Life is complicated. But it's fun, really.
Photography by Yours Truly
Rubik's cube courtesy of Ito
Today was my frist day of the classes of my DPA programme. Today was fun! We learnt about product design and guess what, we were assesed on our CA1 on our first day of lesson. How awesome? Well so basically we were supposed to design a new product. I am grouped with Candy, Gary and Danson.
We designed this "Doodle Shirt" or a shirt in which you can draw/design a shirt in any way you want. Wash it again, draw it again and so on. I feel it was a great idea... Until the critics or our other peers critic on us! It was really fun though, especially when we question/shoot the other group with questions. Fun, "fierce" and funny at the same time.
Went to SMA with the other for the incident report. While the rest went to Mac for dinner, I decided to go home with Russ cause I'm really tired, with the fact that I reached home at midnight last night. But I hopped by Big Book Shop to buy some things and then bought dinner as well.
Hmm, I don't know whether I should unpack tonight, but well see first. Most probably yes. Alright then I suppose, see ya! And may y be meeting with Neal and the rest on Friday. Can't wait! Hope we can meet up, long time no talk already. Okay see ya!
It feels weird to start my classes in poly. I'm getting used to it though.
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