The sunset tells a thousand stories.
Photography by Yours Truly
It's just a bliss watching this!
Hello people! Finally I'm able to blog again. Did not blog last night cause I was simply too tired from the Plabuan Ratu trip. And I'll tell you why I'm tired later on okay? So prepare for a long post! I'll summarise everything.
So anyway we headed to Plabuan Ratu (I think I'll call it PR) at like about 10 AM on Sunday (which were supposed to be like 9 AM but who cares! Haha). Reached there at aroun 10 something which is considered quite quickly too right. Went to stop at a beach somewere there and then took some picture which is nice and beautiful. The weather was alright too!
And then we headed to the hotel and had lunch there at which after that we went for a swim before we head to the beach (as a warmup) and yeah. Thank God the weather is all nice and hot and sunny, before it started rainning at around early evening.
In the afternoon to evening we did nothing much but to relax like play cards, chat and more. Very fun yeah? And then I sneaked out alone to watch the sun set and wow I tell you, it was beautiful. Imagine this, a sunset, chillout song, breezy wind and arrrgh! It's just so awesome, beyond words... But anyway everyone got worries because they couldn't find me (sorry!) but anyway I returned and apologise haha.
Then ate dinner and so so, and then I tried to sleep but couldn't... I totally did not sleep from like 12 to 3 or so.. I don't know why. So for a total, I slept only for 3 hours on that night, which is really bad. But I was fresh and up the next morning but got depressed after watching the dark sky... I mean cloudy sky, like as if a storm is going to hit us.
Well it rained from like 6 to 10 or so, but the weather turned nice at 11. The rained stop but the sky was cloudy. So we spent another hour on the beach playing before we head off. And that's about it for my trip. It's a wonderful trip especially with me cousins! They just made the trip so awesome eh.
As for today, went to eat breakfast together with cousins and then went for a... Karaoke session! And then a futsal match. You know, I don't know why but when I play with my cousins, I always play better than I play with other people? Like today I scored like 3-4 goals haha. Which is really nice. Then had dinner together and yup, that's all for today. Can't wait for tomorrow's "dumpling day" cause we're making dumplings!
Okay that's all people! Shall update more. It's 2 more days to the end of 2009 and I'm thinking... Time really flies! Okay see ya and ciao!
The sunset taught me lots of things.
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