Imagine living in desolation and loneliness.
Photography by Yours Truly
Wouldn't it suck?
Hey people! (Wow I used hey instead of hello LOL). Today I met again with my super awesome Boa Boa group! Well I would like to apologise for being late haha! Thankfully I'm not like the last one to be late, Russel was haha. But I'm seriously touched with the group's unity for waiting for the two of us and like saying all late is better than one late! Awesome~
Anyway today we went to do some sort of CIP work by helping Yuhua CDC to give out a goodies bag to the elderly around there. So I was grouped with Desiree, Debra and Adele. We went to around 5? 6? Houses and gave out the goodies bag. Some were okay because they understood Chinese, while some can only talk Hokkien, and others can speak English!
It was really fun and sad at the same time to give them these goodies. Fun in a sense that some of the elderly wqere really friendly and funny. Like the first ah mah and ah gong we visited, the ah ma has dementia so she persisted to give us food and drink! While the ah gong was telling a story to us about his acitivties in the PAP while he was young. Can you believe it? He showed me his membership card which was signed by Mr Lee Kuan Yew! OMG We even took picture!
Then it's sad to know that some of them live alone, either being taken care by a maid or they really live alone. And the good thing is that some of them (like the first couple) are visited by their children like once a week. While others told us that they rarely visited them. Isn't it sad? Living a desolate and lonely life alone? Then all of us were discussing about this and Desiree was so against the idea of abandoning parents. Oooh, a soft side to Desiree! Despite of her ra-ra ness :P
Then we headed back to have lunch and then we wanted to go out but I couldn't make it cause I'm meeting my friend in the afternoon. So Mavis and me took 99 to Clementi and then we went on our own ways of course. And then home sweet home!
Alright tomorrow, yet another day to meet with Boa Boa. I hope I won't be late tomorrow! Anyway found another route to SP which I hope it's a faster one so yeah. Alright see ya then!
Sometimes, movies are like reality.
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