The sky of eternal freedom.
Photography by Yours Truly
Taken inside the plane! On my way to Norway.
Hello, what a beautiful Sunday isn't it? Haha, well today was alright, we went to East Coast Park like suddenly. It was just "Hey lets go to ECP!" and there we go.
Anyway spent the afternoon doing my homework. Amazingly I finish my EM paper two (I time myself) within like one hour and fifteen minutes. I broke my record! Haha. Just that my graph is very weird. So I guess speed is not the key, it's useless if you speed and you get your answers wrong.
Then went to eat lunch with sis and cousin, that's when the East Coast Park idea pops out. My cousin was bored so he asked whether we wanna go out somewhere. Then I looked outside and I just suddenly say "Lets go ECP!" And ECP here we go. But my sis' friend joined us too.
Then in ECP, in fact whenever I go to ECP, there are always weird or irritating people. One is this two guys who were cyclin with the double bike. My cousin and I were cycling when suddenly we hear "Excuse me!!!!!" and then we shift to the left, and the two guys just cycled pass us. It's like they just want to take over us? What....?
Then we're determined to just take over them and we do, and they're like surprised. Haha take that! Then another is this guy. I think primary school or Sec 1/2. He just like simply cycled on even though in fron of him there were me, and a few other people. If my cousin stopped, he could have crashed onto my cousin. Some people are just weird...
Then we ate dinner and head home. I'm so tired now and I still have a lit prose to do. Great... Nah I'll do it by tonight. Yup. Alright I guess that's all for the day. See ya then
Sea breeze, peace in the heart, calm in the soul.
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