Anyway yeah I'm feeling better today. I think I should owe my thanks to this medicine my sis bought in Indo, it's like a fever medicine. I ate it on last night's midnight and... The next day (today) I feel much much better. My fever dropped (the last time my temp was 37.1) but I still have my sore throat, and a little cough.
Oh yeah I was touched too, my sis and cousins surprised my on Friday on twelve midnight! With a cake! Haha. And something else too... Super shocking one....

Yeah the cake itself is a shocking one, cause I was watching TV and suddenly my sis and cousins popped out with a birthday cake but there's one more....

Yes, it's an ipod touch!!!!
My sis bought it as my present! Oh my God lah this is so surprising and shocking and flabbergasting and astonishing and heart blowing and this is one of the best gifts I have ever received in my life! Wow ipod touch! OMG OMG
Anyway yeah that's the highlight I get from my 17th birthday, apart from my sickness. So well I'm kind of sad, because I just got reminded myself about my... HOMEWORK. How many tons of homework I have... A lot!
Alright I guess that's all for today and yesterday. See you then!
You know what? Stop pissing me off
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