If life were a cup of coffee, wouldn't it be nice?
Photography by Yours Truly
Taken in Bangkok Airport :P
Whew, finally I'm able to touch my computer and blog! Told you I'm kind of addicted to blogging, just two days of not blogging and I already feel "weird". Well this week is a hmm I would say fruitful week? Cause we had test every single day of the week. Cool eh.
Right today had Math extra lessons. Well it looks like we're going to have tests every extra lesson, so it's like a good practice I suppose. The paper one was alright I think? But I hate vectors, rah, well not really the whole chapter, just one part of it.
Homework are piling up too, it's like we have homework everyday? Or maybe like every weekend? I don't know whether it's good or not. One thing good is that we can revise at the same time. One thing bad, we need more time management.
Well hmm I've been "reminiscing" about the past. Somehow I just have this thoughts of the past, and what's weird is that it is all linked to, MUSIC! I just suddenly think of this melody that just pops out in my mind.
It can be like super old songs, old songs, not so old songs, not so new songs you know. Like now, Robbie Williams' Millennium is in my mind. And this Japanese song which I heard in MTV like how many months ago.
Anyway I think that's all for today. Let me tell you something. I'm stressed and I'm pissed. Don't ask me why but yeah, I'm stressed and pissed. Haha! Okay see ya then
You know what, I don't think it's funny, I don't think it's right. I think it's just ridiculous. You're just...
PS: I can upload photo! Finally!
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