Time, is an amazing piece of mystery.
Photography by Yours Truly
Time does fly quickly!
Whew, I finally reached back home now in Singapore. Feeling really tired, sad. You know the after-going-back blues, but well I'm kind of glad that I'll be starting school tomorrow too. So at least the blues will stop really quickly. Since I'll be occupied with things.
The journey was alright, just that had a super long jam just outside of the airport. It's seriously long, that I had no chance of eating before flying back cause I'm running out of time. The flight was alright too, just that it was a little bit bumpy cause of the turbulence.
Alright, just a short post tonight cause I'm really tired. Gonna bathe and hit the sack. See ya then! I'm really excited for tomorrow. :)
He's discharged! Yay. Thank God. :)
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