Presenting the United ipod colours of 4E1! :D
Materials by Annabel, Brenda, Rachel,
Wei Lun and Me. Chew Huan joining soon perhaps.
Photography by Yours Truly
Can you spot a difference?
Hello people, today was hmm okay. Well looks like we'll stay in the homeroom again for another week or two? I'm not sure. If you ask me whether I prefer the homeroom system or the present system, I would prefer the present system haha.
Well firstly, we wouldn't waste time to travel from classes to classes, which of course takes time and energy! I mean put it this way, isn't it better for one person to move (the teacher) than w bunch of 37 students moving at the same time? I don't know. As I said, it's just my personal view haha.
Hmm there's nothing much to talk about today, but hey let me share you a new thing I do now. Reading books. Well in the past I read books like SUPER DUPER once in a lifetime kind of routine. If there's an interesting book, I'll buy it. If there isn't, I won't bother buying any. Or even reading any.
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Take it this way, I finished reading two books this month, and another last month. I mean I took like at least a month to finish a book usually, but now I took like what, one or two weeks? But it all depends on the thickness and content of the book.
If it's thin and fun, I can read it in one or three days. If it's thick and boring, maybe a month haha, if it's thin and boring, maybe two weeks?
Alright I guess that's all for today, just sharing something I love now haha. I know sometimes I can get pretty lame and random. But that's the way I am eh? I don't know.
Sometimes I wonder, whether I should just be alone. Wandering like a lone wolf.
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