days till I'm going back to Singapore and it's 8 more days to the last day of 2008. It's funny, and scary to realise how time flies quickly, like one blink and it's over? 365 days and it's over? Just like that? Well, time itself is a mystery that no one can solve. Anyway, uhh I think that's all for the day? Today seems empty, not much of things going one ye know. Okay see you all I guess, ciao!
Monday, 22 December 2008
Hello again, today? Hmm quite okay I guess, and guess what I finished my Chinese holiday assignment! Woots! Like FINALLY. Anyway the composition I wrote is kinda crappy but... It's viewable, readable and enjoyable :) and I'm starting on English very very soon. I always love composition, cause' it makes my brain to travel to a place I don't know. After I finished my composition I went to practice my flute again, uhhh my tone for my third octave F is improving, good thing eh? And then I joined my mum to watch this Indonesian drama to kill time, which we seriously hate a lot. The story is about this family, the mum died, got new mum and new sister, and sadly the new members of the family are as cruel as a tiger who haven't seen a piece of meat yet and it's hungry. So the new members of the family kept on "bullying" the daughter of the older family, and guess what? The daughter was soooooo happy of being bullied that she didn't do anything about it. And the stupid father believe the new mum that it's always the old daughter that is at fault. It's SUPER IRRITATING I tell you, like oh my gosh, Indonesian dramas made the impossible to be possible, and the possible to be impossible, trust me man. But I love some Indonesian movies, cause they make sense! But not the dramas! ROAR hahaha, see I got so agitated just by watching it hohoho. Okay that's all for today then, see you!
So, what's the point of being rich?
So, what's the point of being rich?
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Tang yuan tang yuan, German sausage
Yo again, today was a better day for me I guess, cause' my cousins came and we played together, chatted together and what teenagers do, gossiped too. Well when I have activities that keep me going, life is surely better for me. Then we went out for dinner together and I ate.... German sausage haha and they make fun of me with the German sausage, don't ask how, it's hard when translating jokes from another language you know. After dinner we went to make Tang Yuan, cause' tomorrow will be some kind of Tang Yuan day? I don't know the English term but it's kinda a practice that we have been doing every 22nd of December. And we have to eat the Tang Yuan according to our age. So I'm 16 now, and I have to add another one because of the Lunar Calendar thing so I need to eat a total of 17 Tang Yuan, one shot! But nahh can you imagine those 80 years old peeps? They have to eat 81 Tang Yuan! Hahahahaha. Ummm then I played piano for my aunt and cousins to hear cause' they love Jay Chou's Dao Xiang so much haha. Hmm you know what? I have, in my mind an idea of a band song I wanna compose. But.... Never mind, let time will tell the future alright? Okay that's all for today, see you all!
Once a Sukabumian, always a Sukabumian. We won't change, right?
Once a Sukabumian, always a Sukabumian. We won't change, right?
Saturday, 20 December 2008
What's the point?
Yo, today hmm, was kinda boring and moody day for me. Yup, in fact I became moody cause' I'm bored. Ok so well woke up as usual (in the afternoon) and well yeah yeah, I don't feel like saying haha. But anyway yes, when I went home I just felt so Goddamn moody and I just feel like doing nothing but stare at the blankness of air. It feels miserable honestly, but sorry, this is me when I'm moody, I don't feel like doing anything AT ALL. Well my flute saved me, I decided to pick it up and play it like crazy. I practiced the SYF pieces and some other band songs that I've memorised. Well I myself can't believe it but I memorised La Storia! Wow, I mean well I pressed my handphone and played it, and then I just play it on my flute like as if I'm playing with the band (yeah I wish my band is like THAT good). Well I hope I can remember the song till I reach Singapore. Well, come to think of it, next year will be a super busy year for me so yeah. But anyway, winners treat problems as challenges, losers as burdens. And always, look on the bright side of life. Okay that's all for today's crap, see you!
Good things have bad sides, and bad things have good sides. Life is just so imperfect.
Good things have bad sides, and bad things have good sides. Life is just so imperfect.
Friday, 19 December 2008
Festive Overture Op 96 :)
Ok, I'm feeling pissed right now. Why? Because my itunes disappeared!!!! I downloaded the newest version yesterday (which I waited for 2 hours and my computer suddenly hanged) and this is what I get? Life is just soooo unfair! Haha. Ok so now I'm re-downloading my itunes which I sooooooo hope that everything will go well. So today, was a Chinese homework day cause I spent the afternoon finishing my last component of the homework. But I got stuck... Well I decided to pick the topic "How should we ask advice from other people". I have the plan ready but.... Stuck haha, it's ok, I'm goint to continue ASAP. Talking about Chinese homework, to whoever who is in the same Chinese group as me, look at the instructions, it says "Composition and ying yong wen is added to 2009 CA1". So does this mean that we don't have to do jian bao? Yeah baby haha. Okay I guess that's all, oh and if you wonder why I posted that tittle of today's post, cause I'm currently in love with that song :) Okay see ya!
I wish life were a piece of classical music. It's simple, beautiful, wonderful, and smooth.
I wish life were a piece of classical music. It's simple, beautiful, wonderful, and smooth.
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Hongkong here I come?
Yo everyone, uhh today was a normal day again yup. But well tomorrow I have to go and attend a talk about internal organs held by the doctor that came yesterday (read my previous post). Well I come on behalf of my dad, cause' he can't attend it so yup. Kinda interesting though, learning about the human body is one of my favourite subject, who knows I can learn something out of the seminar that not many people know? Right? The seminar will start at arounf 7.30 AM - 8.00 AM and ends around 12... So I have to get up real early tomorrow, well hope I can. Ok anyway, yup my tittle is Hongkong here I come? Why? Cause my grandpa's brother's son is going to get married and it's in Hongkong. So my dad is asking me whether I wanna go and of course I say yes! Dude, I've never been anywhere except China, Johor, Singapore and yeah hahaha. So Hongkong will be my new destination! Cool eh? So I really hope we can go. Okay that's all for today, see ya!
Life is a suffering, don't you think so?
Life is a suffering, don't you think so?
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Christmas, yay?
Yo, today is a similar day, except I did a little, not a little, but kinda huge perhaps? Of shopping with my mum. Well I'm helping her cause' she'll be making Christmas parcels for her colleagues and so yeah she's buying the stuff that we need to be put inside the parcel so yup. Well after that I went home and followed my dad to his office, one doctor came and we held this "meeting" session with some people and discuss about some health problems. And well, I must say, I truly must thank my dad for sending me to Singapore for study, and to all teachers that have taught me. Why? Because the doctor was talking about some digestive system issues and I 100% truly understand what he is talking about! No confusion, NOTHING. So yeah this is why I so love love love Biology! Haha, and I love Chemistry too. Well yup I guess that's all for the day, see you all then!
No one, will, ever understand me.
No one, will, ever understand me.
Monday, 15 December 2008
Hello, sorry for not posting yesterday... I wanted to but my flu didn't allow me to do that, sadly. Yes, I am having flu right now, actually since I went to Jakarta, I guess it's the air-conditioner effect that I had. I hate flu, it's soooo super irritating, disgusting, uhh making me not to be able to sleep and more. And sorry for not coming online often these days cause' my internet is driving mad. Even though I signed up for the broadband, the internet can be sucky sometimes, and yet it can be good. I sometimes couldn't sign in to MSN and the most irritating is I couldn't sign in to blogspot.com.... Like it's always "connection error" or "server not found". But when I'm lucky I may surf the web very quickly. As for MSN, they always ask me to sign in at other times or gahh it's just so irritating. Well today is a rainy Monday as it has been raining since uhh morning till afternoon and so it's cold now. I did 1/3 of my Chinese holiday assignment and most probably goingt o finish everything by this week. Well come to think of it I have 17 more days here and I'm still left with 1/4 of Bio, History, EL (I may not do it), 1/4 of Math and actually one more worksheet of Chemistry that I left in Singapore. So, provided I do this day by day, I'll be able to finish that by next week but my instinct tells me no way haha, it's not like EVERYDAY that I'm available, remember? Well that's all for today, see you all then :)
Well, weird dreams are here again
Well, weird dreams are here again
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Urban Life
Sorry for not posting these past 4 (or 3?) days, cause' I was out of my town and I went with Jakarta with my cousins to look for these stuffs: A new pair of white shoes, a new bag, pairs of 3/4 pants, a new pair of sandals and some T-shirt. Guess what I bought? Just a pair of gray shoes that I bought for going out... And I totally DIDN'T GET ANY SINGLE THING apart from that pari of shoes. And I'm kinda confused, cause' my cousins are being obsessed with three things. First is hi Nintendo DS game... Some kind of Digimon game... Next an online game called Get Amped, and Yu-Gi-Oh cards. To me, these stuffs are my past, I mean I now don't find anything of this sort fun anymore (even though I sometimes play PSP). I guess, my maturity level has reached it's almost top, so I find none of these things interesting anymore. But oh man, like they're so obsessed that they:
1) Bring and play their DS almost everywhere
2) Left me alone in a mall that I'm not so familiar with cause' they wanna play Yu-Gi-Oh
3) Wanting to play that online games like almost everytime
Well honestly, I feel my stay in Jakarta is almost similar as my stay in Sukabumi, caus'e I literally do nothing there, except when we shopped together (Which hmm I don't think thaaaat often we shop though). And I learnt a lesson, next time I'm going Jakarta, I have to bring one more cousin (Like Mel, Ani, Krisnan or Iyo) and/or my sis with me, well at least they're shoppaholics that can accompany to buy stuffs. Thank God I'm going to Bandung soon with my mum and sis. I can shop peacefully there. Ok that's for the post I guess. See you!
Now I see, what's life in Jakarta is all about. And I discover some cycles... That I find my theory right...
1) Bring and play their DS almost everywhere
2) Left me alone in a mall that I'm not so familiar with cause' they wanna play Yu-Gi-Oh
3) Wanting to play that online games like almost everytime
Well honestly, I feel my stay in Jakarta is almost similar as my stay in Sukabumi, caus'e I literally do nothing there, except when we shopped together (Which hmm I don't think thaaaat often we shop though). And I learnt a lesson, next time I'm going Jakarta, I have to bring one more cousin (Like Mel, Ani, Krisnan or Iyo) and/or my sis with me, well at least they're shoppaholics that can accompany to buy stuffs. Thank God I'm going to Bandung soon with my mum and sis. I can shop peacefully there. Ok that's for the post I guess. See you!
Now I see, what's life in Jakarta is all about. And I discover some cycles... That I find my theory right...
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
I'm so lost
Well today was kinda normal again I suppose. Somehow even though my cousins came, there isn't much of a difference you know. Why? Ok you see one of my cousin like played his Nintendo DS almost the whole day and prefer playing it than playing with us. His sister wanna play but if it's her turn to be like the catcher or some sort of it, she refuses to play cause she thinks it is unfair (LOL). Well thank God I have his brother to accompany me to play basketball... Or trading music and we went out to a nearby supermarket to buy stuffs. And... Yes, I drove again. Well this time you guess:
1) I knocked another guy
2) I did it perfectly
3) I hit the pedestrian pathway
4) I killed an animal
