Wednesday, 30 December 2009


Hello people! Today was more of a homy day for us. Did nothing much except for the dumpling-making together and of course the most exciting part: Eating them. But after that we did nothing but play cards like tai ti and 7 up. Which is really nice.

Well since there's not much of things to say today, I shall talk about time haha. Well it's better than nothing right?

Well sometimes I feel really weird and amazed on how fast time could fly. It feels amazing and weird and scary at the same time to realise that we only have one more day to end this year. Which to me is one of the most beautiful and exciting year. The O Levels, my last year in Tanglin and yeah. But why does time fly so quickly?

And at the same time I feel weird to why everything ends so quickly when we want it to end slowly. Well except for the Os also haha, who the hell wants O Level to end slowly right? But like my years in Tanglin, in Pei Tong and in Singapore. It's so quick!

Imagine this, 7 years I have spent my life studying in Singapore. And next year? Another new chapter begins, another new chapter awaits. Life in SP would be something new for me. I hope it will be as memorable as my years in Tanglin, or even more.

Well yeah, as I said once, time is an amazing piece of mystery. It's scary and weird at times, but it never fails to amaze you. So now the question is, what is time itself?

Okay that's all for today I think. Tomorrow will be the last day of 2009. Whew, gonna be an exciting one I suppose! Okay ciao!

Time, time time.
PS: Sorry no picture today cause I'm using my sis' laptop

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