A face of solemnity
Photography by Yours Truly
Taken at Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern in Sweden
Hello people, today was alright I guess? Yup and was "fresh" the whole day. Why? I slept for 12 hours yesterday. No no no, not 12 hours straight but nah let me tell you the full story.
I reached home at about 5.30 and as usual I watched the Simpson! Then I fell asleep while watching it and I just woke up at 11.30, that is around 5.5 hours of sleep. Then I packed my bag and thankfully I have finished my homework so... I sleep again! Until 6.30 so total? About 12 hours yup.
So that's the reason why I was feeling very freshened up today. And as for my sickness, I feel alright except for the coughing and this ulcer under my tongue, gahhhh. Anybody has any suggestions and recommendations on cough medicine? Hehe
Anyway tomorrow is Chinese Listening Compre O level! I am so goddamn excited! I hope I'll do well, cmon ears, you can do it!
Alright I guess that's all, still have homework waiting for me. Lovely. Alright see ya!
It's the thing I call, life.
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