And if your guess is number three, congratulations! You have won the Adhianto's blog trivia quiz! Ok lame. Yes it's number two, I hit the pathway and my cousin said I destroyed it!!!! OMG I'm like so freaking scared! But he said it's not really severe like it's broken to pieces. And my car is kinda damaged too, but my cousin just hit it with his knee and it went back to the perfect condition. Thank you! Haha. Ok I guess that's all for the day, and oh yeah I kinda love old songs right now, hee. Ciao!
Well, when you grow up, don't pamper your kids too much, but don't be too strict on them too.
1) I knocked another guy
2) I did it perfectly
3) I hit the pedestrian pathway
4) I killed an animal
And if your guess is number three, congratulations! You have won the Adhianto's blog trivia quiz! Ok lame. Yes it's number two, I hit the pathway and my cousin said I destroyed it!!!! OMG I'm like so freaking scared! But he said it's not really severe like it's broken to pieces. And my car is kinda damaged too, but my cousin just hit it with his knee and it went back to the perfect condition. Thank you! Haha. Ok I guess that's all for the day, and oh yeah I kinda love old songs right now, hee. Ciao!
Well, when you grow up, don't pamper your kids too much, but don't be too strict on them too.
Monday, 8 December 2008
Ocean deep...
Hey sorry for not blogging last night. Well I left the house at 11 A.M. and then reached the beach at 12.30 or 1 P.M. I visited Karang Hawu first, which is a beach filled with coral rocks (and Karang means coral rocks so yeah) so it's kinda dangerous to swim there but people were so fascinated about the rocks (Including me!) so they go there. Then we went to this hotel and rent a room for just one day and play the rest of the day to swim on a private beach. Well when I left the house, the sky was dark as a giant behemoth floating on the sky. So we were scared that it's gonna rain. But the skies love me as much as I love them and when we reached the beach the sky was blue I tell you... And we were very lucky to be able to see the sunset! Cool eh, even though it was not as beautiful as the ones we see in movies. I was playing on the beach like some kind of maniacs as the waves are huuuge, I love to "ride" on them and it was indeed very fun. You see, if you give me three choices of holidays, such as a sightseeing tour, a hiking trip and a trip to the beach. I will always choose the one going to the beach. I love beaches and I wish one day I could travel to all of the world's greatest beaches. And I was listening to Groove Armada's At the River while watching the sunset at a counter that faces the ocean. Only one word can describe the feeling while I was listening to it. That is heaven. Ok I'm very sad that I can't upload the pictures, sorry haha. Ok see you all I guess, ciao!
I don't wanna be a VIP, just wanna be a P
I don't wanna be a VIP, just wanna be a P
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Oh man I'm so excited cause' I'm going to the beach tomorrow!!! Oh man oh man like FINALLY lol, I'll be going to a place I love/adore the most. Okay today is again a normal day, started to drive again, driving my brother to buy a mouse for him and for me, a bluetooth adapter. Then in the evening went to D'Green (A restaurant which has a super cool design and food) with my aunt and cousin and my mum and my bro and his girlfriend and throughly enjoy the food there. When my brother and aunt and mum were talking about economy haha, I was busily playing with mayonnaise and tomato sauce to create art. See this is what happen when you love gastronomy. Then headed home and here! Well my cousin got accepted in Jurong Sec and will be starting his secondary two life there tomorrow! And he'll be meeting me tomorrow with his mum and we'll meet at the beach. Coooool ok I just hope/pray/wish that tomorrow's weather will be this CLOUDLESS BLUE SKIES with tiny white puffs of clouds in the sky. Hope I can see the sunset tomorrow too. Nah tomorrow weather WILL be FINE alright? Ok ciao!
Lost in words?
Lost in words?
To Neal and Jeslyn
Thanks for the great time even though it was late! Haha enjoyed it a lot
My MSN is working! New one I mean! Even better than Singapore one!
My MSN is working! New one I mean! Even better than Singapore one!
Friday, 5 December 2008
I smell freeeeedom
Today, finally I HAD A FABOLOUS DAY!. And I must confess that today is the most thrilling day so far here during my stay, why? Cause' I went driving with my driver today (FYI I drive, not my driver!)! Ok so well my plan for this holiday is to learn how to drive right, even though I'm still one year earlier to be eligible to drive but it's ok, one must start early... Right..... Ok so my mum told me that I should went out of my house to drive (cause' I always drive the car from my house to my mum's shop which is like only a few metres away) with my driver as a guidance. But I always resist cause I'm scared and finally I made up my mind and vroom vroom, there I go. So we decided to drive to the quiet side of my town first, which seems like the country side kind of place... Green paddy fields with green hills looking over. Empty and very little car around, so perfect place to drive. Then we decided to go to the a little more noisier part where there are LOTS of cars around. But I managed to pull everything off. Then we decided to go again later in the evening where I knocked a person...... On the arm lol, the woman got knocked on the arm by my left rear mirror. It was partially her fault though cause she was walking ON THE ROAD and not in the pedestrian pathway. Some more she was very near to the road, I don't mind people walking near the pedestrian pathway (like just beside it) but she as walking on the road! So it's both of our fault. But never mind, after that we continue driving and driving for an hour until we finally went home. Finally, one of my dreams come true, that is to drive at the country side, listening to my favorite classic songs.... Oh man that's pure bliss! Haha ok that's all for the very long post! Ciao
Practice makes perfect
Practice makes perfect
Thursday, 4 December 2008
If you were to put it, that time, as a medium which carries you through your life, then you better do fill this medium with other things. If time is a medium, just like blood, what's a blood without hemoglobin? Or plasma? Or phagocyte? Oh man this is so Biology but yes, just imagine a blood that is so transparent that it didn't contain anything. Just like time, you gotta fill time with things too, if not, what would time be then? Why am I talking this crap? Cause' I realised how boring life can be. And to let you all know that only time can tell you where you will go, why, how, when and conclusion, enjoy life. Today I went to the broadband centre thingy to fix my internet cause' I was not able to connect to the internet yesterday. So the guy told me to buy a modem instead of using my phone as a modem itself, so I'll have to look for it in computer shops in this little town of mine. And I also extend my passport and OMFG I looked so retarded/shitty/ugly/fatty/what else? In the picture! And as usual, I didn't smile but too bad, I can't go ask the guy in the immigration and like beg him "Please?? Please?? Can I take one more picture??" with tears rolling down my cheek like pearls, and I broke down anc cried, like I've never cried before.... Drama! Haha. And I realised how technology has improved tremendously. So the guy use this small machine to take the fingerprints of mine instead of using the old and boring method of taking it with stamp-ink. Ok that's really all for the day, see you all then (:
If I could have wings, I wouldn't fly. But soar in the sky...
If I could have wings, I wouldn't fly. But soar in the sky...
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
YES! Woohoo... Yay, today I would say is a happy day for me? Ok first I signed up for broadband... But didn't work lol. Ok next, Brenda finally sent me that thing! And OMG I mean finally, FINALLY someone send me that thing! WOO Thanks a lot BRENDA!!! Ok enough for the euphoria moments but THANK YOU BRENDA!!!! Ok ok.. Chill whew. Ok today was another like that lah day but like that lah happy day haha. What else? Ok that's all I'm kind of jumpy now so bear with me!
Finally can play something else...
Finally can play something else...
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
For eternity
Today, I was woken up by a noise. Not those noise that make you really wake up (noisy ones I mean) but the sound of the WIND. Yes when I woke up the wind was super huge that it looks like it's going to like rip everything down it's path (I so love being dramatic). But yeah the wind is huge that's all. And again today is like that lah, except that I have my new specs already now :) and my mum bought a new phone! Cool eh... And well just now I went to Youtube to see this promoted video about the Youtube Orchestra... I looked at it and visited the symphony channel and decided to look how can I be a part of it lol. Nah my music talent is far beyond reaching symphony, after all I'm just a band member, not symphony. But always dare to dream, then you'll reach your dream. Nothing is impossible alright. So who say I should join? Tag me if you agree lol jkjk, ok that's all for the day, see you!
It's not in the stars that hold our destiny but in ourselves. Uh huh...
It's not in the stars that hold our destiny but in ourselves. Uh huh...
Monday, 1 December 2008
Raindrops keep falling on my head
Today, rained again but kind of droplets, tiny little ones. Today is another so-so day for me... I'm kind of sick using so-so, normal, "like that lah", whatever day... Why can't my day be SUPER FABULOUS? Oh man.... Anyway I finally completed my Binomial Theorems homework and so, I'm left with English, Chinese, History, 1/4 of Bio, 1/4 of Math, Lit (Book review by the way) and what else? I hope I didn't leave anything behind. Talking about book review, I'm reading a book tittled "The Geography of Bliss" by Eric Weiner. It's a non-fictional book so which means it's real, telling a story of a grumpy man in search of happiness around the world. He visited a few countries and I'm now at Qatar, which seems like a super-duper-hyper-extraordinarily-tremendously rich and luxurious city. The problem is... How am I going to write a book review where different countries are mentioned? Lols well the only solution is... Write about SPECIFIC countrie(s) so yup, I'm gonna write about Qatar cause it's a country I wanna visit hohoho. And of course there are other countries I haven't read so yeah, more to come for the book review. Anyway that's all for the day I suppose? See you all then :)
Sunday, 30 November 2008
I'm super fat
So, today, like I don't know why, it rained like hell with furious wind blowing like a storm in the Pacific (being melo-dramatic is soo cool). And I helped my bro at work this evening! Well, not really fully helping though just like helping around or more like assisting him with stuff. After helping him to carry some stuff (heavy ones I mean), I realised how long have I not been exercising! In fact since I came back to Indo! Why? Cause' my hands feel so tired just after carrying those stuff. And I gained 3 pathetic KG in just 14 days??? OMG I better go for a diet now (I always lol). Well and I couldn't believe it.... I'm.... Like.... OMFG MY MSN IS WORKING?!?!?! Lols.... Im so happy to find that it's working cause I can finally chat with my friends! WOOOTS! So please watch out for me when I'm online hah! Ok that's all for the day, see you all!
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Blue skies are loved
I wonder if the raining season is off now? Cause it's been two days since the sky is so blue haha, well I really hope it will continue like this as I always prefer blue skies than gray skies yeah? Nothing special really happened today as usual. Just that I finally continuing to read my book which I stopped reading since I landed in Indo. I'm not the type of love-to-read-books-at-home kind of guy, I read books when I travel. In fact I finished my literature books in buses/taxis/MRT/Indo/School but not at home. It is very very rare for me to read a book continuously for several hours. I'm so unlike my sister, who can finish the 5th-7th book of Harry Potter in like 6-8 hours. I wish I could be like her... Well the reason I read at home today is because I really have nothing, nothing to do. So I took my book and read read read and wow, I managed to read like 20 pages plus in a matter of minutes. Even though books aren't my cup of tea, there are books that are totally my cup of tea that I can finish it in the matter of days (I know this may suck for some of you cause my friends read books in the matter of hours lol). I am neither not a bookworm nor a bookworm nor a not-so bookworm. So I'm between not bookworm and not-so bookworm to bookworm. I hope you're not confused :) Haha ok that's all for the day, ciao!
I think there are still more to life than this?
I think there are still more to life than this?
