Photography by Yours Truly
But no, I don't think I can.
Whew, one week is gone now, quite quickly don't you think so? It's been a week since I'm back here in Singapore and it's been a week since my DPA GEMS module started. Really fast. Perhaps it's with the fact that in my classes, there's no clock. And without clocks, life seems to go much faster, like as I've previously mentioned.
Anyway today is the last day of my GEMS module... For this week. Um like duh haha. Alright anyway we did Facts and Lies about everyday data. Some told me it's confusing with the fact that I'll be working with the mean median mode. And yes to me it sounds like one thing, MATH. But well uhh, not really. It's actually fun. I teamed up with Candy, Mavis and Rahul. We split the job up and yeah so it's fun. And it's not that hard.
The class ended an hour earlier for us cause of our efficient job haha. Justin's group even finished their work in less then an hour I think. After class went to play Basketball with Candy, Thwe Ni, Jun Ting, Kennedy, Gary, Rahul and Justin. We (Candy, Gary/Joel?, Justing and me) won but it was a close one. 18/20 I think.
Then it rained and we gotta stop. After cooling off for like 20 minutes or so, Russ and I headed off first.
Met with Neal, Jes, Ade and Meng Fung at Sakae in Clementi. Ate really really a lot. And we played open number to choose the people who will eat like the remaining amount of food. Anyway it's a good time, since it's been long since we've met. And we're planning to meet again in April! Yeah.
Alright that's all for today. Currently I'm feeling really HOT. It's freaking hot, I don't know if it's me, the weather or what but it's hot. Even in my room, yes with the aircon. Well the weather is hot but I'm not sure why. Okay ciao!
I'll carry the guilt. Wherever I go.
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