Ok hello again. Actually this is my second post of the day... Why? Cause actually I made a post like one hour ago and after I press "Publish Post" the page stopped and... "Publishing error" and... I think you can imagine what's next. I don't wanna like totally re-post the whole thing so just the major ones ok? Ok... Today is like another "like-that-lah-" day just that I finally cut my hair! YES!!! And the sky is finally clear today with blue skies and yeah that's all lol. But oh yes, you know what?? The 2012 prophecy is COMING!!! So yes it is predicted that on December 21st 2012, the world is going to DIE.... Well not literally die but there will be this solar flare thingy that will cause a huge disruption on Earth's magnetic field. And this time, I believe more on this cause' it's published on the newspaper here! Hohoho so we're all going to die like 4 years later? Awesome! Lols... Why am I saying this heh. Ok I'm going to sign off, see you ciao!
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Money? Rich? Poor?
Harlow people, today was a very raining day and kind of boring too haha. Woke up, ate lunch, do a little of binomial theorem, then peeked at identities, and you know what? I have no freaking idea how to do them! OMG well at least I know how to do the first question and then as I tried the second, third ones, I was like "Ok I can't be bothered to do them" so I decided to move on to binomial theorem exercise 9B which I swear is much easier than identities alright. The binomial theorem was once my most feared chapter, cause' when I take a look at it I was stunned to see the nCr to the power of bla bla bla plus this and that and for the first time I see an "!" used in Math formula. But thanks to Mr Sia it somehow looked easy, in fact pretty much easier than I thought. Well today I came up with an ideology. You see... Would you want to be rich, but with lots of problems facing you? Or would you want to be just an ordinary person with a stable income just to feed you but with a life that you truly enjoy? Well honestly, money can't buy you happiness. So I would rather choose the second option. Well, how about you? Hehe. Alright why am I talking nonsense here lol, see you then, ciao!
Being rich or being poor, doesn't make you any different. Cause' you're human too right?
Being rich or being poor, doesn't make you any different. Cause' you're human too right?
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
November's rain
Hello again. Yup it's been raining here like crazy alright... On Monday it rained from morning till like evening and so the weather is freaking cold... And on Sunday night, there was a fog so thick that I could not see clearly. Well at least there's blue skies today, and somehow it's warm now... Alright move on next. I made new glasses! And sadly my degree increases. Left eye from 250-->300 and right eye from 175-->200. And I have cylinder too (which I don't know what it is haha). It's a silver framed glasses and look pretty cool. I wanted to buy a black one but I look like a retard somehow LOL. I'm dieing for a haircut... I think if Mr TPE see my hair now he's like going to ask me to cut it and of course scold me haha. Somehow, yes, I miss TSS lols.... And come to think of it, next year will be my last year there. I know that next year is going to be tough but hopefully I'll enjoy and rush through it too. Just hope I'll do tremendously well for my exams and tests, and I'll do tremendously extremely very well/good/fantastic/fabulous/wonderful for my O's!! All the best to my friends next year. Homework wise, everything is going smoothly. Alright see you all then!
PS: To anyone who visit my blog (only Sec3's this year), pleases tell me in the tagboard the earliest paper of the EL TYS that you guys buy for next year. Thanks a bunch!
PS: To anyone who visit my blog (only Sec3's this year), pleases tell me in the tagboard the earliest paper of the EL TYS that you guys buy for next year. Thanks a bunch!
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Yo again, today is kinda a so-so day for me. Usual stuff happened, just that I did some of my Math homework and managed to finish something (at least). But I couldn't get the answer 100% right for some question, especially the trigo ones and urrrgh identities are killing me man... I decided to skip the identities assignment cause' if I did that just now, I will have no mood to do the rest. So, it seems that crisis is like happening EVERYWHERE and everyone could feel it yeah? Business hahaha, it's part of it yup? Anyway I'm currently working with some songs, on my piano of course. But life here could get pretty boring sometimes, that my darling homework can't help me pass time. Plus my sisters and cousins are not here, if not I would have gone out with them for lunch/dinner etc. I wanna learn how to drive... So that I can just hit the pedals and ciao! To places I wanna go. And I'm craving to go to the beach... Cause' I love it. Well yeah I guess that's all for today, see you.
Why is that feeling haunting me?
Why is that feeling haunting me?
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Let Karma takes its course
Well, yesterday, one fcuking bloody little shitty brainless bastard most likely killed one of my dog. So, that bastard hit my dog so hard that his backbone was split into half. He managed to survive yesterday but died this evening. And my mum cried, yes, cause' he was my mum's favourite dog. Bloody little shit, I hope that bastard got his karma back (He will anyway). Ok today was normal, nothing special really happened and everything went kinda quickly. I visited my cousin to pass him the stuff I bought from Singapore and yup that's all for today really. I don't know why people kill animals, especially PETS. They're mammals too, like us, right? Like THEMSELVES huh? And they kill them? Pathetic shit, gah, life is sooo unfair....
Why do I have the fear of losing you?
Why do I have the fear of losing you?
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Hello people, yup this is my first blog at my little cold hometown of Sukabumi hahaha, it's currently very coold here, cause' it has been like raining for the whole day. So yeah... Well my flight yesterday was pretty much well, all went pretty much smooth too in Indo. Then I met my brother at the airport, sent him back to his house in Jakarta, then begin my two hours journey back to Sukabumi. Reached my house at around 11 A.M. (Indo time, which is one hour earlier than Singapore's time) and I was welcomed by the three grown up dogs! OMG I can't believe it by they're huge now.. And last time, like in June, these dogs were like so tiny and cute haha. They're super hyper energetic ok.. They welcomed me by climbing up my thigh lols, surprisingly they never bit/barked at me haha. Ok that's all for my first post, I'll try to post as much as possible during this holiday alright, ciao!
Homework progress.... 0%
Homework progress.... 0%
Monday, 17 November 2008
If life is a piece of blue paper, wouldn't it be nice?
Ok let me tell you the story. Yesterday we took off, 20 minutes later... "Ladies and gentlemen, as some people can see a smoke coming out from the left engine, we're flying back to Singapore for checking." And we were like "..." and okay.... So whatever, just follow instruction, safety is the first priority right? Ok. Then after we landed, we were stuck inside the plane for like one hour plus.... Can you believe it? Okay then we were out... Then while in the waiting room, so it's announced that we either go to the hotel and wait for available plane, or go home and they will call us (Of course you leave your number with them). So I choose the second choice and headed for home. Why? Because, available seats are prioritised to gold card members or hons holder. So, what's the point of staying in the hotel, if me, an ordinary student, will not be given any seat? I would rather go home and enjoy my comfi bed, cable TV, snacks, drinks, my LOVELY piano right? So my point is, why can we not differentiate any privilages to special people? I see some people that are wheelchair-bound on the plane, and for your information, my mum drove from my hometown to Jakarta, and then back again to my hometown cause' my flight is cancelled. The journey takes 3-5 hours alright.... Life is soooooo imperfect you know? I don't care you're rich or poor, white or black or whatsoever. The people, ALL the people in the plane have their own things to do. But most of us, Indonesians want to GO BACK HOME! Gosh... I'm like so sick about this ya know? Haiz whatever, ciao! I hope Lufthansa will call me ASAP, and I can get SQ for my flight back home hahahaha.
If life is a piece of blue paper, everyone will be blue and everything will be blue. No majestic blue, no dull blue, no light blue but BLUE~
If life is a piece of blue paper, everyone will be blue and everything will be blue. No majestic blue, no dull blue, no light blue but BLUE~
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Yo hahahaI'm at Changi right now, blogging! Anyway it's like one our more to boarding time so yeah take it easy baby. Yup I'm going off now, see you guys next year and happy holidays! I'm going to miss you all... Hahaha. Alright see ya all then, Ciao!
OMG I'm blogging in Changi"??!?!
OMG I'm blogging in Changi"??!?!
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Yo~ today I was busy buying stuff to bring back to Indo tomorrow. Yup, it's like 18 hours and 30 minutes till my flight time, again, time flies. Well today I was AWFULLY SHOCKED by the amount of $$ I had left in my account. I just realised that it's soooo OMG, I'm totally speechless. Time to save up from now on. Anyway, I bought something that I loved today, you can guess it cause' that object is now missing form my cravings list. I guess laivishing ourself is perfectly sometime, but OVERLY lavishing is very very bad for our health. COme to think of it, yes, I've spent much thing since the past few weeks that I spent a huge sum of money. But some of it I used for the class so I kinda sacrificed that amount for the class, I love you 3E1'08. Anyway, since I'm going back home, and you should know how lagging my internet is back there. So I won't be blogging as I oftenly do in Singapore, neither will I be online as often in MSN. Anyway, I'm going to miss you guys =( Miss mee too alright? Hahahaha. I'll be back next year. Ok Ciao then!
Let time enjoy me, and let me enjoy time.
Let time enjoy me, and let me enjoy time.
Friday, 14 November 2008
This feeling
So, as usual, I slept for 14 hours last night... This always happens after every chalet? Then after that I ate lunch (cause it was like 1 P.M. after I woke up) and then spent the whole afternoon watching TV and playing piano. Sometimes it is music that brings me though the flow of time, so I kinda love it. I wanna compose a song... But I simply can't get the tune right damn it~ Well after that I went to help sis cook dinner then eat then here haha. Instant blog I must say. OMG I seriously love Mad TV cause it's really really driving me madd! Especially the Britney Spears and her boyfriend thanksgiving skit, it's DAMN HILARIOUS! And the Untied airlines one too! Oh man oh man haha. Laughing is really the best medicine. Anyway, that's all for today, I'm gonna be sooo busy tomorrow as I wanna buy all my books for next year and the stuffs my mum wants me to bring back. It's 2 more days, wow, time sure flies fast. Ciao!
Only time heals wound...
Only time heals wound...
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Hey hey hey! I'm back from the chalet and oh oh oh it's sooo wonderful (except for one thing). And I wanna thank all the chaletians who went for making it such a wonderful one hee hee. Well the chalet goes like... Check in, settling down and playing games! The games were wonderful and somehow, me, the game master became the target of water bombs! Lol. And to those who got me (x-2) equation I'm very very sorry... I made this question in a RUSH haha. Then we proceeded to the BBQ cause' Mrs Lee gotta go quickly and.. It kinda took like around 30 mins for us to finally start the BBQ. And thanks to Mr Rain, or maybe Storm, we had to move the BBQ pit into the corridor of our chalet and there was this HUGE storm that hit us. It kinda made our mood to tiiiiaooo hahaha. After much of the BBQ'ing, we decided to make time to flow slower by either... Playing cards or talking. For me, we went outside to talk, and honestly I really enjoyed the chat I had with Sherman, Cheryl, Annabel, Sam sim and Ah Huan jie in the late nights. Oh not forgetting the xiao jiangs or AKA cockroaches. Haha they told me that I make a good story teller, aww thanks a lot haha. Then I played badminton at 5 AM! And then it started to rain again.... Drizzle actually. Then for the rest of the second day, I went to take naps in between and finally we checked out. Ok enough of the talking, let pictures speak louder than words shall we?

Fill the bombs... Err... Hit the mascot! Not me
I don't really have much pics, it's with other people. I'm going to try to grab AMAP. Alright, ciao!
I'm going to pursue my dreams, no matter what stops me.

Fill the bombs... Err... Hit the mascot! Not me
I don't really have much pics, it's with other people. I'm going to try to grab AMAP. Alright, ciao!
I'm going to pursue my dreams, no matter what stops me.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Tomorrow is the day that most 3E1'08 peeps are looking for I hope, well for me, yes I am looking forward to it. Today was normal, band meeting in the morning and I'm freaking pissed after band about an incident... You know what's the meaning of LACKING IN MANPOWER??? I'M SORRY BUT I HAVE SCHOOL FEES TO PAY? HELLO? AND YOU EXPECT THE MOE NOT TO SEND ME LETTERS OF REMINDER? Ok whatever I'm just pissed I tell you. Ok whatever really I DONT GIVE A DAMN. After that I went to Vivo, it was actually supposed to be me, Ah Meng, Jes and Neal and out of the blue Neal told me something happened and he cannot go.. Too bad I guess. And he MAY not go for chalet... (Hope he can make it). Then went to Vivo to eat Subway and talked about the games. You know what, IF YOU DONT FEEL LIKE HELPING US, CAN YOU JUST DONT FREAKING HELP US THEN?! YOU'RE WASTING OUR EXPECTATIONS. Ok this is the second thing of the day that made me pissed off. Ok after subway headed for Giant and we were like walking whirling the place for don't know how many times.. For a..... Raffia string. I'm sorry but... Can workers be more trained? It's like one say in outdoor part, some say second floor and finally someone say D.I.Y part... And we found it. So out of like 5 staffs, only one knows the EXACT location? Pathetic.... And Vivo city also... It's like oh they win the tourism award but I couldn't find Sembawang Music store even though it was put under Music category and it was inside their computer database thingy? Haizz Life is SOOOOO imperfect I tell you. And yes, it is full of irony eh? Ok whatever, hope tomorrow will go smooth, yi fang feng shun! Ok see ya ciao!
In this world, everyone is wearing a mask. We're just living in the world of disguise.
waiting for the world to reveal who we are. Are we for the better? Or for the worst?
In this world, everyone is wearing a mask. We're just living in the world of disguise.
waiting for the world to reveal who we are. Are we for the better? Or for the worst?
Monday, 10 November 2008
Happy 50th anniversary to my blog and Amath Assignment!
So today I'm celebrating a happy 50th anniversary to my blog and Amath assignment cause' both of them hit the 50th mark haha! So as a celebration I'm going to ok I don't know. Well today is a rainy Monday where I got hit by a storm just when I reached the school's busstop. And I was sharing my umbrella with Jeslyn who just came back from Taiwan haha and... The freaking wind DESTROYED my umbrella..... And I decided to throw it away so yeah. Then we had Math, which was shortened cause Mr Sia was late hah. Then went to band as I was asked to conduct the band cause' Mr Subronto was not present (I think he fall ill?). Well I enjoyed my times of conducting very very much haha, it's my dream anyway so yeah. I feel that my playing has improved (evn though little by little) and I feel happy about it. But to the band, especially juniors, please please work harder alright! But I see some general improvements (especially to Clarinets) except for some haha. After band went home and fell asleep cause' I slept at 3.30 A.M. today... and woke up at 7.... Cool eh. And now here I am. Holidays have officialy started and it's 2 more days to 3e1'08 class chalet so yeah, and I'm glad that everybody is looking forward to it and I'm sure we're going to have some fun. Alright ciao then.
Enjoy music, and music will enjoy you.
Enjoy music, and music will enjoy you.
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Yo~ Today was okaay and it's one boring but exciting day haha. Woke up quite early, 10 A.M. haha. Today I went to Vivo to buy stuffs for my sister, and also do a little shopping for myself. I'mm looking for new pants and shirts hahaha. Oh yeah we went to eat at a Padang restaurant and it's oh oh oh so good! I went to eat the Kikil (beef tendon), Ati (Chicken liver) and it's 96% taste exactly the same like the ones in Indo. So I truly enjoy it... Yum yum. Then went to Giant to buy LOTS of stuffs, somehow I enjoy being there just now, there's just soo much things to see and I feel like grabbing lots and lots of stuff I want. I bought a DVD player and can you believe it? A 4 gig thumbdrive for only $17!!! That's a price! Then I went home... Feeling really really tired I fell asleep. Then went out for dinner and yeah here again. Right that's all for the day! See you then.
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Yayayayayayay lol my lessons are all over now. Yesterday was the last day of the extended extra lessons program so now I'm... Free(?)! Yesterday I went to support Cheryl and Chong Tuck to their NCO POP with some, or I must say very few band members. Thanks to the seniors we somehow look big haha. The DM's and BM's performed VERY well I must say, I enjoy their music and formations. Pics of NCO uploading soon. After NCO we went walking walking and walking to find a bus stop which leads to Clementi and... Yeah after like 30-45 mins of walking we found a bus stop! And it's opposite of Gleneagles. And we met Yeow Rong there haha. Then went to Clementi to eat and then home. I was soooo tired that I quickly took a bath and then jumped on my bed then... ZZZZ and today, I woke up late for Math class and so I'm late for like 10 mins. After math went to meet J-ing and Reena for that OCBC registration thingy and we were there... To help pack up the food... Lol ok haha. Then after thant went home and Buzzzzzzz and now here. Ok that's all for this boring Saturday I guess, shee ya. Ciao
What's a bird without wings?
What's a bird without wings?
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Yeah I can smell the freedom....
Hi~ today was ok, somehow everything went very quickly except for history... And I fell asleep twice there lol, this is what I call glucose-drop in my body so yeah no glucose to my brain = no wake up. Then after school went for SC meeting then home... So we're supposed to do a performance at Prom Night? Cool haha. And I like Jie Long's idea of the boys' clothes, so proffesional haha. Then I headed home and... You guess haha. Then after that I (you guess) and eat dinner and then here. Gosh I was like busy sending sms to band members about tomorrow's NCO and like very little reply me... Then how the heck am I going to know that you're going or not, thanks to those who reply me quickly... Yeah. All the best to our DM and BM Chong Tuck and Cheryl for tmorrow's NCO POP (It's Passing out parade not pop as in pop! lol)! Alright I guess that's all for the day. See ya!
TKWO is loved...
TKWO is loved...
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Obama wins!
Yo~ Today was kinda sad though, cause' we celebrated Mr Goh's farewell party as he's retiring this year. To me he's like a caring teacher and the best Physics teacher... And he's so patient and wont be so easily bap-zha when students don't understand something in a chapter. Well we really truly enjoy your class Mr Goh, and won't forget whatever you taught us and the good moment we shared in this year :) Oh man why am I so... lol. After school was band and it was okay, except for the attendance. Then went opposite to eat with Syafuqah, Samantha, Brenda and Jessica then took a walk around the pasar malam beside the food centre. There was like dangdut (Indonesian-style music, half traditional half techno) and lol sorry but I don't like it at all, it's so bump bump bump bump and grr haha. It kinda reminds me of Indo though, where sometime I would hear these songs playing somewhere... Yup. And when I reached home... OMG OBAMA WINS!!! YAya I knew it man! He's tha man ok... I support him all the way! Go go go OBAMA! lols Kelvin must be happy to see this haha. Alright then see ya!
There's hello, there's goodbye but good memories always stay in our heart.
There's hello, there's goodbye but good memories always stay in our heart.
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
When got hit by a storm, what will you do?
Yo~ Today school was ok again haha, somehow it's more fun though, I kept on laughing somehow. Oh yes! We found out that our dearest Mr Sia is teaching us again next year! I wanna thank whoever I can thank to man, in the whole universe. But! He told us that he'll be teaching another graduating class.... So... It's time for BATTLE!!!! Haha joking joking, I mean it's time to build a stronger friendship between them alright? And we're lucky to have him as a teacher. After school, Ade, Annabel, MF, Wei Qi and me went to IMM to take the cake for that someone. We went to eat in Ajisen first and it was like a laughing fiesta for us there! We were laughin like MADDDD somehow, thanks to Ah Meng whom I feel should win the most-loose-jaw-bones award yeah? After eating went to take the cake and... No offence it was.... Not beautiful at all. How can they mix the colour yellow with BLUE?!!?!?! Eeeewww omg I'm sorry guys we should have decorate it ourself... Anyway I feel it's going to taste great. Then.... We were hit by a STORM!!! And we decided to take taxi instead of walking to the bus stop cause' we were carrying a big box of cake so we don't want it to get spoiled so yeah. And so we decided to take two cabs and you know what? The rain stopped when we reach Clementi..... We were like WTH!!! Hahaha. And you know what's worst, when I reach my house, the sky was a perfect blue... The sun was shining.... It's grrrr but anyway, here we ar now right? Oh yeah a huge thank, thank thank thank thank you to Annabel for bringing home the cake and bringing it to school tomorrow. Thanks again! =) Alright my homework is waiting for me, see ya I suppose!
When you see a storm, hope for a rainbow.
When you see a storm, hope for a rainbow.
Monday, 3 November 2008
Bye.... :'(
Yo~ I felts soooo sleepy today cause' I only slept for 3 hours last night can you believe it? Thanks to the Sunday night syndrome I guess. School was perfect I guess, it's just that someone is damn freaking annoying to ask to to get out of the class like I'm a... Ok nvm, childish people I guess :) Then after school Ade, MF, Wei Qi and me went to IMM to order the cake for someone and I need someone to take it with us tomorrow! Oh by the way the cake is DAMN FREAKING HUGE and I'm sure it's going to taste good alright. It's very sad to bid that someone farewell, cause' he's like the ******************************** Ok fill in the stars. Ok I wanna do my SS, see ya all! Ciao
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Time flies... Really
Yo~ today was okay and I slept for 11 hours oh my God.. Haha. I woke up at 1 PM and then cooked lunch then wait wait wait and then head off to do my weekly grocery shopping haha. Then went back home and the sky was getting dark even though it was blue in the afternoon. Singapore weather is unpredictable, it maybe sunny in the morning then kaboom in the afternoon. Anyway after shopping I went to do my homework but... I realised how messed-up my table was so I decided to tidy it up. While tidying up, I realised how fast time flies already. Actually I have not touched my table since the end of EOY exams so I find... My history notes, a paper full of math working, my EOY timetable, my Bio notes and last but not least my small cards with notes. It feels like yesterday... Like I was still revising for my EOY. It's weird but yeah, time flies? And come to think of it, It's 14 more days till I'm going back! Wooooohooo ok good. Ok I'm signing off.. See you Ciao!
Ok I need to correct my post yesterday. Don't throw my book unless I asked you to do so.
Ok I need to correct my post yesterday. Don't throw my book unless I asked you to do so.
Saturday, 1 November 2008
I simply hate bitches
Yo~ today was fun I guess? Ok can you believe it? I actually went to watch HSM3 even though I don't like HSM?!?!? Haha Yep, I watched HSM3 and please don't get the wrong idea, I watched cause' I went out with sis and cousin and we had no movie to watch so decided to watch HSM3 haha. Anyway I rate 5.5/10 for the movie... I guess it's kinda over-rated and there's some funny, illogical parts of the movie but overall was fair... And I like one song? Haha the dancing song I call it. After that we went hme but... The bus broke down in the MIDDLE of the road. I feel very dumb cause the bus' fuel was actually EMPTY. My cousin, one westerner and I pointed out to the driver that the fuel was empty and he kept turning the steering wheel like as if the bus will still move? I mean, we common people can see that the fuel is empty but... Ok pardon me if there's some kind of liek hidden emergency fuel in case of a breakdown but... Ok whatever alright haha. My mood isn't good right now. I watched Mean Girls just now and reminded me of something IRRITATING about SOMEONE yesterday. That girl simply doesn't know how to respect older people does she? And respecting BOOKS. I'm sorry guys I'm telling you this, DO NOT ever THROW my books esepcially my TEXTBOOKS. Cause I hate people who do that. It not only disrepects the book, but it disrepects ME, cause I LOVE my books alright. Ok whatever ciao.
If you think books are dead things, then I feel your brain is dead too.
If you think books are dead things, then I feel your brain is dead too.
Friday, 31 October 2008
Flame test
Yo~ again, finally the week is over so time to chill for the weekends. Today's lesson was fun haha like disturbing Jolene in Bio class lol and we also looked at a few flame test done by Mdm Ng. During Chem the whole class was like a kindergarten! Cause we were looking at the flame test and everyone was like "woooooooooo" "omg!!! So cool!!!" "Wow..." haha, we were like sooo attracted to the colour of the flame even though it was not really clear for some (especially Barium which produces a small green flame). After that me and Neal went to settle the chalet food taiji and now we're done. Neal introduced a new caterer which is kinda cheaper so it's good. Then head home and I... fell asleep lol. Then woke up, cook dinner then here! Ok that's all for the day. Crap I have lots of homework already....
Thursday, 30 October 2008
End of world?
Yo today is kinda ok, school was pretty much great and after school went to SC meeting and then to KFC with Neal and Kelvin. After that I went home and omg... My shoulder was in great pain I tell you and I realised how tensed it was and so I changed my mind in going for a swim so I decided to sleep lol. After that went to cook dinner and then here. Well before this I actually came across this video in Youtube about the end of the world prophecy in the year of 2012, 21st Dec to be exact. Do you believe in this? Well I don't really believe lol but at least the reson for this end of the world makes sense, and it is another planet going near to our solar system's orbit. Then all the Earth's crust will move and there will be tsunamis, earth quakes and volcano erruptions. Makes sense yeah? I mean it's not those lame causes about (no offence) demons... Satans.... And more. If this is true, why do HALF of the world have no idea about this? Why is there no research? Why is there no news everyday? Ok I don't know really. If the world ends due to global warming, I will honestly laugh like I've never laughed before before I die lol. Cause somehow it seems ironic.... Dom't know why hah. Ok I just want to share this infos with you guys and yeah I wanna have a discussion about this with people. And I really really hope if National Geographic can do a documentary about this. Maybe more people will be informed hahaha. Ok ciao! My EL and Math baobei waiting for me.
If it's 2012.... Then I'm still young. Shit!
If it's 2012.... Then I'm still young. Shit!
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
School rocks?
Yo, school today was fun, and kinda over-rated. First thing we came to school and "Please surrender your phones, mp3 and PSP" and we were like errr what's happening? So we found out that they wanna make us more focus, which I really feel is a good thing to do actually. But I felt that something is missing like my pocket is so empty haha. And kinda caused me some troubles cause' I didn't get the chance to SMS the SC's to meet Mr Tan at 10.15 and not 10.30 but well too bad I guess. Time really flies DAMN fast today it's like 4h 45mins seemed like 1 hour really... After school went to band with other 6.... SIX.... people. Pathetic man! But we managed to play some songs and chatted with Ms Portia, an enjoyable one I must say. Oh yeah I'm so looking forward to seeing our new band Uniform! I'm sure it's gonna look more professional than the current uniform hahaha. After playing went to eat with Sam Sim, Cheryl and Syafiqah then went home. On the way home, the sky was just so picturesque and I think it's been 4 days since we see sunshine haha (Ok just being a lil more drama). Ok that's all for the day. Ciao then
Keep the comments flooding guys :)
Keep the comments flooding guys :)
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Ok I know this is a lame way to start a post but... I'M DAMN FULL lol. Ok I cooked fried rice and ate like 2 bowls of it... Soooo good haha. It feels like my stomach got stuffed by 1209 things haha. Ok whatever. Today usual stuff, bored as hell but was damn satisfied cause' I succesfully played Jay Chou song lol. I'm going to put it here and you guys can comment on it. I cut some part already anyway. And F.Y.I I played this without having no music score or some sort, just my mp3 and my ear so you won't find 100% of the song. Alrite enjoy and please comment! Thanksss.... :)
Ok this is Dao Xiang by Jay Chou, newest album hohoho and I just simply fell in love with the song. Kepp the comments flooding! Thanks! Ciao....
Ok this is Dao Xiang by Jay Chou, newest album hohoho and I just simply fell in love with the song. Kepp the comments flooding! Thanks! Ciao....
Monday, 27 October 2008
Yo again. Sorry for not posting yesterday, was too engrossed in watching The Simpson Movie and it was damn hilarious. I wanted to watch Harry Potter 5 too but was played at the same time as the Simpson so... Too bad and anyway I watched Harry Potter on DVD like 6 months ago? Ok I'm not sure. Anyway I remembered something and actually.... I have The Sims computer game! And yesterday I quickly installed it yesterday and started playing. Life in Sim is soooo fast, today, my coupe just gave birth and my daughter is now like a kid haha. And in 9 days time my couple is going to be an elderly... Cool eh. I also transformed my house into a beautiful, modern, sophisticated and my-so-wanted house. Well extended school lessons are starting the day after tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it (?). So is band too. Oh yeah I also booked my ticket to home (yeah baby) and I found out that I can go back during CNY next year woohoo. And there's on werid thing, I kept on dreaming about me taking O-level and you know is NOT a good dream cause' in my dream I dreamt of me being late to my English, Chemistry and Chinese paper. But I dreamt of getting A1 for English! Hope this comes true... Haha dreams are just flowers of sleep. So I don't know whether this flower will bloom? Or it will gloom. Ok that's all then see ya!
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Unlucky day
Ok first of all 3 things happened to me. First, I scalded my hand in the afternoon while cooking. Second I just cut my finger when washing the knife. Third my pimples hurt like shit. Ok Unlucky day for me. And as usual, my day is as monotonous as advertisements on TV. And thanks to the same group of things that saved my day today... TV, Piano, Flute and comp. Practiced a little of La Storia but not perfect yet. I guess I'm still not adapted to flute and I wish I can perfect my playing ASAP. I prefer clarinet though (no offence) even though I love flute more than clarinet cause' I have been wanting to play it since I was young (I don't know why). So I'm trying to perfect my playing and play as well as possible in SYF and I WANT A SILVER BADDDD. Or a GOLD (I knew it's kinda impossible but nothing is impossible). Ok that's all for the day I think.... Ciao
Ok someone please save me out of this misery...
Ok someone please save me out of this misery...
Friday, 24 October 2008
I'm decomposing
Help man... I need help badly... I'm kind of decomposing at home currently cause' there really is nothing better to do! Well thankfully I got TV, Piano, flute, comp, books yeah if not I'll literally decompose hah! Well yeah today was pretty much boring, woke up, cook breakfast, eat, watch TV, play piano, fell asleep, wake up, watch TV, practice a little of flute, play piano (composed a new song whee =) ) Then head to HV for dinner with sis. Tomorrow the students who go for the India trip will head for India, hope they have lots of fun. Well I was supposed to go but Mr Lim forgot that I'm a foreigner and the cost increased to 2000 and well I don't want to put much burden to my parents so yeah decided not to go. Too bad, I have to miss the fun :'( Well anyway the extended lessons are starting next week and I'm so looking forward to it. Alright that's all for today folks, see ya ciao.
Anyone has nice books to recommend?
Anyone has nice books to recommend?
Thursday, 23 October 2008
It's over.... =) Wait not really.... =(
Yo, the secondary 3 life of mine has now ended, wait not really ended but we have extra lesson next week for two weeks. Still, I feel we're not Sec 3's anymore because we have finished it and now it's time for us to move on! And O'level is like next year so I'm very excited and happy about it... Right.... Haha. Ok yesterday MF, Jes, Wei Qi, Kel and Neal and me went to Seoul Garden at Taka to eat and celebrate the last day of school haha. Will and may not upload photos (Sorry guys haha). Wanted to post about it yesterday but I just simply fell asleep cause' I was damn freaking tired!! Today my sis decided to come to school to take my report book cause' Mrs Lee didn't want to give it to me before she send an email to my sis or call her and thankfully, my sis decided to come to my school so I get my report book!! Yay haha. After school went to Fed's house for like one hour only then went home, the go to DBS bank then home again. On my way back home, something happened which made me say "Thank God I'm from a neighborhood school!" I guess being in an international school doens't make you feel that you're better than government school student, really trust me hah. Oh yeah received a letter from Immigration centre which offers me to become Singapore PR..... I don't know though maybe asking my parents first cause yeah, errr you know haha. And if I'm a PR I have to serve NS!!! Wow lol I thought that's only when you have parents here but nonono the enlistment act says that all PR are eligible to join NS... So too bad I guess. Alright that's all for today, see ya! chao
Three levels over, one more to go.
Three levels over, one more to go.
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Yo, today was hell lot of fun... Err SPA! Yeah we used the Data logger and thanks to Wei Lun and Kelvin I actually found out that we can draw there, which is a freaking cool thing to do haha. Wendy and me keep on drawing pigs lol and I ipod and some abstract stuff cool eh? Then the experiment was fine and tomorrow will be biology, should be fun cause' Mr Goh told us that we're handling fire hohoho. And I'm going out tomorrow haha, cool. Oh yeah there was O'level today and we were dismissed early, I think the same thing will happen tomorrow... Ok that's all for today. See you! Chao
Monday, 20 October 2008
Ok today is a holiday, it's some promotion day thingy where teachers get together to setlle who retain and who gets promoted. I hope no one gets retained and if someone does, I don't know. But today is soooo boring but thanks to Cinemax, HBO, Star Movies, I'm kinda entertained with movies. There were X-men, Monster House, Saving Private Ryan and more and because of this, I forgot to eat lunch! Haha, one more step to my jian fei-ing progress. Then went to cook dinner, cook some beancurd and it tasted great hah. Then here now! Ok there's school tomorrow, thank god haha since we're doing SPA.... Yum yum ok don't get wrong meaning, SPA = Science Practical Exam ok haha. Ok that's all then. See ya!
Lalalalalalalalalala I'm bored
Lalalalalalalalalala I'm bored
Sunday, 19 October 2008
New skin finally!
Hey people, I've got a new skin finally. I love it so much but errr... I couldn't find my dashboard anywhere weird eh? Ok anyway I''m so happy coz.... I actually changed the skin by myself! Haha usually I'll ask Annabel for help but this time... I did it all ALONE hohoho. Ok there are some reasons why I choose this skin. First, I love beach, especially blue beaches. Secondly, it represents my theme of escape. Thirdly, this is where I wanna go all my life, and I'm just hoping that I can go to such places one day. Alright enjoy!
Life don't really sucks I guess
Life don't really sucks I guess
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Life is full of irony
Yo, today is a soooooooooooooooooooooooo boring day man, I went out with sis but after that zzzzz haha. I wanted to go out with Ah meng and co to buy Jes' present but I went out with my sis (Sorry >< I always go out with her every weekend) but anyway, I gave my part of the present so yeah. Then spent the rest of the afternoon watching TV which I ended up sleeping coz the movie was kinda boring. Then went to eat in a HK cafe at sunset way for dinner, damn yummy, damn feeling haha. Alright I feel like talking this so maybe I shall share it here. Yes, life is so full of irony. In some part of our life, there WILL always be irony and well honestly it's kinda hard to actually realise that these parts of our life is an irony but when you realised it, it will just make you smile. I guess it's part of the symphony don't you think so? Alright I guess I'm going to stop here. Chao!
I want a new blog skin.....
I want a new blog skin.....
Friday, 17 October 2008
Yeow! Today was a slack-and-art-and-reveal-and-fun-and-sadness-day for us. So well today we went through some paper, or maybe one paper only. Then went to an STD talk and I swear I'm not going to do sex! (Except with my wife)..... And to whoever reads this, please follow me too haha! After that we went to Biennale 2008, which I found out is an art festival that is held in Singapore once every two years (That's what Biennale means anyway). After and when seeing the exhibit, I was truely amazed and inspired by these wonderful artists! It's like whenever I see a piece and I will go "Oh yeah I didn't know that" "OMG this is so cool!" "Wow I didn't think of that!" and more...
Here are some pic, I love lots of the exhibits but I'm just going to show the pics that I love!

"Stone to Fill the Sky" by Zhan Wang from China. There's a magnificent story behind this and it's truely inspirational!

"Beauty and the Beast" by Rashid, Layla Juma A. Another beautiful piece for me haha. It's actually made out of chewing gum!

"Hair Salon" By Erlich, Leandro from Argentina. Well when I stepped into this room, I thought these "mirrors" are really mirrors! But....

Last but not least, "Felice Varini Project: "Drill Hall", Singapore Biennale 2008 S.S.V.F.H.Q 1931 Building" By Felice Varini from Switzerland and is currently living andworking in France. Love this one a lot!
Ok here are random pictures....

Toilet Cubicles lol Lets enter the exhibition hall....
Alright, that's all folks, I have other pics but hmm lazy to put them here haha. I want the class photo! But gonna post it as soon as I get the photos from Mrs Lee/Annabel/Wei Lun. Alright Chao!
Here are some pic, I love lots of the exhibits but I'm just going to show the pics that I love!

"Stone to Fill the Sky" by Zhan Wang from China. There's a magnificent story behind this and it's truely inspirational!

"Beauty and the Beast" by Rashid, Layla Juma A. Another beautiful piece for me haha. It's actually made out of chewing gum!

"Hair Salon" By Erlich, Leandro from Argentina. Well when I stepped into this room, I thought these "mirrors" are really mirrors! But....

Last but not least, "Felice Varini Project: "Drill Hall", Singapore Biennale 2008 S.S.V.F.H.Q 1931 Building" By Felice Varini from Switzerland and is currently living andworking in France. Love this one a lot!
Ok here are random pictures....

Toilet Cubicles lol Lets enter the exhibition hall....
Alright, that's all folks, I have other pics but hmm lazy to put them here haha. I want the class photo! But gonna post it as soon as I get the photos from Mrs Lee/Annabel/Wei Lun. Alright Chao!
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Over then
Whew, today I get the rest of the results:
Bio - 76/100
Lit - 76/100
Chinese - 57/100 (I failed my paper 2 T_T)
SS - 78/100
Combined Humans - 77/100
That's all then.... And somehow I get lots of 76 so I decided to make it my favourite number now :P
Ok see you again haha, "meeting" in progress!
What more do you want...
Bio - 76/100
Lit - 76/100
Chinese - 57/100 (I failed my paper 2 T_T)
SS - 78/100
Combined Humans - 77/100
That's all then.... And somehow I get lots of 76 so I decided to make it my favourite number now :P
Ok see you again haha, "meeting" in progress!
What more do you want...
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
6 down, 4 more to go!
Yo, back to blog and today I received 6 of my results from 6 subjects (duh? haha). Ok so here goes!
EL- Total SA2 - 68 - Total whole year - 68 (TOTALLY NOT SATISFIED)
Emath - 86 (I didn't believe myself that I passed EM paper 2)
Amath - 83 (I didn't believe this either)
Physics - 75.5 (Thanks to Mr Goh!!!!! And Sherman! And Jie Long! And whoever taught me ok!)
Chemistry - 76 (Thanks to Mdm Ng and whoever taught me again!)
History - 76 (Ok A1 but Mr Andy talked to me like as if I did my SS super BADLY)
Ok that's all for the info and overall? Ok I'm sorry to say but "Partially not satisfied!". Ok after school went to tomorrow's interview briefing and yeah, we are chosen to be interviewed by some HOD's from other school and whew boy I'm so scared haha. After that went to band and I'm UTEERLY speechless. When I entered the bandroom? It's like "1 2 3 4 5 6..... 12!" people only? Gosh it's so grrrrr. Haiz honestly, we really need people to come for band again. C'mon, SYF is like 5.5 months away? And we still have breaks and holidays? And looks like we're left for like 3-5 months? And we haven't even practised the pieces fully yet and we still have the unknown set piece coming? Ok I'm not any leader of the band but my point of view is that what a band needs is the passion of the members towards band and its music. You can't really just leave the band like that, I mean it's your CCA... Ok why am I saying this? Whatever ok byeee...
4 more to go.... And I'm still FREAKING OUT!
EL- Total SA2 - 68 - Total whole year - 68 (TOTALLY NOT SATISFIED)
Emath - 86 (I didn't believe myself that I passed EM paper 2)
Amath - 83 (I didn't believe this either)
Physics - 75.5 (Thanks to Mr Goh!!!!! And Sherman! And Jie Long! And whoever taught me ok!)
Chemistry - 76 (Thanks to Mdm Ng and whoever taught me again!)
History - 76 (Ok A1 but Mr Andy talked to me like as if I did my SS super BADLY)
Ok that's all for the info and overall? Ok I'm sorry to say but "Partially not satisfied!". Ok after school went to tomorrow's interview briefing and yeah, we are chosen to be interviewed by some HOD's from other school and whew boy I'm so scared haha. After that went to band and I'm UTEERLY speechless. When I entered the bandroom? It's like "1 2 3 4 5 6..... 12!" people only? Gosh it's so grrrrr. Haiz honestly, we really need people to come for band again. C'mon, SYF is like 5.5 months away? And we still have breaks and holidays? And looks like we're left for like 3-5 months? And we haven't even practised the pieces fully yet and we still have the unknown set piece coming? Ok I'm not any leader of the band but my point of view is that what a band needs is the passion of the members towards band and its music. You can't really just leave the band like that, I mean it's your CCA... Ok why am I saying this? Whatever ok byeee...
4 more to go.... And I'm still FREAKING OUT!
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
School is starting.... I mean results are coming...
Whew, today as usual, went to see my cousins again cause' we forgot to pass the the CD that my father wants to my aunt, so have to give it to them today. Then had lunch together and then my aunt went back to Indo after that, coming back here again in December. I spent my afternoon sleeping, I don't know why but I am freaking sleepy.... Slept from 4-7 then woke up and cooked dinner. You know what? I ate this fried-chillies that my sis brought from Indo. It is DAMN delicious I tell you but also FREAKING SPICY!!! I ate that with rice and my stomach is like burning like hell now, like there's an inferno in my stomach. Uh oh, I hope that I won't have hot-shit tomorrow lol. And hope the inferno turns to heaven by tonight! Ok I'm getting my results this week, as I have said, I am looking forward to it, but also don't want to look at them. Ok if the tests are our enemies, then the results are their lords. So conclusion? The war is not over yet and this time it's not up to your brain... But to your heart whether you, or the results will win the war... Ok Crap I don't know why am I talking this but I'M FREAKING OUT FOR MY RESULTS! Ok that should summarise everything? Ok see you soon. Chao
Results.... I love you
Results.... I love you
Monday, 13 October 2008
Yay! Chromatics are loved
Yoohoo haha, here I am again. Today is a so so day, went to Orchard for lunch with sis (she just came back to Singapore yesterday) and then met my cousins again after that and... I BOUGHT THE NEW iPOD CHROMATIC! And it's damn freaking cool but damn freaking small and fragile (?). Well anyway I bought this cause my old ipod kinda spoil, it has this krssssss zzzzkrkrsksxxx sound whenever most of the songs are playing. Well yeah you may find it "It's just a minor fault" but when you listen to songs for hours (especially me, who listens to long, classical/band songs) it's damn irritating, and it sometimes hurts your ear when listening to it. Anyway I'm contented with it but kinda regret buying the black colour, even though I was so against buying another colour when I was buying it. I wanted to buy green but as I stared into it for a long time, I felt kinda err haha. Ok whatever. Tomorrow gonna meet my aunt again, and I promised my little cousin to swim with her in the hottle again haha. Ok I wanna sleep... See ya chao!
I want my results! But I also don't want to see it. Gahh Life.....
PS: To Annemarie and Annabel: Long Live CLASSICALS!!!!!
I want my results! But I also don't want to see it. Gahh Life.....
PS: To Annemarie and Annabel: Long Live CLASSICALS!!!!!
Saturday, 11 October 2008
I love exams now
Yo let's post about today... Ok as I have planned, I slept at 2 last night watching TV haha and woke up at 11 today! Haha. Then ate my lunch, watched some TV shows until about 4 then left to meet my aunt. My cousin is going to study in Singapore and the government is holding this test for international students to take part and from the results, they can go to the schools they can go to. All the best to him then! After meeting them we went to Plaza Sing for dinner at Ajitei, then we went to Pacific City. Looks like I'm buying a new ipod wheeee haha. And it's going to be chromatics! I saw them just now and they are uber-super-freaking cool and slim... But nevetheless, overall it's good. Then I went to Yamaha by myself to look for new scores or other things. Well they look like they're renovating I hope they are not moving somewhere coz the place is like getting smaller. Then we went walk walk and then home. Sigh you know what, I now prefer exam days... Where I sould use this time to study instead of blogging haha. Ok whatever I wanna go off. See ya
Life ooohhhh Life haha
Life ooohhhh Life haha
Friday, 10 October 2008
Oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes times ten to the power of 8! It's OVER! the much DREADED exams which have been killing me. I can't believe it but I actually didn't touch my comp for 6 consecutive days! I was like busily studying like no one's business, and keep telling myself get away from computers.... Cause' that button is gonna kill me. Well I TOTALLY have no CONFIDENCE in every paper, no faith no optimism nothing! But well it was my first time feeling confident after doing my Physics, thanks Mr Goh! Well today was supposed to be a slack day but Alyssa and me were chosen to be the in charge of today's graduation ceremony. Thankfully it all went 97% perfectly, there were some hiccups etc... And some sec 2's were GRRRRRRR couldn't focus at all, so I did shout at them but sorry anyway, I lost my temper VERY rapidly when I'm stressed and in a noisy surrounding like just now. Well I heard someone failed Emath paper 2.... Maybe it's me? Maybe not? I'm not sure so yeah ok whatever, I just have to belive in myself yeah? Ok I'm so so so going to SLACK tonight to repay the braincells that got killed during the last two weeks. Ok see ya!
I don't know, really. If it is true, why can't you tell me?
I don't know, really. If it is true, why can't you tell me?
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Yo everyone, I'm back again.... And well sounds more dead! Decided to blog before I start my Bio revision. Ok exam update! Friday was SS and Emaths paper 2 and it's a TOTAL DISASTER. I've lost like 10 marks plus for EM paper and SS I'm afraid that I did not have a good linkage (as usual). I don't know really now I can't do anything just to hope that I didn't really lose so many marks. After exam was the usual studying in library program haha. Library was noisy in the beginning, couldn't really study. Then Ms Solastri came and it became so quiet, thank God haha. Then we decided to study after Ms Solastri gave some students a lesson, but some people didn't really study haha, I'm gonna post some pics for you to see.
A big group of people studying.... And look Min jia is like laying down her head all the time haha
Lookss like Waiyee is praying for something?

Drew some music notes even though I don't know whether it's playable

And Waiyee drew an image of Denise, quite cool eh?
Ok that's all for the pics and posts, Gotta study Bio, see ya!
I wish I could turn back time....

A big group of people studying.... And look Min jia is like laying down her head all the time haha

Lookss like Waiyee is praying for something?

Drew some music notes even though I don't know whether it's playable

And Waiyee drew an image of Denise, quite cool eh?
Ok that's all for the pics and posts, Gotta study Bio, see ya!
I wish I could turn back time....
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Hey people... I'm back... Just to blog for a little while... Cause' I need a BREAK! Haha ok I know I sound so dead but too bad, welcome to EXAM! Let me tell you about my past papers for this week. EL paper one, totally screwed my composition but essay writing was okay. CL paper one, quite good I think but found a mistake. EL paper two, looks like I'm dead for summary, hope my target of getting an A2 for EL comes true please??? Ok just done my revision for SS, I have been studying SS since like 12 P.M. Then yesterday I revised for History and I LOVE Stalin or should I love Hitler? I'm not sure really. I'm going to revise Emath soon, doing some of the papers and exercises. Anyway I wanna share ya'll a song by Groove Armada, it's called At the Tiver. Ironically, I've been searching for this song for errr...5 years! Since I was in P5. It was used as a background song in a Condominium advertisement back then, now I heard it again in a documentary advertisement in Arts Central and I knew this is the same old song I have been looking for. And what's funny is, the lyrics of the song goes "If you're fond of sand dunes and salty air...." And I actually typed it "If you find a sand dew and salty air" Funny huh, looks like I have to improve on my listening. You can check the song out at Youtube, I find the video quite cool too though! Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KyPpHuIXZo and I must say that this is a GREAT song to CHILL after revisions, it works! Really. Ok I gotta go, see ya!
Fell much better after blogging, seems like my stress is passed to this dread blog.
Fell much better after blogging, seems like my stress is passed to this dread blog.
Friday, 26 September 2008
Die, dieing, dead haha
Whew, so.... ARGH lets get panicky everyone! It's only 3 more days to SA2!!! Time to party whoo hoo! Ok nevermind, I'm nuts. Today rained heavily in the morning and it's very COLD and I'm loving it haha. Then eveything went normal, just that I felt so sleepy when I was studying in library just now, so I'm so going to take a break today, did not really have a good night rest this week (mugging hahaha). Then went to eat Sumo with Ade and MF, then up tp Big book shop to buy some stuff, Ade will lend me her popular card tomorrow hahaha, I'm looking for MF's book by the way, it's kinda cool. Ok I wanna bathe and have a good night rest, maybe study Chemistry a little. Alright see you!
One thing I love about exams, studying. One thing I hate about exam, competition. Conclusion? ENJOY EXAMS! Good luck guys! :]
One thing I love about exams, studying. One thing I hate about exam, competition. Conclusion? ENJOY EXAMS! Good luck guys! :]
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Yo~ this blog is dead? No? Ok let me post again, anyway I'm kinda free and I guess I gotta take a break from all those revising and studying. Well today normal again, and we had fire drill! Honestly, the basketball court is NOt the perfect place to assemble, not only it is SEARING hot but it's also BOILING there. Anyway, after fire drill went to SC room to celebrate Ms Foo's birthday so happy birthday Ms Foo! Then had Chinese oral examination and I'm SO going to flunk it. I stumbled over hundreds of words but I feel I did pretty well for conversation. Then headed for library to study with the usual gang, Annabel and Brenda came for a while then head home and htey distrubed me! Taking my pictures while studying LOL ok whatever haha. Jolene and Shaula joined too, and we studied till 5, and I managed to finish half of my Chem paper. Oh we had Amath test too just now, and again I'm going to flunk it... Hope not for SA2. Shi bai shi cheng gong zhi mu so yeah. Ok I wanna cook now, so see ya I guess!
Knowledge, something to be shared. Something to be taught. Not to show off, I guess?
Knowledge, something to be shared. Something to be taught. Not to show off, I guess?
Saturday, 20 September 2008
Overstuffed brain = explode? Overstuffed maths = Good result hell yeah
Yo~ didn't really blog since Wednesday eh? Alright that's because I was busy studying and doing MATHS homework, Mr Sia is really pushing us to the limit! Ok you see, we just finished our CTSS paper and tadah! Jurong Sec paper and one day after he gave out JSS paper and tadah! Kranji AM paper and tadah! Another proving identities worksheet. Seriously i LOVE and ADORE maths now haha. Well since Thurday I've been staying back in school to study and do homework with Jes, MF and Wei Qi, Carmen joined us on Friday. Also had Physics extra lesson on Fri and thanks to Mr Goh, my confidence in Physics increased (Ok just keep on increasing please....). Then today had Math and Lit extra lesson. Math was ok and I didn't fall asleep! It's a total miracle cause' I actually slept at 2.30 AM XD. Then Lit was very very fun! Well even though we didn't really do well as compared to the other groups as we have little points and the points are on the surface but I feel that we're the most funnest group! everyone laughed at our Noose literature style and Ms Manjit even wants us to present to the whole Sec 4 next year!!! OMG I really have no idea of how this can work but this is our chance (for 3e1'08) to shine yeah? Ok I wanna do English, see ya. Chao
Made a sad compo, even me myself feel sad about it haha
Made a sad compo, even me myself feel sad about it haha
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Blue sky
Yo~ again, today was normal again, but it's rather freaking hot, I've been sweating like madddd today (blame it all on the global warming contributors! [Including me]). So well had fun furing PE today but the bad news is, looks like my anemia is acting up again. I was like so dizzy during PE and what's worst was that I suddenly felt like swaying during Physics, even though I was like sitting still. I have to eat more red meat I guess. Then Basics, history and SS and well kinda freaked out to know how much time we have for both SS and Hist paper. NIGHTMARE. Then went for Math extra lesson and everyone was basically falling asleep.... Well it's a natural event since our blood glucose level dropped at 4 P.M. of course you'll feel sleepy since there's no enough glucose that goes to your brain. Went home, too tired and fell asleep. Have dinner and now here I am. Ok I wanna do my homework. Shee you!
Blue sky above me, wish my life were like a blue sky, filled with freedom.
PS: Wont be blogging as often cause I'm going to have a dte with my baobei exams soon, for 2 weeks!
Blue sky above me, wish my life were like a blue sky, filled with freedom.
PS: Wont be blogging as often cause I'm going to have a dte with my baobei exams soon, for 2 weeks!
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Life sucks
Yo today normal again, all went well.... Nothing special really happened. After school Kelvin and me decided to stay in school to do our homework+revise. Worked well actually, "finished" Amath and finished Physics MCQ even though we were doubtful for some questions. Went home and met Ah gong and Nic, so me and Ah Yeo went home together, thank for accompanying me to Mac and Big Bookshop haha. Then went home, rest and ate my mac, bathe and tadah! Well something happened after I went home, kinda private so I don't wish to talk about it. But this think makes me think how suck life is, again. Ok never mind I wanna do my homework soon so chao!
When a symphony is ruined, so is the song played.
When a symphony is ruined, so is the song played.
Monday, 15 September 2008
Yo~ Ok today was kinda ok, rained pretty heavily in the morning, luckily I didn't fell asleep in any class haha. Kicked the day with Chinese and somehow it was kind of hilarious cause' we were writing a compo about global warming. I was trying to be as scientific as possible, but using Chinese laguage! Can you imagine how hard is that? Can you translate irregular weahter pattern? Irregular growth of crops at different countries which led to starvation? Well did my best and finished it. Then the rest of the day went quite smoothly, had Bio test today and I'm so going to flunk it. Then aftre school, went for the last Lit meeting before tomorrow's presentation. Went home and took a nap (cause' I slept only for 4 hours yesterday). While doing lit script and powerpoint... my itunes wen haywire and i LOST ALL MY BELOVED CLASSICAL SONGS/BAND SONGS. DAMN YOU ITUNES! Okay sorry but I got soooo irritated cause' this is like not the first time this shit happens. Damn! Ok I wanna continue my literature cause' I wanna watch part 2 of Ennio Morricone in Arts central!! Hope I can catch Gabriel's Oboe. Chao!
Please, ask me for help when necessary ONLY
Please, ask me for help when necessary ONLY
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Studying mood
So, started the day at 9.30... Took a bath, then yi bian study and yi bian eat breakfast. I am so glad that I'm in a very studying mood today, and I hope that I will be like this yesterday. Study till 12, stopped for one hour, then continue again till 3.30, then stopped at 4.30, then went out with my sis. Reached home at 8, cooked dinner and I found out that Chorizo sausages are like soooooo delicious! Ate that with cucmber and again, without rice haha. Washed dishes after that, play piano for a while then here! I wanna take a baths oon and then I shall chiong all my Maths homework but actually I have two choices, either chiong my homework or continue with my Emath revision so I'm still not sure. Anyway 17 more days to SA2 and I'm like still afraid, I'm still going to revise intensely till I'm 100% (which of course is impossible but nothing is impossible) sure about my subjects, nevertheless, I'm still hunting for the top 5/10 position in my class. Wish me luck guys!
I get moodswings easily these days....
I get moodswings easily these days....
Friday, 12 September 2008
18 more days
Yo, today was ok.... Raining in the morning, perfect time to sleep! Hahaha. Then after school I went to gather my Lit project for meeting and to tell Annabel's good idea haha, you shall see it on Tue. Then chionged Amath with Sherman, Neal, Soon Hong, and Meng Fung was odd one out, she did Physics since she finished it. Then went home, went to Thai Express for dinner with sis, do lit and then here. Anyway, was surfin Youtube and accidentaly found this Japanese school band and they rocked totally!!!! OMG haha, I wish TSMB can be like them, any TSMB'ians please look at the video to see how playing with emotions can make a great impact to the song! Please! Haha here's the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0v9yLJ6e4c for those of you who is interested to watch please do so, the song isn't bad at all, it's called River Dance. You should know this if you watch Michael Flatley's Lord of the Dance. Ok I wanna bathe, chao!
Physics.... I want to get an A!!!!
Physics.... I want to get an A!!!!
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